My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 131 The Second Village

Cai Wenjie and his team came and left quickly. After putting all the food and other things on the bus, Cai Wenjie led his men to evacuate the empty village and set off to the next destination. Read М

Cai Wenjie's plan was to first clean up all the surrounding villages, then eliminate the surrounding towns, and finally slowly consume the zombies in the city.

Soon, the convoy arrived near the second village. This time, the village was not like the previous one. On the contrary, it was the opposite of the previous one. The entire village was basically surrounded by zombies, and zombies wandered aimlessly inside and outside the village.

So this time Cai Wenjie did not let the soldiers get off the bus directly, but stopped the convoy a few hundred meters away from the village, and then ordered on the intercom.

"There are too many zombies in this village. Don't let the soldiers get off the vehicles yet. The infantry fighting vehicles will stop horizontally in front of the village and fire several rounds at the village to clear the zombies at the entrance of the village."


According to Cai Wenjie's order, the infantry fighting vehicles came to the front of the convoy one by one, and fired hot shells directly at the zombies at the entrance of the village according to the order. Among the four infantry fighting vehicles, two were equipped with 105 rifled guns, and the other two were equipped with 30mm machine guns.

As the four infantry fighting vehicles fired at the same time, the zombies in the village hundreds of meters away were instantly buried by the ruthless artillery fire. The 30mm machine gun bullets instantly penetrated the zombies' bodies, and then continued to fly backwards, and continued to penetrate several zombies before exploding.

The zombies hit by the 30mm shells had no ability to struggle at all. Once penetrated, there was a pot-sized hole, and the 30mm machine gun had a firing rate of 450 rounds per minute. Less than a minute after firing, the village had been half destroyed by the shells.

The speed of the 105 rifled gun to clear zombies is not as fast as that of the 30mm machine gun, but for buildings such as houses, it is basically one shot per one, and there are basically no surviving houses.

After the first shot, the zombies noticed the convoy a few hundred meters outside the village and ran towards the convoy like crazy, but before they ran a few steps, they were knocked back as if they hit an invisible wall, and half of their bodies were directly blown away, and the rest of their bodies flew back and hit another zombie.

Even if they were touched by the shells, part of their bodies would be taken away by the shells. In this case, let alone approaching the convoy, they could not even rush to the entrance of the village. No matter how many there were, they could not do anything and were directly suppressed in the village by the artillery fire.

But what are zombies? They don't know pain, nor do they know what it means to be injured. They only know that they are hungry and need to eat flesh and blood. So even if the zombies were suppressed by the artillery fire, they kept trying to break through the artillery fire, all for the flesh and blood of the living.

Cai Wenjie calmly watched the scene in front of him, and finally gave an order.

"Everyone, get off the car and form a fire defense line around the infantry fighting vehicle"

With Cai Wenjie's order, the soldiers opened the rear door amid the huge sound of artillery fire, began to get off the car quickly and formed a fire defense line around the infantry fighting vehicle.

After seeing that the soldiers had constructed a fire defense line, Cai Wenjie ordered again

"The infantry fighting vehicle stopped firing, and the rest was left to the infantry to deal with. Pay attention to the alert"


The infantry fighting vehicle at the front stopped firing almost at the same time, and it was replaced by the sound of rifle gunfire. In the previous round of artillery fire, more than half of the zombies inside and outside the village were basically scrapped. Most of them lost their upper or lower bodies, and their deaths were extremely miserable.

Of course, the zombies without upper bodies died, but the zombies with lower bodies shot were still alive, still stubbornly relying on their arms to move forward towards the convoy, and without the suppression of artillery fire, the remaining intact zombies were finally able to charge towards the convoy.

Because it is basically difficult to kill zombies except by hitting their heads, so the soldiers all shot the zombies' heads with guns, but it is not easy to accurately hit the zombies moving at high speed from hundreds of meters away, so in addition to the soldiers who can accurately hit the zombies' heads, the remaining soldiers basically shoot at the zombies' legs.

Because in the high-speed movement, as long as the legs are hit, the zombies can fall down like a dog, and then they can be shot again, and because the zombies are in the process of collective charge, the fallen zombies will become stumbling blocks one by one, so that the zombies behind will also be implicated by these fallen zombies.

Of course, these methods are not applicable to large zombie swarms in the future, but they are still somewhat useful for a village with less than a thousand people. If the zombies were not eliminated by half of the infantry fighting vehicles just now, the soldiers would not use this method.

The gunshots continued to ring, and the zombies had advanced to a hundred meters in front of the convoy, but that was it. After the last zombie was hit in the head and fell forever, this annihilation operation came to a successful conclusion.

Looking around, the village had been bombarded into ruins by artillery fire. The corpses of zombies extended from the entrance of the village to a hundred meters away from the convoy. There were corpses of zombies who died after being hit in the head by artillery fire and bullets everywhere.

Especially near the entrance of the village, there was basically no complete corpse. Either the arms and legs were missing, or the upper or lower body was missing. What's worse, some were directly bombarded into minced meat by 105 rifled cannons, and even the corpses could not be pieced together.

After the soldiers stopped shooting, they did not relax. After all, they did not know whether there were zombies from other places attracted by the sound of gunfire. Just now, several zombies were attracted by the sound of gunfire and launched an attack from the rear of the convoy, but they were all solved by Cai Wenjie alone.

After all, this is not a game. How could Cai Wenjie not pay attention to the zombies in other directions? In order to defend against zombies that might come from other places, Cai Wenjie deliberately left a squad of firepower to focus on the rear of the convoy. When zombies attracted by the sound of gunfire appeared, they were all solved by Cai Wenjie who was bored.

Cai Wenjie jumped off the car and came to the front of the infantry fighting vehicle. Looking at the village not far away, he ordered the surrounding soldiers

"Go check the bodies of the zombies in front. If there is no obvious bullet mark on the head, shoot them directly, and then go to see if there are any survivors or food and other supplies in the village."

Shunliu happened to be standing next to Cai Wenjie, and he responded directly when he saw this.

"Yes! Follow me, people from the third platoon!"


Shunliu led his platoon of brothers to check if there were any escaped zombies among the corpses in front of them. He would shoot them once he found one. Soon, Shunliu and his men finished checking the zombies lying around and started walking into the village.

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