My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 260 Aunt? Mom!

Almost all the believers here used this method to deceive and deceive them.

Now their goal is to attract more people to join the church. Needless to say, the location is the official gathering place. In order to find the location of the official gathering place more conveniently, all of them have a small map that records the surrounding areas. The location of all official gathering places, and Cai Wenjie’s Xinguang gathering place happens to be recorded in it.

Not only the Shin Kong gathering place, but also stadiums, airports, military camps, and the like are also recorded in it.

The believers who chose to go to the Xinguang gathering place had no idea what kind of place they were going to this time. You must know that after Cai Wenjie discovered the cult in his gathering place before, he pulled him out and shot him without saying a word.

Although it is night, for the soldiers who have been equipped with individual exoskeleton armor, there is no difference between day and night. Through the night vision device built into the exoskeleton armor, the soldiers can see clearly at night. surrounding environment.

So when the soldiers saw several young men and women slowly approaching outside the gate, they immediately issued a warning order.

"Attention! Unidentified young men and women were found six hundred meters ahead, heading towards the gate of the gathering place! Be alert!"


Since the soldiers equipped with exoskeletons were on guard, all the lights at the gate were removed, mainly to prevent zombies from noticing the gate. ♚♞ ♦ ♦

Therefore, in the dark night, it seems that the entire gate of the gathering place is completely dark. If there were not soldiers patrolling the wall from time to time, no one would think that this is the gate of the gathering place.

So when they found someone approaching, the soldiers on the wall silently pointed their weapons at the men and women in the distance, and were ready to shoot at any time.

"Xiaoli, after arriving at this official gathering place, you must integrate into it as soon as possible, and if possible, you must have a good relationship with the officers inside. This will play a great role in our future publicity."

"I know Brother Ming, but if I really have a good relationship with an officer, will you dislike me?"

"How could that be? Don't worry. No matter what you do, you are still my good girl. I will not dislike you."

After saying this, the man named Brother Ming smiled handsomely at the woman named Xiaoli, and immediately conquered the young woman named Xiaoli. Of course, that was the case on the surface, but no one knew what was going on in his heart.

But just as the two were approaching the gate of the gathering place, a glimmer of light appeared behind them, and then with the sound of the car engine, it turned out that the convoy that went out for rescue in the afternoon had returned.

Because the convoy appeared too suddenly, the two of them were discovered by the soldiers in the convoy before they could react.

"Report! Two survivors appear ahead"

"What? Survivor? Where?"

Ji Qinglai asked in surprise after hearing the soldier's report. You must know that it is dark now. Although the area has been cleaned up by the leader, there are still lone zombies.

So after dark, those who should be vigilant will still be vigilant, just to prevent lone zombies from attacking people, but now there are actually two survivors appearing here under dark conditions.

"Go down and see if they need any help."


Although it was a bit strange, Ji Qinglai still lined up people to go down to see what was going on. If it wasn't anything particularly troublesome, he would still be willing to help.

The two heavily armed soldiers obeyed Ji Qinglai's order and quickly got out of the car and came to a place a few meters away from the two of them. They did not approach the two of them directly. The soldiers, with their somewhat frightened expressions, faced the gate of the gathering place. Made a gesture.

After seeing the gesture, the soldiers on the wall put down their weapons and stopped aiming their weapons at the two men.

"Hello, I am a soldier from the New Light Gathering Area. Do you need any help?"

As soon as the soldier wearing an individual exoskeleton appeared in front of the two of them, the two of them were dumbfounded. After all, what the soldier wore was too futuristic, so the two of them once doubted whether they had traveled through time.

"Ah, ah! We are just a group of homeless survivors. Our gathering place was attacked by zombies this morning. My sister and I tried our best to escape from there, and then we have been wandering nearby until now. Please take us in, please.”

In order not to be suspected, the man named Ming Ge immediately acted according to the previously rehearsed performance.

"The gathering place was breached? Wandering? Brothers and sisters?"

The soldier saw that the two men were well-dressed and did not look like wanderers at all. And as far as he knew, all the gathering places nearby were acquaintances of his leader. If there were really any gathering places that were breached, he and the others would definitely We will go to the rescue as soon as possible. There is no way there is no news.

So when the two people told the reason, they were controlled by two soldiers immediately, and then escorted directly to Ji Qinglai without saying anything, without giving them any more opportunities to quibble.

"Report! These two people are talking nonsense. I suspect that they are spies."

"Wait a minute, I think this officer has some misunderstanding about us. We are not spies, we are just a group of survivors who have lost their homes. Please believe me."

"Yes, my brother and I are really not spies. And have you ever seen such a beautiful girl be a spy?"

After hearing the soldier's guess and the two's sophistry, Ji Qinglai chose to believe the soldier's guess without thinking, and then said to the others.

"Take them back to the gathering place and temporarily arrange them in the gathering place. Wait for the leader to come back and make the next arrangement."


In this way, the two entered the Xinguang gathering place as they wished, but they did not sneak in, but were escorted in by the soldiers.

Soon the convoy returned to the gathering place with the rescued women and the two people who had just been arrested outside the gate.

At this time, Nangong Yao, who came out to greet with an expectant expression because of the sound of the vehicle engine, did not see the imagined scene, and returned to the meeting room disappointedly.

"I don't know how Brother Shou Wenjie is now. I hope he can return to the gathering place safely."

Just when Nangong Yao was silently praying for Cai Wenjie's safety, a pair of hands were placed on Nangong Yao's shoulders. The owner of these hands was Cai Wenjie's mother.

"Don't worry, Xiaoyao, Wenjie will be fine. We just need to trust him silently and believe in him."

"Auntie... No! Mom"

"Hey, Xiaoyao, be good!"

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