My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 135 Xiaobai and Xiaohei

The first video conference was hastily concluded. Zhang Fuguo was about to lead a regiment of troops to support the border, but he also left a battalion to help Li Jianjun defend against the zombies behind.

After the first call, Cai Wenjie chose to squint his eyes and take a short break.

It was two o'clock in the afternoon. The playground was full of fully armed soldiers. Cai Wenjie also stood in front of the team. This time, Cai Wenjie simply said

"Let's go!"

With Cai Wenjie's order, the soldiers boarded the vehicles that had been parked not far away. Unlike the morning, the armed helicopters did not take off this time. Instead, more trucks were used to transport supplies.

The convoy was further expanded from the original nine to twelve, including more than thirty young and strong porters who were temporarily recruited to carry supplies. The cost was 5 points per day.

Soon the convoy left the military camp and started running towards the entrance of the gathering place. After passing the entrance smoothly, they headed to the surrounding villages. In addition to the two villages in the morning, there are three villages and two towns near the Xinguang gathering place.

Cai Wenjie's goal today is to completely clean up the remaining villages, and tomorrow is to clean up the two towns. Before the zombies arrive, they will completely clean up the nearby villages and towns.

Soon, less than fifteen minutes after the departure, the convoy arrived at the third village. For safety reasons, the convoy stopped a few hundred meters away from the village. Cai Wenjie took out the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft that he had just exchanged.

The shape of the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft is like a sphere. The camera can move in all directions. It is not big, only the size of a palm, and can be held in one hand. It can be used for aerial reconnaissance and land reconnaissance. The longest control distance reaches five kilometers, and the price is not expensive, 500 points each.

Cai Wenjie opened the car window, stretched out his hand holding the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, and then operated the controller in the car. With Cai Wenjie's operation, the drone started the aerial reconnaissance mode, and a small propeller stretched out from the top of the sphere and began to rotate slowly.

Soon, the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft rose in Cai Wenjie's palm and began to fly to the village a few hundred meters away. Cai Wenjie was in the car watching the images transmitted by the drone and controlling it. The maximum moving speed of the drone was 60 kilometers per hour, so it took less than ten seconds to reach the village for a distance of several hundred meters.

Cai Wenjie found from the images transmitted by the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft that the situation in this village was very similar to the first village. There were no zombies in the village at all. It was empty. Most of the houses had their doors open. There were bloodstains everywhere, but no corpses were seen.

In this case, either all the zombies had moved to another place, or someone had cleaned up the zombies here. Cai Wenjie was more inclined to the first possibility, because the doors here were already wide open, and the furniture and other things were all over the place, which basically ruled out the possibility that someone was still living here.

After controlling the drone to turn around a few times, nothing was found, so Cai Wenjie recalled the drone and issued a command on the intercom.

"The village ahead has been preliminarily cleared of danger. Order! The convoy enters the village!"


Soon the convoy began to move again and drove into the village in an orderly manner. Soon, under the leadership of the infantry fighting vehicle, the convoy drove into the village. After entering the village, the soldiers, under the command of Cai Wenjie, quickly jumped off the vehicle and began to check the houses in the village one by one and search for supplies.

After searching a house every time, they would call a few porters to move all the useful supplies in the house to the truck. In this way, the search and transportation of the entire village were completed within an hour.

In total, dozens of bags of rice, some flour, some vegetables, and various foods were harvested. Even a porter found a homemade gun in a house, but it was thrown out as garbage because it was disliked for taking up space.

After looting this village, the convoy drove non-stop to the next village. As the technique became more and more skilled, the fourth and fifth villages were searched. In the fifth village, several more tearers were found, but they were all simply destroyed by the 30mm machine gun on the vehicle.

Then, 37 trapped survivors and two puppies were rescued. These survivors were not trapped together. Some were rescued in the fourth village, and some were rescued in the fifth village. The two dogs were even more outrageous. They suddenly emerged from the bushes when the convoy was about to leave the fifth village. Cai Wenjie wanted to kill the two dogs.

But suddenly, I remembered that Cai's mother had complained inadvertently before that the neighbors had moved away without her knowing, and now there was no one to talk to her to relieve her boredom. Then I looked at the two puppies, one black and one white, looking soft, with a pair of big eyes rolling around, a pair of small ears on the top of their heads, a flat nose, and a small tail that kept shaking from side to side, sticking out its tongue, looking at Cai Wenjie in the car innocently.

The finger on the trigger of the pistol did not pull the trigger in the end. After putting the pistol back, he opened the car door and walked out. He picked up the two puppies in each hand and lifted them up. After a careful inspection, he found that the two puppies were authentic local dogs, the white one was a male and the black one was a female. After confirming that there were no wounds on their bodies, he threw the puppies into the back seat of the car and prepared to take them back.

After returning to the passenger seat, looking at the two puppies lying on the back seat, perhaps they felt Cai Wenjie's gaze, the puppies turned their heads in fear and began to shiver.

"You are lucky. If it weren't for finding something to entertain your mother, you might have been relieved today."

After saying that, Cai Wenjie signaled Song Yi to drive, and the convoy began to return to the gathering place.

Since he decided to adopt the two dogs, Cai Wenjie named them.

"From now on, you will be called Xiaobai and Xiaohei. How happy are you?"

That's right, Cai Wenjie's naming talent is not very good, so for convenience, he directly gave a name that fits the characteristics. The two dogs are pure-colored dogs without a single stray hair.

Although the puppies were trembling with fear, they all whimpered softly, as if they were answering Cai Wenjie's words.

"Very clever, mom will be very satisfied."

On the way back to the gathering place, Cai Wenjie casually fired a shot out of the window with a pistol in his right hand. The bullet hit a zombie's head, and the zombie's head instantly exploded like a watermelon. When the zombie fell to the ground, Cai Wenjie also gained 100 points. Now Cai Wenjie can use firearms very skillfully. Since drinking the strengthening potion, Cai Wenjie's comprehension ability has increased several times, and operations like this can be regarded as basic operations.

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