My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 109: The first captured gathering place

Although the bullets are a bit expensive, they are still powerful. ░▒▓█►─═  ═─◄█▓▒░Read М

Taiwanese Novel Network→𝒕𝒘𝒌𝒂𝒏.𝒄𝒐𝒎

After Cai Wenjie confirmed that the target had been eliminated from the display screen of the control panel, he put the control lever of the machine gun back to its original position and said to the intercom.

"Okay, I have dealt with the things behind, let's speed back to the gathering area. The sound of the machine gun just now was too loud, and the zombies around should have noticed this place"


As soon as Cai Wenjie finished speaking, he clearly felt that the speed of the vehicle had increased by more than a little. Unfortunately, except for himself and Zhang Fei, the two people who were blinded by the flash bomb later, all the others got on the black knight in front.

Cai Wenjie, who originally wanted to take a closer look at what the Golden Gourd Tribute Tea looked like, had to give up. He sat in the passenger seat and took out his mobile phone. He was just about to watch short videos to kill time.

Nangong Kuo, the father of Nangong Yao and Nangong Yaya, interrupted Cai Wenjie's action. Nangong Kuo grabbed his brother to stabilize his body and asked tremblingly.

"Excuse me, who are you? Where are my wife and children? Are they safe?"

Cai Wenjie looked at the man who was asking questions with his eyes closed and his body facing the front seat through the rearview mirror, and asked in confusion.

"Didn't Zhang Fei tell you?"

Cai Wenjie turned his head to look at Zhang Fei

"They didn't ask me anything?"

Zhang Fei, who was concentrating on driving, turned his head and said with an innocent expression

Cai Wenjie felt something was wrong. No wonder these people were still trembling. It turned out that they didn't know what happened.

Cai Wenjie was speechless. He could only briefly explain to Nangong Kuo and his brother what had just happened, apologized and greeted them for blinding their eyes with flash bombs, and promised to arrange for doctors to treat their eyes after returning to the gathering place.

Can the Nangong Kuo brothers blame Cai Wenjie? No! Should I say dare to blame? I could only thank him hurriedly.

"Thank you, sir, thank you for saving our family from those man-eating monsters"

After Cai Wenjie comforted him again, he stopped talking and just looked at his phone quietly, scrolling through the short video screen.

Suddenly, Cai Wenjie, who was scrolling through the short video screen, showed a shocked expression, because the news that a large city gathering place was breached was played on the mobile phone screen. ♦♦  ♦♡

The comment area of ​​the short video screen was full of neat sentences.

"May the deceased rest in peace"

The beginning of the short video is that a man is holding a mobile phone and taking pictures of the scene on the city wall not far away. The city wall, which should have countless defensive weapons, now has no one to see, but countless zombies are rampant.

There are also a steady stream of zombies climbing over the city wall and entering the inner test of the gathering place. Countless survivors below are screaming and running around. The soldiers who originally defended the city wall did not abandon the survivors, but fought to the death while defending the city wall, and then were infected by the zombies and became one of the zombies.

Now there are still law enforcement officers composed of police and recruits in the city who are directing the survivors of the gathering place to evacuate to the other side, and they are blocking the front, using police weapons and old weapons to resist the zombies invading the city.

But this temporary defense line did not last long at all. A steady stream of zombies climbed over the city wall and entered the city, exerting pressure on this defense line. In less than a while, the distance between the front zombies and the defense line was less than ten meters.

The last scene of the short video was frozen at the moment when the zombies flooded the last line of defense.

Seeing this, Cai Wenjie frowned. In order to confirm the authenticity of this short video, Cai Wenjie used the system satellite to check the gathering place in the short video.

In less than a while, the system satellite detected the picture of the gathering place in the short video and projected it on the mobile phone screen. The picture was filled with smoke and traces of battles everywhere. The originally solid city wall had collapsed for the most part, and the road was basically full of zombies.

Cai Wenjie continued to zoom in on the picture. There were corpses everywhere on the city wall, and countless zombies were surrounding here. Cai Wenjie also found a large number of bullet shells and shells. Not only were these countless weapons scattered on the ground, but there were also soldiers in combat uniforms wandering around unconsciously.

Of course, if you look closely, you will find that these soldiers are no longer human.

These soldiers are all soldiers defending the city wall. Until they were infected and turned into zombies, they still wandered around the city wall according to their habits before they died, and they had never left their combat positions.

In addition to these, Cai Wenjie also found a place where there were a lot of zombies, and they never left.

After adjusting the screen to that place, Cai Wenjie found that there was actually a medium-sized signal transmission tower, which was dozens of meters high. There was a signal receiver and a group of survivors on the top. It should be said that except for the bottom, there were survivors hanging in any place where they could stand in the tower.

Because it was in the shape of an iron tower, the zombies could not go up at all and could only wander at the bottom, which allowed these survivors to survive until now.

Cai Wenjie saw that the short-view screen was released yesterday, which means that these survivors have been hanging there for a day. Except for the top where they can relax a little, the survivors hanging in other places have only a little bit. There is space to put your feet, and some places don't even have a place to put your feet. If you are not careful, you will fall down and feed the zombies.

Therefore, the surviving people did not dare to relax their vigilance and kept grabbing the places they could to maintain balance and prevent themselves from falling.

Cai Wenjie, who was lamenting how powerful people's desire for survival is, suddenly discovered this scene.

In order to see clearly, Cai Wenjie zoomed in on the screen again and found that there were more than a dozen people on the top of the tower to prevent another group of people from coming up. The space at the top of the tower was very large. Because of the sightseeing circle set up, if the whole station went up, at least a few people could go up. Ten to hundreds of people.

But there were only a dozen people on the top of the tower, and these dozen people were preventing other survivors from climbing up. Because there was no sound in the satellite image, Cai Wenjie could only guess what happened.

Just as Cai Wenjie continued to observe, another shocking picture appeared on the satellite picture. A well-dressed man among the group of people at the top of the tower took out a fire ax and walked straight to the top of the tower. He continued to want to In front of the group of people who climbed to the top of the tower.

Then the ax was raised and fell, and the ax hit the head of the person who was climbing at the front. The remaining group of people who were still trying to climb the stairs to the top of the tower were directly restrained and did not dare to go up again, but were hit by the ax The person who was hit on the head fell straight back after a brief period of stillness.

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