My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 210: Escape from Death

The huge explosion attracted the attention of all zombies within a few kilometers, including Liu Ruyan who had been driving here to investigate. Read

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In an instant, all the zombies and mutants in the surrounding area rushed to the elementary school at their fastest speed. Although Liu Ruyan wanted to come over to see the situation, he also understood that such a loud explosion would not attract only himself. It is very likely that all the zombies in the surrounding area have begun to gather there.

So for his own safety, Liu Ruyan gave up the idea of ​​going to see the situation and began to record the surrounding situation, such as where there is food and supplies that can be used. He would write them down one by one on his mobile phone memo, so that when the convoy enters the city, he will not be like a headless fly.

On the other side, the two armed helicopters had fired nearly half of their rockets, which was equivalent to firing nearly 40 rockets. The dozens of rockets fired also completely destroyed a primary school building, turning it into ruins.

After the building was blown into ruins, the two armed helicopters did not leave directly. Instead, they carefully searched the ruined building to see if there were any survivors. If there were, they would fire a few more rockets to completely eliminate their existence. Unfortunately, no matter how much the armed helicopters searched, they did not find any survivors.

"It seems that the scum has been blown to pieces by us, and we can't even find a body"

"Yes, it seems that they are all dead. Let's go back"


In this way, the two armed helicopters left the sky above the teaching building and followed the two transport helicopters to leave the primary school.

But what the helicopter pilots didn't know was that after they left, a piece of the teaching building that had been bombed into ruins began to loosen, and then a group of people broke out of the rocks. The group of people was actually Tang Hu and his brothers. Although the rocket attack just now directly scrapped six people, it still allowed Tang Hu and his two capable brothers to survive.

To be honest, Tang Hu himself couldn't believe that they were alive. When the rocket exploded just now, Tang Hu and his two brothers happened to be in a corner. Although the explosion collapsed the ceiling, the falling stones were stuck where Tang Hu was, forming a triangle. Everyone knows that the triangle is the most stable structure, which led to the fact that the falling stones did not cause any harm to Tang Hu and the other two, so they survived to the end.

"Brother Hu, we are still alive!"

"Yes, Brother Hu, God will not destroy us!"

The two brothers were so excited that they were about to shed tears. Although Tang Hu was also very excited, he did not lose his composure like his two brothers. Instead, he encouraged the two brothers normally.

"Those who survived a disaster will surely have good fortunes in the future, but we must leave here as soon as possible. The explosion just now must have attracted all the zombies around. If you don't want to die, move!"

"Yes! Brother Hu!"

Under Tang Hu's warning, the three of them quickly left the ruins of the teaching building and began to run towards the back door of the elementary school. The back door of the elementary school was connected to a community, which is the so-called school district housing. Although there are zombies there, it is a relatively safe place compared to the large number of zombies at the front door.

Just when the three were climbing the wall at the back door, the first batch of mutant zombies with a faster speed had already arrived at the front door of the elementary school. Looking at the elementary school gate in front of them, the mutant zombies didn't even look at it and jumped over directly. You know, although the gate of the elementary school is not very high, it is also about 1.5 meters high, and those mutant zombies didn't even look at it and jumped over directly, which means that the ordinary two-meter wall is nothing to the mutant zombies.

The mutant zombies jumped over the gate and headed straight for the teaching building that had become a ruin, and then began to look for living people in the ruins. Unfortunately, no matter how hard they searched, they did not find any signs of living people. There were only a few human corpses that had just died. For mutant zombies that already had a certain ability to distinguish, these dead foods could not cheer them up at all.

Only those zombies that had not yet mutated would eat dead food. For mutant zombies like them, if it was not a living human, it would be better to eat an ordinary zombie. So when these mutant zombies searched the ruins and did not find any living people, they were angry.

The angry mutant zombies began to hunt ordinary zombies that rushed over from the surrounding areas. The poor ordinary zombies thought that there would be living flesh and blood to eat, but they did not expect that they would be the ones to be eaten.

If the zombies were still conscious, they would definitely send out the kind of emoticons that are very popular on the Internet, such as "The clown is beside me" and "It turns out that the clown is me" to express their feelings.

Just when the mutated zombies began to hunt ordinary zombies, a black tide came to the elementary school like an overwhelming force. The mutated zombies, who already had some judgment ability, looked directly at the tide formed by black rats with vigilance, and confirmed that this black tide had no intention of stopping.

The mutant zombies sensibly abandoned their prey and began to flee frantically in another direction. The ordinary zombies that were temporarily saved were covered by the overwhelming tide of black rats before they could recover. The covered zombies were all gnawed into bones without exception, and some even had no bones left.

Because many zombies were attracted by the explosion just now, there were already many zombies in front of the elementary school at this time. Because of this, the black tide composed of rats also stopped and began to eat the surrounding zombies with peace of mind.

And this scene was also observed by Cai Wenjie. When Deng Jun reported the situation just now, Cai Wenjie had already observed the scene here using the system satellite.

Even the scene of three people crawling out of the ruins after the armed helicopter left was clearly seen.

But what surprised him most was the group of mutant rats.

"Where on earth did these things come from? No! We can't leave them alone!"

Cai Wenjie contacted Cai Liang directly and asked him to load the drone with napalm bombs and fly directly to the elementary school, and then drop napalm bombs on the mutant rats while they were hunting to burn them to death.

"Here are the coordinates of the target. Send out drones to bomb here immediately!"


In less than a few minutes, a drone loaded with napalm bombs departed from the Xinguang gathering place and quickly headed to the coordinates given by Cai Wenjie to carry out the bombing mission.

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