My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 7 The Chatty Driver

There are less than a hundred households in the village, and each household has only two people, and sometimes only one person. ♝ ♦ ♦♦

They are all old people. Some old people have lost their wives and are alone. They live alone every day because their children have gone to the city to work hard and there is no one to take care of them.

There are fewer people but more fields, because each household has at least 20 acres of fields, and one family has a 50-acre pear orchard. When I was young, I loved going to the pear orchard to pick pears with other kids of similar age. eat.

"Well, the village can be managed as my base in the future, not bad."

Cai Wenjie also recorded the village on paper.

Cai Wenjie looked at the paper with the preparation plan written in front of him. It was a little crude, but basically everything that should be prepared was there. Other details would be completed later.

"Well, it's better to write it down in a notebook, otherwise it will be easily lost."

Cai Wenjie came to the desk before, opened the drawer and took out a palm-sized cowhide notebook that he bought when he was in school. This cowhide notebook was a reward from his father who ranked among the top 30 in the grade in the final exam, and it also came with the matching package. of a pen.

Cai Wenjie opened his notebook and copied all the preparation plans he had just written down.

After finishing copying everything, I put the notebook into the system backpack, tore the paper into pieces and threw them into the trash can.

"The first thing is to borrow as much money as you can."

Cai Wenjie took out his phone and looked at the time. It was two o'clock in the afternoon.

Cai Wenjie downloaded all the loan apps he could find and borrowed or loaned out as much as possible, regardless of whether it was formal or informal, big or small, it really all mattered.

As time goes by, more than one million yuan has been added to Cai Wenjie's account. Counting the original capital, Cai Wenjie's account now has 1.5 million yuan. There are more than 80 apps installed on his mobile phone, and his mobile phone has become stuck.

"That's almost it. Let's do this for now."

Cai Wenjie took a look at the time: 3:30. It took an hour and a half. Then Cai Wenjie uninstalled all the apps he had just downloaded. By the way, Cai Wenjie's repayment date is basically one month. There is no need to worry about debt collection. After all, it is one month. , if they can pass through the zombie swarm to collect debts, then Cai Wenjie will admit it.

Cai Wenjie thought for a while and came to the living room to say hello to his parents.

"Mom and Dad, I haven't been back to my hometown in the countryside for a long time. How about we go and relax together tomorrow?"

When Cai Shoufu and Li Fengjin heard this, they thought for a while and said

"Okay, your mother and I haven't been back for a few years. This time our whole family will go back to our hometown to pay homage to your grandparents and celebrate the holidays before coming back."

Li Fengjin nodded in agreement after hearing this.

"It's time to go back and clean up. Let's go back together tomorrow."

"Okay, it's settled then. Mom and Dad, please prepare your luggage for tomorrow. I'll go out for a while and hang out with my friends. You don't have to wait for me tonight."

"Okay, I got it. Pay attention to safety and come back early in the evening."

After Cai Wenjie nodded to express his understanding, he returned to the room, picked up his small satchel and went out.

As Cai Wenjie went downstairs, he wondered where it would be better to go first, the wholesale market or the car rental agency.

"Let's go to the wholesale market first."

After all, food is still important. Go to the wholesale market first to see what to buy to stock up.

After going downstairs, Cai Wenjie walked to the entrance of the community, stopped a taxi, and got in.

"Master goes to the wholesale market"

Cai Wenjie said to the driver

The driver heard it and said

"Okay, please wear your seat belt. Recently, the inspection found that you will be fined."


After Cai Wenjie heard this, he pulled out his seat belt and fastened it, and started chatting with the driver.

"Master, have there been any changes in YJ City recently? I haven't been back for a long time. It seems that the city has changed a lot. It's almost unrecognizable."

As soon as the driver heard this, his talkative nature came out.

"Haha, you are asking the right person. I have been driving a taxi for almost 20 years. If I want to say who knows this city best, I dare say that no one dares to recognize the second best person."

The driver said proudly.

"The biggest change is the high-speed rail station. We are the only city in our province that has a high-speed rail connection. Although it is not in the city, it is not far away. It only takes 15 minutes to take a taxi."

"Have we connected the high-speed rail? Where is it? Why didn't I see it when I came back from the airport?"

Cai Wenjie asked with some confusion. After all, it stands to reason that the important buildings in YJ City are basically built in the south, including the city hospital, airport, and city stadium. If a high-speed rail is built, it will probably be in the south.

After the driver heard Cai Wenjie's words, he smiled like a news reporter, the kind of smile that makes you want to get started.

"I know this. Originally, the city also planned to continue to build on the south side, but I heard that the country has already decided on the route and cannot change it, so it was changed to the north side. Thanks to the high-speed rail, people living there have made a huge fortune. I heard that some people took tens of millions of demolition funds.”

When the driver said this, his words became obviously sour.

"There used to be some small bungalows, but now those who received the demolition funds have bought several houses in the city center and live by collecting rent every day, and some people directly go abroad to travel."

"I really envy them. I have worked hard for so many years and have nothing but the little money I have saved. I can't even imagine a house in the city center. I have never traveled out of the province, let alone abroad. Now I still have The support of a wife and children, the children’s tuition fees, and living expenses must all be taken into consideration.”

The driver's tone became low, and he continued

"Now I dare not get sick. A minor illness can break my bones, not to mention a serious illness. If I get a serious illness, I will spend all my life savings, and I may even be in debt. I am afraid that I can't get better. At that time, the pillar of the family will fall. How can they live? So I always pay attention to my health."

The driver showed Cai Wenjie the water cup in the middle, which was soaked with wolfberry and Chinese medicine.

Cai Wenjie looked at the driver's face. He was just an ordinary middle-aged man with a big belly, but he could see his love for his family.

"Speaking of children, my child is very hardworking. She is now in the third year of high school and will take the college entrance examination this year. She usually has very good grades and often ranks in the top ten in the grade. Not only does she have good grades, she is also filial and looks as beautiful as her mother."

Speaking of children, the driver's tone was full of pride, and his face was also glowing. Obviously, he was very proud of his daughter.

Cai Wenjie had been listening to the driver since he got on the bus. He hadn't said a few words at all. He just kept listening to the driver's chat. The topic he had originally intended to ask about the changes had drifted away, and his expression had become stiff.

The driver continued to talk without noticing.

Finally, they arrived at the wholesale market. The driver stopped the car and turned to Cai Wenjie and said,

"We're here. It's a total of 32, so I'll charge you 30. It depends on your luck."

Cai Wenjie quickly took out a 100-denomination note, handed it to the driver, and got off the car and fled.

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