My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 207 Action Begins

On the other side, the air rescue team sent by Cai Wenjie has entered the sky above the city. As usual, the noise from the helicopter propeller directly attracted the attention of the zombies in the city, but the reaction of the zombies has changed a lot from before. Read М

Although the zombies will still be attracted by the helicopter and chase it, they will stop after chasing it for a short distance, and disperse after howling a few times, without any desire to continue chasing. If it is usual, the zombies will not stop at all and will chase the helicopter until the helicopter disappears completely and stops completely.

But now not only the mutant zombies, but even the ordinary zombies have realized one thing, that is, the things that make sounds in the sky can't be eaten at all, so these ordinary zombies no longer have any big reaction to the helicopter, but just follow it for a short distance and then disperse, and continue to wander in the city.

This phenomenon was soon discovered by the helicopter pilots, and a heated discussion broke out.

"Did you see that? Those guys are not chasing us anymore!"

"Yeah, these guys don't seem to be interested in us anymore. It seems that they realized that they can't catch us no matter how hard they chase us, so they gave up chasing us."

"But this will have a great impact on our rescue operation, which is a bit disadvantageous to us."

"No matter what, let's report the situation here to the chief first."

"Okay, I'll contact the chief, you continue to control the helicopter."

A weapon operator of an armed helicopter said, let go of his joystick, and directly used the newly received X1 communication terminal to connect directly to Cai Wenjie's communication terminal.

"Report! I am the weapon operator of the No. 01 armed helicopter. We have found new information about zombies. Ordinary zombies have developed tolerance for the noise of helicopters, and..."

The weapon operator's detailed report completely reported all the phenomena observed by the helicopter so far without any concealment. Cai Wenjie, who learned of this situation, was not panicked at all, but just replied lightly.

"I understand. The rescue operation will continue according to the original plan. As for the original clearing plan, cancel it. The armed helicopter just needs to try its best to buy time for the rescue operation team."


Although the original clearing plan was canceled, the mission of the armed helicopter did not change much. It is still to support the rescue operation of the transport helicopter.

"You heard it too. We just need to continue to do our mission well."

"Okay, I understand. The distance to the destination is less than one kilometer. Get ready to shoot."

The driver said to the weapon operator behind him while operating the armed helicopter.

That's not all. After the driver finished speaking, he directly reported the order that Cai Wenjie had just issued in the helicopter's dedicated channel.

"That's what happened. After we reach the designated destination, I and the No. 02 armed helicopter will continue to follow the original plan to attract the zombies' attention so that they can't pay attention to the transport helicopter. We will use this time to rescue the survivors of the elementary school and evacuate them quickly. Is that all right?"

"No problem!"

"Very good! We have arrived above the destination! Action!"


The noise generated by the four helicopters has startled the zombies near and inside the elementary school. The zombies began to approach the elementary school from all directions. At this time, the two armed helicopters also quickly came to the east and west of the elementary school, and began to lower their altitude and slowly fly out.

The two transport helicopters took this opportunity to land directly in the playground of the elementary school. Although most of the zombies were attracted by the armed helicopters, some of them noticed the transport helicopters and began to run quickly to the place where the transport helicopters landed.

But before they could run two steps, they were accurately hit in the head by the rescue team who jumped out first with the rifle in their hands. Without a sound, they were sent directly to see the King of Hell.

The rescue team led by Deng Jun has begun to clear the zombies around the playground.

"Quick! Deal with the zombies in the playground as soon as possible, and then follow me to the teaching building to rescue the survivors!"


With the efforts of Deng Jun and his team, the zombies in the entire playground were cleared in just three minutes.

"Go! Enter the teaching building!"


After leaving two people to protect the safety of the transport helicopter, Deng Jun directly led the remaining eight people and rushed to the teaching building not far away.

The entire elementary school consists of a teaching building, a small cafeteria and a standard playground. The area is not very large, about five hectares.

The teaching building is five stories high, each floor corresponds to a grade, and the fifth and sixth grades are on the same floor.

Because there is no specific rescue information, Deng Jun can only search floor by floor until he finds survivors.

Not only in the playground, there are zombies in the teaching building, and most of the zombies are transformed from children, which has brought a lot of trouble to Deng Jun and the rescue team he led.

Because the zombies here are small, Deng Jun and his team can only lower the aiming baseline of the rifle.

Deng Jun led his men to the lobby on the first floor. Looking at the long corridors on both sides, Deng Jun could only give orders to improve efficiency.

"Zilong! Take a few people to search on the left, and the rest of you follow me!"


Soon, the entire team was divided into two and began to search in units of four.

Zhao Zilong led half of the people to search the long corridor on the left, while the rest followed Deng Jun and began to search the long corridor on the right.

Soon Deng Jun led his men to the first classroom. The sign on the door said "First Grade, Class One". The blackened bloodstains could be clearly seen on the door. It was clear that the situation inside was not very good without looking.

But just in case, Deng Jun decided to open it and take a look. He nodded to the other team members and indicated that they were ready for the assault. Then Deng Jun kicked the door open with a big foot.

Then he raised his rifle and aimed at the classroom, with his finger on the trigger ready to shoot at any time. Surprisingly, there were no zombies in the classroom, and of course no survivors, only some desks and chairs stained with blood.



As several people rushed in, the other team members quickly checked the classroom and reported the situation loudly!

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