My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 157 Victory!

Because of this several hundred meters long sea of ​​fire, the soldiers can finally take a break and take a breath. The soldiers on the wall took this opportunity to quickly replenish water, solve personal problems, and replace the hot parts of the guns. ♦♦  ♦♦Reading

The logistics personnel in the rear quickly sent ammunition and supplies to the wall. Cai Wenjie stood on the wall and looked at the several hundred meters long sea of ​​fire outside, secretly relieved.

"It seems that we have won this battle"

But what Cai Wenjie never expected was that as soon as he finished speaking, a wild boar zombie with fire on its body rushed out of the sea of ​​fire. Because the speed was too fast, the soldiers did not shoot at the first time. When they were about to shoot, the wild boar had already hit the high-voltage power grid arranged below.

In an instant, the wild boar zombie, which was already on fire, was instantly turned into black charcoal by the high-voltage electricity, but the power grid was also broken by the weight of the wild boar's impact. The wild boar, which originally weighed several hundred kilograms, had enough impact force to cause a hole in the power grid after sprinting such a distance.

"Report! There is a leak in the high-voltage power grid and it needs urgent repair!"

An engineer hurried to Cai Wenjie to report, but before Cai Wenjie could speak, a group of animal zombies appeared in the sea of ​​fire. These animal zombies that rushed through the sea of ​​fire were basically animals with thick skin and flesh, such as wild boars, domestic pigs, cows, and even a few Siberian tigers.

These animal zombies are more resistant to burning than human zombies, and they are faster, so after breaking through the sea of ​​fire, they can continue to rush to the entrance.

Of course, this time the soldiers finally reacted and began to pull the trigger to fire bullets at these animal zombies, but because the distance was too close, even if they hit these animal zombies, they still couldn't save them in time. Countless animal zombies used their bodies to knock open the power grid and barbed wire.

This is not the end. The huge gunfire here finally attracted the attention of the zombie birds around. Although bird repellents are usually set up around the gathering place and the bird repellent sound waves are played in a 24-hour loop, the gunfire this time was too loud and directly covered the sound waves of the bird repellent, causing the zombie birds around to finally get close to here.

"Not good! Zombie birds are attacking! Everyone put on explosion-proof suits! Flamethrowers ready! Aim at the flock of birds in the sky!"


Everyone knew that zombie birds were difficult to deal with, so the soldiers took the flamethrowers and pointed them at the sky at the first time, and Cai Wenjie ordered all soldiers to wear explosion-proof suits, which were the kind that could cover the whole body.

Cai Wenjie had long anticipated the attack of the zombie birds, so he prepared countermeasures. Flamethrowers and explosion-proof suits were the best things to prevent the flock of birds.

Thousands of zombie birds were hovering in the sky. They did not launch an attack immediately, mainly because of the sea of ​​fire below. Although they had become zombie birds, they still had a certain fear of fire instinct, so they did not launch an attack. Of course, this fear of fire instinct was losing its effect little by little as time passed.

But it was enough. Because the flock of birds did not launch an attack immediately, the soldiers below had already put on explosion-proof suits, and Cai Wenjie was no exception. Everyone became a fearless warrior, holding dozens of kilograms of flamethrowers in their hands and pointing them at the sky. As long as the zombie birds launched an attack, they would also become roasted birds at the same time.

Five minutes later, the zombie birds in the sky finally lost their patience and began to swoop down from the sky and attack the soldiers below, but for the soldiers who had been prepared for a long time, these were not even tickling.

The soldiers on the wall pulled the trigger of the flamethrower, and suddenly a flame of dozens of meters long sprayed into the sky. All the zombie birds that came into contact with these flames turned into fireballs in an instant.

Zombie birds don't have many feathers to begin with, and when they encounter open flames, the remaining feathers are burned to ashes. They can only struggle in the sky and then fall to the ground.

Zombie birds that fall to the ground are either trampled to death or burned to death. Even if a zombie bird is lucky enough to break through the attack of the flamethrower, it can't break the soldiers' defense at all. The sharp beak can't peck into the explosion-proof suit. Many zombie birds that break through the defense are hung on various parts of the explosion-proof suit, acting as decorations.

Zombie birds hanging on the explosion-proof suit will be pulled down by soldiers and thrown to the ground, then stepped on and killed, or directly crushed to death.

Soon thousands of zombie birds were consumed completely, either sprayed to death by flamethrowers on the way to dive, or thrown to the ground and trampled to death, and their end is basically miserable.

So zombie birds are not worth mentioning if they are prepared, unless they suddenly attack humans to cause a surprise attack, otherwise they are just points delivered.

As the zombie bird's surprise attack failed, the zombie animals that rushed through the sea of ​​fire below were also cleared. No zombies could rush over the sea of ​​fire that was several hundred meters long. However, just in case, Cai Wenjie still sent engineers to repair the power grid and barbed wire below.

Until the power grid and barbed wire were repaired, no zombies were able to rush through the sea of ​​fire. In order to confirm, Cai Wenjie asked the drone to scout the situation.

"Cai Liang! Use your drone to observe how many zombies are left!"


The drone took off again and began to scout along the road that had turned into a sea of ​​fire. There was a 360-degree reconnaissance camera under the nose of the drone, which could be used to transmit the reconnaissance images.

Cai Liang carefully observed the transmitted images. The first half of the sea of ​​fire was full of moving figures, and these moving figures were zombies, but in the second half, there were basically no moving figures. Basically, all the zombies fell down in the middle of the sea of ​​fire, and some zombies fell down in the second half of the sea of ​​fire and could no longer stand up.

The drone scouted back and forth along the road that had turned into a sea of ​​fire several times and confirmed that there were no living zombies.

After this news reached Cai Wenjie's ears, he did not announce it immediately. Instead, he came to Cai Liang in person, snatched the drone's controller, and personally controlled the drone to scout again.

Cai Wenjie checked the concave land, the road that had turned into a sea of ​​fire, and even the road a few kilometers away, fearing that there would be a little bit of accident. After confirming that there were no zombies everywhere, Cai Wenjie finally smiled.

Back on the wall, Cai Wenjie shouted loudly in front of a large number of soldiers.

"Cheers! We have prevented this zombie tide! We survived! We won!"

The entire wall fell into silence for a moment, and then like popcorn, the entire wall was filled with soldiers cheering and celebrating. Some soldiers shouted excitedly, some soldiers silently shed tears, and some soldiers collapsed on the ground, but the only thing in common was that they were all celebrating the victory!

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