My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 262 After the Earthquake

This earthquake directly collapsed more than 20% of the buildings in YJ City. Fortunately, people are now hiding in sturdy official gathering places, otherwise no one would know how much damage this earthquake would cause.

Most of the zombies in YJ City were affected by the earthquake. For example, a group of mutated zombies hiding in dark corners were directly smashed into meat patties by walls falling from the sky, or they were originally firmly The tide of corpses moving towards the train station also completely lost its direction due to the impact of the earthquake.

The originally massive corpse tide was directly divided into countless small groups of corpses, and they were completely lost in direction and were scattering in all directions.

This also led to the wave of corpses that originally attacked the train station. Because of the earthquake, the train station could no longer be found. For the troops defending the train station, a fierce battle disappeared quietly. Gone.

There are ruins everywhere in the city, and zombies are standing in the ruins, walking around unconsciously, and making meaningless howls. Even the gas station that collapsed due to the impact of the earthquake suffered a huge explosion due to the light of the fire. of explosion.

Due to the explosion, a fireball tens of meters high appeared directly over the ruined gas station. The lighting effect brought by the huge fireball once illuminated the surrounding scene for more than ten seconds. perform

The gas station that had been turned into ruins continued to increase the intensity of the fire due to gasoline leakage. Gradually, the buildings around the gas station were also affected by the flames, and fires of various sizes broke out.

The surrounding zombies are constantly gathering towards the gas station because of the huge explosions at the gas station. The consequences of these zombies are also very simple. The flames ignited by gasoline will mercilessly burn the zombies who dare to approach.

As long as the zombies are exposed to a little flame, then in less than a few minutes, the zombie will be engulfed by the fire and gradually die as the flames continue to burn, leaving only skeletons burned to ashes in the end.

Just such a fire directly burned hundreds or thousands of zombies in the surrounding area into a handful of ashes.

With the continuous explosions in YJ City, the dark night passed just like that.

Early the next morning, Cai Wenjie opened his eyes on time and looked at the unfamiliar sights around him. He already began to miss his room.

When Cai Wenjie habitually took out his toiletries and came to the hall to wash up, he happened to meet Li Jianjun who came to wash up with him.

"Morning, how did you sleep?"

"Good morning, it's okay. The sofa is quite soft."

After Cai Wenjie gave a simple answer, he came to a soldier in charge of pouring water.

"Help me fill up the water"


I filled a glass of water for brushing my teeth and a washbasin for washing my face. Then I took my toothbrush and toothpaste and went somewhere else to start washing.

As for why they don't just go to the bathroom to wash up, it's mainly because of the mutated mice from before. If you want to prevent these little things, you have to avoid any room connected to the sewer, so Cai Wenjie and others have so much trouble.

After Li Jianjun also fetched water, he followed Cai Wenjie to the side and began to wash up.

And while washing, Li Jianjun didn't stop talking and started chatting with Cai Wenjie.

"Wenjie, are you nervous? In the afternoon, we will rush to the front line, and it is the border with the highest death rate."

"Nervous? Why should I be nervous? To be honest, unless we are facing a group of soldiers with high military literacy, dealing with zombies is quite simple!"

After Cai Wenjie finished brushing his teeth, he gurgled water into his mouth several times and then spit it out.

After wiping his mouth with his hand, Cai Wenjie continued.

"Although being bitten or caught once by zombies will kill you immediately, as long as you are not bitten or caught by them, then these zombies are just sick humans."

Li Jianjun nodded after listening. To be honest, he had not paid much attention to zombies until now. Even if these zombies mutate, they still cannot withstand the attack of artillery fire. However, the large-scale zombie tide and mutated animals directly teach One thing he learned was that even dense artillery fire could not kill dead people or animals.

"Of course, I don't mean to underestimate these zombies. You must be cautious when dealing with zombies! Be cautious! Be more cautious! After all, you only have one life. I don't want to turn into a zombie who only knows how to eat because of a momentary mistake."

Cai Wenjie has never had any luck with zombies or viruses, even now. After every battle, Cai Wenjie will definitely let the soldiers deal with the zombies that are no longer able to move, to ensure that no one will be caught. Fish, and as long as there is a possibility of zombie corpses, they must be cremated on the spot to avoid any plague or the like.

When everyone returns to the gathering place after the battle, everyone must be disinfected before entering. If you enter the gathering place without disinfection, there is a high probability that you will be arrested and sent to a detention center. Only by paying a large fine can you regain your freedom.

And this is also the experience that Cai Wenjie summed up in later generations. You must go all out in everything you do and strive to achieve perfection.

After the two of them washed up, they came to the temporary canteen. It was said that the canteen was actually a hall, and a food distribution point was set up in the middle. Each soldier could receive his own food.

The same goes for Cai Wenjie and Li Jianjun. They did not receive any Xiaodu, but ate military rations like other soldiers.

Each person got a self-heating military ration and a canned food. Cai Wenjie got a can of braised beef, while Li Jianjun got a can of braised pork. The two of them took their own food and came to the rooftop. Along the way, countless soldiers saluted and greeted them. Cai Wenjie and Li Jianjun also returned the salutes one by one.

When they arrived at the rooftop, Cai Wenjie saw the environment around the train station at a glance. A large number of buildings collapsed, revealing the building structure inside, like a real end of the world.

The two of them sat aside casually with their own food, and then began to heat the military rations in their hands. Because it was a self-heating food, it did not require any open flames. Just a little water could make the heating pack inside emit huge heat, which could quickly heat the food, which was very convenient.

Li Jianjun looked at the scene outside the rooftop, couldn't help but sigh, and then said.

"We have gone through so much hardship and the efforts of several generations have finally brought the country to where it is now. I never expected that the end of the world would come. Alas!"

Looking at the somewhat discouraged Li Jianjun, Cai Wenjie could not think of any words to comfort him. He could only silently take out a bottle of Coke from behind and hand it to Li Jianjun.

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