My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 160 Power Plant and Military Factory

About 1.95 million points can equip two companies with weapons and equipment, and they are fully armed. Each set of standard soldier weapons and equipment costs about 10,000, so Cai Wenjie can now form two additional standard infantry companies. ♦♦  ♪♦ Reading

However, these points have other consumption values. Cai Wenjie plans to use these points to develop infrastructure and military facilities, such as power plants, military factories, or military hospitals.

Although the power supply is still continuing, it is not certain that there will be a power outage or water shortage one day. The water shortage in the future is not a big deal. After all, the Xinguang gathering place itself is a rural area. The source of groundwater is very rich and there is no need to worry about the water source, but electricity is a bit difficult to deal with.

So just in case, the power plant must be built, and Cai Wenjie also searched the price of military power plants in the system mall. Basically, a small power plant requires 500,000 points, and medium and large ones require more.

Moreover, the power plants sold in the system are all black technology. Let's put it this way. Unlike ordinary power plants, the power plants sold by the system do not need any fuel or anything else. As long as you buy a place and install it there, it will generate electricity by itself without any side effects.

And its power generation is enough to supply all the needs of a small town, and this is the power of a small power plant. A medium-sized power plant can support the power consumption of a small city, and a large one can directly support the power consumption of an international metropolis.

Of course, with the size of the power plant, the area occupied will also become huge. A small power plant is basically the same as a small villa, a medium-sized one is a villa group, and a large one is the area occupied by a university.

For the sake of the future, Cai Wenjie decided to exchange a small power plant and a small military factory first.

Compared with the power plant, this small military factory is the big head. Although it is only a small military factory, its price is 5 times that of the power plant, which is 1.25 million.

This small military factory can produce bullets of various calibers, small-caliber grenades and mortar shells, but it cannot produce missiles. In addition to various bullets and small-caliber shells, it can also produce various firearms and some support weapons such as mortars.

Because it is only a small military factory, the output is not very high. The daily output of bullets is about 50,000 to 100,000 according to the caliber, and the daily output of shells is between 1,000 and 3,000. For various firearms, it is even lower, and about 100 firearms can be produced every day.

Of course, because it is a military factory, various military products can also be produced.

However, unlike power plants, military factories must use various resources to produce weapons and ammunition, such as copper, iron, gunpowder, etc. All kinds of scarce materials must be in place, but the interesting thing is that these materials can also be purchased with points, and the price is generally very cheap. It has to be said that it is worthy of being a military factory produced by the system.

Cai Wenjie decided to divide an area to be used as the base for the power plant and military factory. There happened to be quite a few such places. When selecting the construction site for the airport last time, he also found several vacant lots, which were a little bumpy compared to the vacant lots planned for the airport.

Of course, the military factory and the power plant cannot be placed together, so two vacant lots must be divided, each as their own base.

And as a military factory, it must need workers or something, so a small number of jobs can be created, and the people in the gathering place will not be left with nothing to do.

Song Yi, who finally arranged the dormitory for Cai Baoyi and others, returned here. Cai Wenjie looked at Song Yi and said after he sat in the driver's seat.

"Song Yi, take me to see the vacant lots around the airport first"


Song Yi answered without hesitation and drove the Black Knight to the vacant lots around the airport.

Along the way, the Black Knight had to pass through the residential area in the gathering place, which was where the ordinary survivors lived. Cai Wenjie looked out the window all the way and carefully observed the situation here. To be honest, after Cai Wenjie rescued the survivors, he didn't put much heart here. All the problems about the survivors were left to the people in the public center to manage.

So Cai Wenjie didn't know the details of the survivors in the gathering place. Taking this opportunity, Cai Wenjie felt it necessary to understand the situation of ordinary survivors. Maybe it was because it was winter and early in the morning. There were no people walking on the streets where the survivors lived, except for a few old people who occasionally exercised their muscles.

However, Cai Wenjie also noticed one thing, that is, someone was selling breakfast on the street, which was very shocking. You know, points are relatively scarce now, and except for exchanging the required supplies at the military warehouse, other places or individuals cannot use this point normally, because there is no machine that can deduct and transfer points. So in addition to using points, what do these people use to pay? This makes people very curious.

"Song Yi, send someone to investigate the store and the recent situation here, and then hand over the collected information to me by the afternoon."


After explaining to Song Yi, Cai Wenjie retracted his gaze. When Cai Wenjie retracted his gaze, he did not notice that a pair of beautiful eyes were also observing the Black Knight. It was not until the Black Knight disappeared that the owner of the beautiful eyes reluctantly retracted his gaze.

A few minutes later, the Black Knight stopped at the end of a road. From now on, they had to walk into the mountains. Song Yi and Cai Wenjie got off the car and started to move towards the valley inside the mountains. It was mentioned earlier that the airport would be built in a valley, and the place they were going to this time was also in the valley.

After a few minutes of walking, Cai Wenjie's eyes suddenly opened up. Although the valley this time was smaller and the terrain was uneven than the valley where the airport was to be built, it was much more concealed than the valley where the airport was to be built.

"Yes! This is it!"

After Cai Wenjie finished speaking, he did not shy away from Song Yi and directly placed the power plant he had purchased in the valley. Suddenly, a projection of a power plant the size of a three-story villa began to appear in the middle of the valley, and this projection was gradually turning into a real power plant as time passed.

As for the appearance of the power plant, you can refer to the Allied power plant in Red Alert.

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