My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 244: Strange Mutated Zombies

Just when Ji Qinglai led people to rescue the trapped survivors, another zombie started to attack Cai Wenjie.

Although this attack was much smaller than the last one, the main force of this attack was not zombies or mutant zombies, but various infected and mutated animals.

Among them, the most prominent ones were various mutant animals.

In addition to the common stray cats, stray dogs or pet dogs and cats in the city, there were also many large animals that ran out of the zoo.

For example, African lions, Siberian tigers, leopards, black bears, brown bears, wolves, peacocks, macaques, sika deer, camels, yaks, red-crowned cranes, etc., all of these animals were infected with the virus and mutated without exception.

Although the mutations of each animal are different, there is one thing that is very similar, that is, the size of these mutated animals will obviously increase by more than double, and unlike the body decay caused by ordinary infection, the body strength of the mutated animal zombies will be significantly enhanced.

Although it is not possible to completely ignore the damage of guns, it is more than enough to defend against ordinary pistol bullets. Of course, if it is an animal zombie such as a mutant rhino, then their skin and flesh can not only resist pistol bullets, but even rifle bullets are useless. They can only be shot down with anti-materials or rocket launchers.

Although there are no rhinos in the team attacking the train station this time, there are still a few yaks and large animals such as black bears and brown bears.

So when these large animals used their bodies to break through the first line of fire defense arranged by Cai Wenjie, everyone in the train station was shocked.

But shocking is shocking, what should be done still needs to be done.

The soldiers who were on standby at their combat positions saw this and directly pulled the trigger of their weapons.

In an instant, the sound of gunfire, which had been silent for a while, rang again.

The yaks, black bears, and brown bears that seemed to be descending from the sky were beaten back by the bullets. Although the skin and flesh of these mutated animals could withstand pistol and rifle bullets, they still could not offset the impact of being hit by bullets.

And the defensive weapons arranged in the train station, such as the Type 89 heavy machine gun and the Gatling machine gun, all used large-caliber bullets.

So when the soldiers in the train station reacted and began to fight back, the fate of these mutated animals was imaginable.

The yaks and various bears that were beaten back by countless rifle bullets could not withstand the heavy firepower of the heavy machine guns and were directly beaten into pieces of meat.

Even these large mutant animals with the strongest defense were beaten into pieces of meat, and other mutant animals were no match for the heavy machine guns. The mutant animals that had broken through the first line of fire defense were directly beaten back outside the first line of defense.

"Animals are still animals after all, they just want to rely on brute force to break through the defense line"

Cai Wenjie said, and even shook his head, but Cai Wenjie, who had just finished saying this, was immediately slapped in the face, because just now, several mutant cats suddenly appeared on the right defense line of the train station. Relying on their powerful jumping ability and agility, they directly detoured to the left and right sides of the train station, trying to launch a sneak attack on the train station.

But just when they were about to succeed, they were discovered by the soldiers that Cai Wenjie had deployed there in advance, and then they were directly eliminated with a rocket launcher.

"Okay, I take back what I said just now"

Just when Cai Wenjie was a little embarrassed, something unexpected happened on the front battlefield. The mutant animals that were originally pushed back to the outside of the first defense line by powerful firepower are now gradually advancing slowly against the powerful firepower.

And the one who was in charge of leading the way was a very strange mutant zombie. The size of this mutant zombie was very huge, completely out of the range of humans. It was about three or four meters tall, taller than the average fence, and the body was very strong, with muscles as developed as bodybuilders.

Ordinary pistol and rifle bullets have no effect on it at all, and it will not retreat due to the impact force. Instead, it will continue to move forward against the impact force of the bullet. Although bullets from heavy machine guns can cause damage to it, unless the bullet hits its head accurately and kills it, or hits its knee joint and makes it unable to move, the effect is still not great.

There are three such mutant zombies, and these three mutant zombies are advancing forward at the same time with powerful firepower. The first line of fire defense is useless to these mutant zombies. Often, as long as they reach the vicinity of the flame defense line, these mutant zombies just need to wave their hands, and the abandoned vehicles as the first line of defense will be blown away, which also means that there is another loophole in the first line of fire defense.

"It seems that ordinary weapons have no effect on it. Lao Gao, let the infantry fighting vehicle use the 105 rifled gun!"


The two men are soldiers responsible for the front battlefield. They were assigned to the center of the railway station and guarded the main entrance of the railway station with four infantry fighting vehicles.

The other soldier who is in charge now is actually Ye Dachuan, the deputy company commander of the second company. He was assigned by Cai Wenjie to defend the main gate in the center of the railway station, and he has the command authority over the soldiers at the gate, so he can command the infantry fighting vehicles here.

As Ye Dachuan gave the infantry fighting vehicle equipped with 105 rifled guns an attack order, the infantry fighting vehicle, which had not been able to exert its powerful firepower, aimed directly at the mutant zombies and fired shells.

"Bang! Boom!"

As the 105 rifled gun on the infantry fighting vehicle began to fire shells, the first mutant zombie was accurately hit by the shells on its tall body, and the mutant zombie who was still resisting was immediately blown off half of his body by the shells.

The mutant zombie who lost half of his body did not fall down immediately, but before falling down, he grabbed the mutant dog behind him, and then used up his last strength to throw it in the direction of the train station.

At the same time, because he lost most of his body, he could not maintain his balance, and fell heavily to the ground, and then slowly died.

And the last throw before he fell did cause trouble for the soldiers. This trouble was that the soldiers wasted a few more bullets and turned the flying zombie dog into a hornet's nest.

After killing a mutant zombie that looked like an iron tower, the infantry fighting vehicle immediately aimed at the remaining mutant zombies.

With two gunshots, the two mutant zombies also stepped into the rear of the mutant zombie just now.

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