My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 246: The Strange Gate

Relying on the performance of the individual exoskeleton, An Zaizhong could even use the rifle in his left hand to continuously shoot at the increasingly numerous claw zombies on the way of counterattack. Read

Because of this, the claw zombie was hit by a bullet for the first time, and the consequence was that the claw zombie, which was originally moving at high speed, was directly hit by the bullet and stopped in place, losing its original high mobility.

For An Zaizhong, he would never waste such a good opportunity, so after he emptied the bullets of the rifle, he immediately swung his one-handed sword and slashed at the claw zombie in front of him.


Unfortunately, at the last critical moment, the claw zombie still instinctively put its unusually thick claws on its head to resist the one-handed sword that An Zaizhong was swinging vigorously.

As An Zaizhong's one-handed sword and the claws of the claw zombie collided fiercely, a crisp sound like metal collision was made directly.

Although the swinging one-handed sword was blocked by the claw zombie, An Zaizhong did not sit there and wait for death. Instead, he used the driving force generated by the charge to kick the claw zombie's leg.

The power brought by the exoskeleton armor on his body and the driving force generated by the charge directly broke the claw zombie's left leg joint. An Zaizhong did not stop attacking. Instead, he saw the opportunity to draw out the one-handed sword and hit the claw zombie again when the claw zombie lost its balance.

This time, An Zaizhong did not use slashing, but seized the opportunity to stab the claw zombie's eyes.

Because of the loss of a leg joint, the claw zombie did not resist An Zaizhong's stab this time. With the sound of a sharp blade piercing into flesh and blood, An Zaizhong successfully penetrated the claw zombie. The one-handed sword penetrated from the claw zombie's eyes to the back of the head, and then used clever force to directly turn the claw zombie's head upside down.

The claw zombie's brain was directly turned into porridge. The claw zombie immediately lost all his strength and fell straight to the ground. An Zhongzhong, who accomplished this feat, did not stay in place, but quickly inserted the one-handed sword in his hand back to the original place, and then quickly removed the rifle magazine that had been emptied, and replaced it with a new magazine.

And when changing the magazine, he did not forget to retreat quickly to avoid staying in place for a long time.

And when he changed the magazine, he also retreated to the soldiers.

"What are you standing there for? Keep shooting!"


The other soldiers were stunned when they saw their platoon leader was so fierce. It was only after An Zhongzhong's reminder that they recovered and continued to block the zombies that surrounded them.

At this time, Ji Qinglai also led other soldiers to the last floor of the underground cave. As long as the door of the last floor was opened, they could enter the stronghold mentioned by the little boy.

But when Ji Qinglai led the rescue team to the bottom layer, the scene here made them frown.

There was no light here, and gusts of cold wind blew towards the soldiers from nowhere. Although the strong light was installed on the outside of the individual exoskeleton, the strong light that could illuminate any place very brightly in the past was now like a small candle light in this air-raid shelter, and it could not illuminate too far, and could only barely see the scene a few meters away.

It seemed that something was blocking the light here.

Ji Qinglai, who felt something was wrong, immediately ordered the soldiers around to be alert.

"There is something wrong here. Everyone should not leave the comrades around too far, be alert, and report loudly if there is any movement!"


Ji Qinglai led the rescue team and stepped into the darkness in front of him step by step. As time went by, Ji Qinglai finally found the gate that the little boy mentioned. The rusty gate stood there quietly like a lifeless corpse, like a ghost gate.

When Ji Qinglai saw the gate, he suddenly had an ominous premonition. He felt that if he opened the rusty gate now, something bad would definitely happen.

Feeling this ominous premonition, Ji Qinglai hesitated. Now there were two thoughts in his brain that interfered with his choice, one was his rationality, and the other was his instinct.

His rationality told him that if he didn't open the gate, their rescue operation would be completely a failure and they could only go back in disgrace, while his instinct told him that once the gate was opened, his rescue team might all be killed. Not to mention the rescue, even his name might be left here.

Just when Ji Qinglai was hesitant, a soldier helped him make a choice. A soldier wearing some [old] clothes stood up quietly from the back, and then came to Ji Qinglai in a blink of an eye and opened the gate for him directly.

Then, the moment the gate was opened, the soldier disappeared from Ji Qinglai's sight, but Ji Qinglai couldn't care less now because the gate had been opened. For safety reasons, Ji Qinglai planned to search the gate first before going to settle accounts with the soldier.

"The gate is open! Everyone, please be alert and enter the gate in turn!"

After Ji Qinglai finished speaking, he took the lead in entering the gate, and then pointed the weapon in his hand at the dark air-raid shelter to be on guard, waiting for the soldiers to enter one by one, but after waiting for nearly ten seconds, Ji Qinglai still did not wait for the soldiers to enter.

"What are you doing? Come in quickly! Be careful"

Because there was really no movement behind him, Ji Qinglai could only turn around quickly to see what the soldiers behind him were doing, but just like this, Ji Qinglai was directly scared to death.

There were no soldiers behind him, and even the entrance to this place was replaced by a dark space. Ji Qinglai was frightened by this sudden situation and panicked for a while, but soon Ji Qinglai regained his sanity, raised the weapon in his hand, and quickly searched the space around him to avoid being attacked by something.

But no matter how alert they were, there was only a large dark space surrounding Ji Qinglai. Moreover, the high-intensity light that came with the individual exoskeleton began to flash and malfunctioned. In less than a few seconds, the high-intensity light went completely dark, and the originally dark space became even darker and weirder.

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