My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 112 Current Situation in Country R

Just as Chu Feng was commanding everyone to unload the cargo, in R country across the sea.

It was still on the rooftop of the school last time. The people who had been taking refuge in three different places were now much less visible to the naked eye.

And the people who were originally trapped on the rooftop were not only staying on the rooftop, but also reclaiming the entire teaching building, and piled up a lot of obstacles at the entrance of the first floor.

The entrance was full of things like desks and tables, blocking the footprints of zombies, and keeping the zombies outside and unable to enter the teaching building.

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The boss of the Kuroda Group, Kuroda Yoshikawa, was commanding his younger brothers and other adults to build obstacles at the back door of the teaching building to prevent the invasion of zombies.

Under the threat of death, the people on the rooftop recognized Kuroda Yoshikawa as their leader, even the group originally composed of students and teachers was no exception.

Even the female teacher who had cried for the death of the two male teachers before, now lies in the arms of Kuroda Yoshikawa and becomes his lover.

The female student who had a crush on the male teacher also questioned the female teacher, why did she do this, and the female teacher's answer was very realistic.

"I don't want to die! Instead of becoming a monster outside, I would rather rely on a strong man to survive!"

The answer is very realistic and in line with human nature.

And he also persuaded his original students in the opposite direction.

"Now the outside world is a real world of cannibalism. We are women. We can't survive on our own, and now the law has lost its deterrent power, which means that men can do whatever they want to us now and no one will come forward. So instead of dragging it to the end and being forced to sacrifice, it is better to find a strong man to sacrifice now to protect your safety, isn't it better?"

Although the words of this female teacher are a bit unpleasant, they do make sense. Many students were moved by the words of this female teacher.

Seeing that her words had an effect on these little girls, the female teacher increased her firepower and continued to persuade.

"Think about it, if you find a man as a talisman, you can also find someone to rely on, and you can also let the man support you, isn't it good?"

This female teacher forced her students to instill her own views. I forgot to say that the full name of this female teacher is Namiki Reiko, 29 years old, with a good figure and a look of more than 80 points. She is a standard beauty.

Some female students were persuaded by Namiki Reiko and began to ask Namiki Reiko to teach them what to do. Of course, not everyone will be moved by Namiki Reiko's words.

Matsuyama Yukiko and Sakai Ami simply ignored Namiki Reiko's words. As two people who have received high-level elite education, they found the problem in Namiki Reiko's words.

Although Namiki Reiko's words sounded fine, once you think about it, you will know that Namiki Reiko's words basically express one meaning.

That is, women cannot survive without the protection of men.

Although the two wanted to refute, they couldn't say anything because the female students around them were already moved by Namiki Reiko's words. If they said anything to refute at this time, it would be particularly conspicuous and special. As mentioned earlier, the social rules of R country are very distorted.

Showing your special talents among a group of mediocre people will not get praise, but exclusion.

The more outstanding people are, the more serious the exclusion they will receive. Only by pretending to be as mediocre as others can you survive in R country.

If you refute at this time, it will not only have no effect on Namiki Reiko, but the two will be excluded, and then naturally you can't survive here.

Seeing that no one jumped out to oppose her, Namiki Reiko seemed very satisfied and said that she would arrange a reliable male partner for each of them. Anyone who has a little thinking ability will know that Namiki Reiko must have been instructed by others to persuade these female students, otherwise she would not be so persistent.

After all, if so many female students who are younger and prettier than herself want to snatch men, it will definitely affect her status.

Yes, that's right. Namiki Reiko was ordered by Kuroda Yoshikawa to persuade these female students to voluntarily become lovers for his subordinates. If they couldn't do it, they would be thrown out to feed the zombies. On the contrary, if they did, they would be rewarded.

Namiki Reiko, who was originally a little afraid of death, didn't dare to resist Kuroda Yoshikawa, so she agreed, and then the scene just now happened.

As for Matsuyama Yukiko and Sakai Ami, although they didn't refute it, they secretly decided in their hearts to hurry up and get out of here. The good news is that Sakai Ami has contacted her grandfather, the Superintendent of Police, and Sakai Ami's grandfather has promised to send air force to rescue the two.

As for when to rescue, Sakai Ami's grandfather gave the time of 12 noon tomorrow, because the only air force now is rescuing high-level people such as members of the National Assembly. If you want to rescue the two, you have to wait until after that. This is when Sakai Ami's grandfather has used his own power.

Previously, Kuroda Yoshikawa used other people's lives to clear out space for a teaching building, and then became a local tyrant here. Because the teaching building contained facilities such as a cafeteria and a canteen, there would be no shortage of food and water for a period of time after clearing out the space in the teaching building.

This is also an important reason why everyone recognizes Kuroda Yoshikawa's position as the leader. As for how to clear these spaces, it is too cruel to talk about it.

Anyway, just know that it took a total of six lives to clear this building.

Now Kuroda Yoshikawa and others have reinforced the obstacles at the door. Kuroda Yoshikawa looked at the watch on his hand and said

"Boys, it's time to go to eat! Go to reinforce another door in the afternoon"


Kuroda's brothers were afraid of the zombies outside, so they could only answer in a moderate voice, and then followed Kuroda Yoshikawa to the cafeteria.

The women and female students in the cafeteria have prepared lunch. Because the ingredients in the cafeteria are quite rich, they are not too stingy when cooking, and the combination of meat and vegetables is very even.

Sakai Ami, Matsuyama Yukiko and other female students are responsible for serving rice and dishes. When the men came to the cafeteria, they took their plates and lined up in a long line.

Moreover, when they were queuing up to get food, several of the men flirted with the female students who were getting food, basically touching their hands and stuff like that. The female students endured the disgust and served the food to the men, putting on fake smiles on their faces to please the men.

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