My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 148 Elite Team

Just as Cai Wenjie was commanding the soldiers to build defenses, the two armed helicopters on the other side that had just taken off to intercept the corpse group ran into trouble. Now the entire corpse group was no longer close to the Xinguang gathering place where Cai Wenjie was. Fifty kilometers, according to the current itinerary of the zombies, they will arrive at the Xinguang gathering place around three o'clock tomorrow afternoon. read

"I didn't expect there are survivors here. Please notify the chief immediately and report the situation here!"

The driver of No. 01 shouted into the intercom that it turned out that two armed helicopters passed through this area when they were going to stop the zombie swarm, and then accidentally discovered that there was a problem with a highway rest stop. Just in case two helicopters were hit. An armed helicopter hovered over the rest stop and began to conduct reconnaissance back and forth.

This movement directly alerted the personnel at the rest stop. Deng Jie, the criminal police captain who let Shen Jialong escape, came to the rooftop of the rest stop. Not only her, but other police officers also rushed over one after another. After seeing the two When he was flying an armed helicopter, he couldn't help but start shaking his hands and cheering.

This move also disturbed the zombies who were originally attracted by the armed helicopter, and they began to run rampant. However, it was useless no matter how rampant they were, because they could not reach Deng Jie and others on the rooftop.

"Hey!! We're here!"

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Networkβ†’π­π°π€πšπ§.𝐜𝐨𝐦]

"Are they here to save us? Great!"

"It turns out the higher ups haven't forgotten us yet! That's great!"

Some people were shouting desperately, and some were crying with joy, but they all firmly believed that the two armed helicopters were coming to rescue them, and Deng Jie was no exception. She was hugging her best friend Gongsun Siya beside her in surprise.

At this time, the armed helicopter also contacted Cai Wenjie and began to report the situation just discovered.

"Report to the chief! We found survivors 35 kilometers away. They appear to be a group of police officers. Please give instructions!"

"Police? I remembered, there is indeed such a group of police."

Cai Wenjie suddenly remembered that there were a lot of policemen at the rest stop that he had discovered while watching a movie. Recently, because of the corpse group, Cai Wenjie had completely forgotten about it, but now that he knew it, he could not ignore them. Recently, There were complaints about the lack of manpower in the public centers, so just put them there.

"I understand. You perform your mission as normal and pass the coordinates over. I will send transport helicopters and rescue teams to pick up people."


After giving the order to the two armed helicopters to continue blocking the attack as planned, Cai Wenjie contacted the two transport helicopters on standby and the elite team previously given by Li Jianjun.

"This is the situation! I want you to rush to this coordinate immediately, eliminate the zombies at the rest stop and rescue the survivors in that area! Is it clear?"


"Very good! Let's go!"


In this way, a rescue team composed of two transport helicopters and an elite team embarked on the road to rescue the survivors.

These orders were given by Cai Wenjie using a walkie-talkie at the intersection of the gathering place. He was still watching the soldiers diligently deploying defenses.

The elite team that was given the rescue order hurriedly dressed up and rushed to where the transport helicopter was. This elite team was not arranged in the military camp, but was arranged by Cai Wenjie near Cai's father and Cai's mother. On weekdays, Li is secretly responsible for the personal safety of Cai's father and Cai's mother.

The inside and outside of the home are constantly monitored by open and hidden sentries arranged by Cai Wenjie, so tight that not even an ant can crawl in.

When the members of the elite team arrived at the transport helicopter, the transport helicopter was already ready to take off. As long as the elite team arrived, it could take off immediately.

After the five members of the elite team arrived, they boarded the No. 01 transport helicopter without stopping. After confirming that the entire team had boarded, the two transport helicopters began to turn the propellers and slowly took off. After reaching a certain height, The two transport helicopters began to move towards the predetermined coordinates.

On the way to the coordinate location, Qin Feng, the captain of the elite team, briefly introduced the mission to the team members. In addition to the team leader Qin Feng, the team members also include assaulter Zhang Hua, sniper Li Lian and his deputy Wang Lie. As well as medical soldier Bai Jie, by the way, the entire team is male.

"The mission this time is to reach a highway rest stop, eliminate the nearby zombies and then rescue the survivors. It is a very simple mission. This is the first mission after we arrive at the Xinguang gathering place. Everyone cheers me up. , Complete this mission beautifully, no one will say that we are freeloaders from now on!”


The entire team members loudly answered the captain Qin Feng's words. Qin Feng nodded and returned to his position, waiting to arrive at his destination.

In fact, the entire team is not normal people, or the entire team is a clone. On the first day when the team arrived at the Xinguang Gathering Area, Cai Wenjie wiped out the entire team once, and then used 50,000 points to resurrect them. Once, he became a replicant extremely loyal to Cai Wenjie.

In fact, Cai Wenjie doesn't want this, but his parents' safety is above all else. Cai Wenjie doesn't allow anyone except those he trusts to get close to his parents, not to mention the entire team that secretly protects their safety.

But even though they knew that they had died once, the entire team did not feel anything wrong or rebellious. Instead, they became more loyal to Cai Wenjie. This is the scary thing about clones.

On the other side, the police who were waving and shouting at the armed helicopter discovered that the armed helicopter hovering above began to turn its nose and began to fly forward again. This discovery made everyone a little disappointed, although they knew that the two armed helicopters There was no way the helicopter could take them up, but they were still a little disappointed.

Of course, not everyone is disappointed. For example, our Team Deng did not feel discouraged. Instead, she said to everyone.

"Hey, hey, what are you doing! Stay alert! The two helicopters just now are armed helicopters! And they are equipped with full weapons and ammunition. They must be on a mission. It would be great if people could stop and observe us. I think someone will come to us soon, so keep your spirits up! Don’t let the rescue team think we are cowards!”

Deng Jie's words directly woke up everyone who was still in a depressed mood, allowing them to regain hope. Smiles gradually appeared on their faces, and they answered loudly.


"If you understand, why not hurry up and tidy up your appearance!"


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