My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 118 Purchase

"Okay, I promise you, but I hope you can live and fulfill your filial piety."

After hearing that the other party agreed to his request, Cai Wenjie's only worry was also guaranteed. Now he could prepare to eliminate the zombies with peace of mind. Reading

It was already three o'clock in the afternoon when he walked out of the combat meeting room. The leaders of the other two gathering places had already established initial trust. Cai Wenjie's Xinguang gathering place had been recognized as the fourth official gathering place. As long as he could survive the zombie tide of 20,000 zombies, Cai Wenjie could develop his own gathering place with peace of mind.

When Cai Wenjie came out, he had already said hello to Zhou Weiguo. Now he can go directly back to his gathering place. Zhou Weiguo also packed the dedicated communication equipment and sent it to the parking lot. As long as he went over to confirm it, he could load it.

As for Chu Feng, she left the stadium gathering place first. After all, there were other places that needed her, but before leaving, Chu Feng asked someone to bring a message to you, Cai Wenjie.

"I will go to the Xinguang gathering place when I have time, and you can be my tour guide then."

When Cai Wenjie heard this, he shrugged helplessly. After all, he couldn't even guarantee whether his gathering place would still be there at that time.

Cai Wenjie stepped out of the stadium and walked to the parking lot. A strong convoy had already gathered in the parking lot, including four Type 09 infantry fighting vehicles, two VP22 armored personnel carriers, Black Knights and War Guns, as well as a small truck for transporting special communication equipment, and two Z-8 transport helicopters waiting to take off.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Cai Wenjie couldn't help but sigh. After all, a few days ago he was an ordinary person with nothing, but now he has become the commander of a troop and the manager of a brand new gathering place. The identity change is a bit too fast and he feels uncomfortable.

At this time, Song Yi brought Zhang Fei and Shunliu to Cai Wenjie. After standing still, he immediately gave a standard salute and shouted loudly.

"Report! All troops have been assembled! Please give instructions!"

Zhang Fei and Shunliu stood behind Song Yi and saluted Cai Wenjie silently.

"Okay! Let's go home!"


After saying that, Cai Wenjie took the lead and walked towards the Black Knight. Song Yi and others followed Cai Wenjie to the front of the Black Knight and the War Lance. Just like when they came, Song Yi and Cai Wenjie sat in the Black Knight, while Zhang Fei and Shunliu sat in the War Lance.

The difference is that this time the infantry fighting vehicle is the leader of the convoy. Cai Wenjie's Black Knight is in the middle of the convoy, as the protection of the convoy, and the War Lance follows the Black Knight and protects the small truck that has no combat capability.

The order is almost like this, infantry fighting vehicle-infantry fighting vehicle-armored personnel carrier-black knight-war gun-small truck-armored personnel carrier-infantry fighting vehicle-infantry fighting vehicle, and there are two transport helicopters following the convoy above the convoy.

The convoy moved towards the direction of the Xinguang gathering place in this order. On the way back, they also encountered zombies blocking the road, but it basically had no effect on the convoy. At most, the car was stained with black and red blood stains, and it could be washed back.

Cai Wenjie was in the car, looking at the system mall, looking for weapons or props that could kill zombies on a large scale. Soon, Cai Wenjie found several things that looked quite lethal.

The first one was a solid incendiary bomb, also known as an aviation incendiary bomb.

Aviation incendiary bombs mainly use the incendiary agent filled in the bomb body to burn flammable targets such as wooden buildings, cars, ammunition depots, oil depots, and now there is another flammable zombie.

There is an explosive tube in the center of the aviation incendiary bomb, which is filled with a compressed TNT explosive column, and the outside is filled with yellow phosphorus tubes. Lead thermite or napalm is installed between the yellow phosphorus tube and the bomb body.

When the aviation incendiary bomb hits the ground, the fuse first detonates the explosive column, and the explosive gas throws the yellow phosphorus and napalm together to the surroundings of the impact point. The yellow phosphorus has natural chemical properties in the air. When it flies on the surface of the napalm fragments, it naturally ignites the napalm.

As long as the zombies are led to a small and limited space, a firebomb can be fired, and a certain amount of zombies should be eliminated. And you should know that this kind of firebomb is not easy to extinguish. It is difficult to extinguish unless it is burned out.

Cai Wenjie happened to have an armed helicopter, and the firebomb could be installed on the launcher of the armed helicopter.

Cai Wenjie looked at the price and found that the price of a firebomb alone reached 2000 points/shot. You should know that a rocket is only 500 points, and a missile is only 1000 points. This firebomb can be said to be very expensive.

The second one is the Gatling machine gun known as the God of Fire. Basically, there are various calibers, which are very suitable for large-scale personnel killing. Basically, a large area is swept away, but this thing has a fatal weakness, that is, the ammunition is consumed too quickly. Its firing rate is as high as 6000 rounds/minute, which means that 100 bullets are consumed per second.

Except for specific places, it is really unaffordable, but this time in order to eliminate a large group of zombies, Cai Wenjie decided to exchange a few.

By the way, the price of this thing has reached the top of the machine gun price, which is 8,000 points. Not only is the gun expensive, but the bullet consumption is also not vegetarian. It is simply a money-eating beast.

The third one is an automatic grenade launcher, also known as a grenade machine gun.

For example, the Type 87 (QLZ87) automatic grenade launcher equipped by the army can deal with light armored targets within 600m, or cluster targets within 1200m.

The maximum range reaches 1750m, the killing radius is 11m, and the caliber is 35mm. It can be equipped with anti-personnel bombs, armor-piercing anti-personnel bombs and other special grenades. It is also not heavy and can be carried and run at will. It is very maneuverable.

It is also an effective force to deal with large groups of corpses. The most important thing is that this thing is not expensive. The price of a grenade launcher is 2500 points, which can be said to be very cheap. However, the price of ammunition is a little expensive. The price of an ordinary anti-personnel bomb It is 100 points/shot, and the special ammunition is 200 points/shot.

The ammunition capacity of the drum drum is 6 rounds and 15 rounds, which can be selected according to the battlefield conditions.

To be honest, Cai Wenjie actually wanted heavy weapons such as 155mm howitzers, but the system was not sold at all.

He could only settle for this weapon, but it was better than nothing. Cai Wenjie sighed and first purchased 10 rounds of solid incendiary bombs, and then purchased four Gatling machine guns, also known as M134 rapid-fire machine guns. , and 10 grenade launchers.

This alone cost Cai Wenjie almost 60,000 points, not counting ammunition. After buying the ammunition, Cai Wenjie's points once again became a big zero.

In addition to 300 rounds of ordinary anti-personnel grenades, Cai Wenjie also purchased 150 rounds of incendiary grenades. Because incendiary grenades are special ammunition, the price of 150 rounds of incendiary grenades is the same as 300 rounds of ordinary anti-personnel grenades.

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