My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 249 Solution

Fifteen minutes ago.

Still in this fifty-square-meter room, a group of women and girls, ranging in age from thirty to sixteen, were huddled together and quietly comforting a girl who had just been arrested.

"Sister Xiaoxin, you must be strong. No matter what happens in the future, you must get through it so that you can avenge your parents. Only by living can you avenge your family. Do you understand?"

"That's right, sister Xiaoxin, you must persist until someone comes and it's us."

"Sister, look at me, although I was bullied by several of them yesterday, I am not strong enough to live now, so sister, you must also live strong."

Listening to the comforting words from around, the girl named Xiao Xin finally raised her head reluctantly. But the moment Xiao Xin raised her head, all the women around her felt unfair to her, because Xiao Xin The girl's face had been scratched by the thugs, and a terrifying knife mark spanned the entire right face from the left eye.

Xiaoxin's left eye was completely disabled and he could not see anything at all. Because he did not receive timely treatment, ulcers began to appear on his face. Without treatment, his life would be in danger.

A mature woman who looked to be in her twenties looked at the largely disfigured little girl in front of her with distress. ♦♦  ♦♦

"Xiao Xin, you must persist, Sister Lin, I will definitely save you."

She decided that in order to save this girl, she would sacrifice herself to that scumbag later and exchange her innocence for some life-saving medicine.

Her name is Li Lin. She actually knows the boss of this group of thugs, or she knew him before the end. She and the boss of the thugs are actually classmates who have been at the same table for more than ten years. From elementary school to middle school to high school, they have always been friends. They were roommates, and this relationship lasted until they graduated from high school, which also led to the feeling that they could be said to be more than friends but not lovers.

All changes started on the day she graduated from high school. She had to study abroad due to family reasons, and he was just a poor boy with no money and power at that time. What happened after that was really too bloody, so here I won’t describe it in detail.

The point is that after graduating from college, she returned to her original city and wanted to see what her classmate had become now, but she encountered the end of the world. Then she met her classmate on the way to escape, and was then killed. He turned here, maybe because he had been a tablemate for more than ten years and he didn't force her, but waited for her to sacrifice herself, so she could still maintain her innocence until now.

But just when she made up her mind, two huge noises came from the gate, followed by the yells and screams of some thugs, then various gunshots, and now, a thug He led a group of soldiers who looked like they came out of a science fiction movie and came to them.

Ji Qinglai looked at the miserable women in front of him and couldn't help lowering his voice and speaking in a gentler voice.

"Don't be afraid. I am an officer affiliated with Xinguang Gathering Area. I am here to save you. You are safe now."

After Ji Qing finished speaking, he gave the soldiers next to him a look, and the soldiers quickly rushed out from behind. After taking back their weapons, they took out food and water such as kettles or individual dry rations. handed it to these embarrassed women.

A soldier came to Li Lin's side, took out a military kettle and handed it to her.

"You are safe now. Drink some water to calm down. We will take you out of here later, so just hold on."

After saying that, when the soldier was about to stand up, Li Lin quickly grabbed the soldier's arm and said pleadingly.

"Wait a minute, please save her first. She has symptoms of infection now. If she doesn't get effective treatment, she will die."

The soldier whose arm was grabbed by Li Lin originally reflexively wanted to pull out his pistol and shoot, but stopped in time, and then heard the pleading of the woman in front of him.

After listening to the pleading of the woman in front of him, the soldier immediately came to the girl named Xiaoxin and said something.


After saying that, the soldier did not hesitate to lift Xiaoxin, who was lowering his head, with his hand, and then took a closer look at the girl's wounds.

"The wound has become pus-filled and must be treated as soon as possible."

After confirming the seriousness of the injury, the soldier immediately used his communication device to call the accompanying military doctor.

In less than a minute, a group of soldiers with red cross armbands on their arms broke in and walked straight to Xiaoxin's side. The soldier who called for the military doctor stood up and gave a brief description to the military doctors. situation, and then stepped aside.

When the military doctor looked at Xiaoxin's wound, he immediately began to deal with it. For the wound that had developed pus, the military doctor first washed the wound again with normal saline, then carefully disinfected the wound with iodophor, and used external application to He applied anti-inflammatory medicine on his face, and asked Xiaoxin to take a few anti-inflammatory medicines internally. Finally, he bandaged the wound with clean gauze.

At this point, the treatment is half completed. The most important thing now is Xiaoxin’s necrotic eyeballs. Military doctors in this area cannot treat Xiaoxin’s necrotic eyeballs. They can only rush to the hospital in the gathering place for treatment. Eyeball extraction surgery requires digging out the necrotic left eye.

"Captain, I have done what I can do. The rest can only be sent to the hospital for further treatment."

"I know, human life is important. I will contact one of the people in the gathering place now and ask them to prepare for the operation. A few people will lift the girl up there!"


"Wait a minute!"

The soldiers who were about to lift the girl turned their heads and looked at Ji Qinglai.

"For safety reasons, the second platoon leader, you will take two infantry squads to support the first platoon leader on the ground and help him clear any possible dangers on the ground! Contact us after confirming safety."

"Understood! Second and third squads, follow me!"


In this way, the second platoon Changjiang Junwang, with two infantry squads, went up to the ground first and met with the first platoon Chang'an in the middle, while Ji Qinglai personally led the remaining soldiers to maintain law and order in the air-raid shelter.

Of course, when we say it is maintaining public order, we are actually just standing up for suffering women. All women who have been bullied by thugs can seek justice for themselves. As long as they bravely point out the thugs who bullied them, Ji Qinglai and the soldiers will give the thugs a peanut on their behalf.

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