My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 298 Alien Beast Fight

Just when the two groups of people were about to approach, a huge explosion sounded not far away, and with the explosion, a huge fireball appeared in the sky not far from these people.

The shock wave and heat generated by the explosion directly knocked all survivors except the soldiers in the infantry fighting vehicle to the ground.

"Oh my C! It's so hot!"

"Ouch! My waist!"

Although the shock wave generated by the explosion knocked the group of people staggering, no one was injured, they just felt the huge heat.

Cai Shanchuan, who saw the situation outside from inside the infantry fighting vehicle, immediately opened the door of the infantry fighting vehicle, and then fell out first, and when he jumped, he did not forget to give the order.

"Everyone get out of the car quickly and escort the survivors outside to the train station quickly! Hurry!"

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All the soldiers obeyed Cai Shanchuan's order without hesitation, then jumped out of the infantry fighting vehicle quickly and neatly, and began to follow Cai Shanchuan to help the survivors outside.

The explosion also shocked Cai Wenjie and Li Jianjun inside the train station. They immediately stopped what they were doing and hurried to the rooftop where they could clearly see the situation outside. Then they looked at the place where the explosion occurred.

Because it was a bit difficult to watch, Cai Wenjie directly communicated with the system and used system satellites to observe the building where the explosion occurred. In Li Jianjun's case, he used military telescopes.

I saw a building with a height of more than ten stories. Because of the explosion just now, it had begun to disintegrate itself. A large number of building materials such as walls fell directly from the sky to the ground. According to this situation, not This building will definitely collapse in half an hour.

What Cai Wenjie wanted to see was not the result after the explosion, but what caused the explosion. After Cai Wenjie's careful search, he quickly discovered an anomaly.

That is, on top of the building that is about to collapse, there is actually a huge monster with spikes all over its body. Yes, that's right, it's not a mutant zombie, but a monster!

It can be seen from the satellite images alone that this monster is very large, reaching a height of eighteen meters. Not only that, this monster's skin is actually blue, and it is different from other zombies or mutant zombies. The appearance of the monster is more like the aliens that appear in movies.

Moreover, this monster's limbs are extremely thick, and its feet have sharp claws like a dinosaur. If it is caught by these claws, it will definitely not end well.

But when Cai Wenjie examined the monster carefully, he suddenly felt that the monster's appearance was somewhat familiar.

"Eh? Isn't this the alien fighting beast Lebia?"

Cai Wenjie looked at the appearance of this monster and was so shocked that he was speechless. To be honest, although he had heard of such monsters appearing in other places when chatting with other survivors after the apocalypse, this was the first time he had seen it with his own eyes.

At this time, Li Jianjun, who was next to him, also saw the appearance of the monster through military binoculars, and was as shocked and speechless as Cai Wenjie.

"How is this possible? What creature can reach that height and size! No! You must not leave that monster alone!"

After Li Jianjun was shocked for a while, he immediately realized the seriousness of the matter, and then immediately contacted all the fighters in the airport through the communication equipment.

"All flying units! Immediately launch an indiscriminate bombing on a high-rise building in the C1 area! Quick!"

"Understood! Heading to area C1"

Looking at Li Jianjun who reacted first, Cai Wenjie had to admire him for being able to realize that something was wrong in such a short period of time, and then immediately use the greatest strength in his hands to destroy the monster that had not yet grown up. , nip the danger in the cradle.

Yes, this monster is not a complete body, it is just a larval body. If it really wants to become a complete body, it will need a lot of flesh, blood and viruses to undergo a transformation. A complete alien fighting beast, although the height and size will not be too big. changes, but his defense and physical strength will increase by several levels.

At that time, no light weapons or ordinary-caliber bullets in human hands can break through its defense. Only large-caliber heavy machine guns or a large number of grenades and bombs can be used to effectively damage it.

As for the alien beasts that are currently in their larval form, although they can still ignore ordinary pistol bullets and small-caliber rifle bullets, they cannot completely ignore the damage caused by ordinary 62mm bullets, let alone larger-caliber weapons. .

Soon, in almost less than five minutes, a large number of armed helicopters, fighter jets, bombers and other air units arrived at the designated area.

The various flying units that arrived at the designated area immediately saw a monster they had never seen on the top of the building that was about to collapse.

"Unknown mutated creature found! Do you want to conduct a tentative attack?"

"No need to test, get rid of that monster immediately!"


Li Jianjun gave the attack order without hesitation, and immediately all kinds of flying units in the sky used their weapons to attack the monsters on the top of the building.

At this time, the monster with closed eyes suddenly opened his slender eyes like a dormant monster, and then stared straight at the various flying units in the sky.

When a large number of rockets and machine gun shells hit it, the monster began to roar involuntarily, and then used its strong limbs to pick up the air conditioner or other equipment next to it and threw it at the flying units in the sky.

"Attention! The monster below has started to counterattack, all units should pay attention to avoid it!"


Although this monster has some means of counterattack, it is just a small game for the pilots driving various flying units.

A large number of armed helicopters continued to evade in the sky, and did not forget to fire at this monster. The machine gun shells that could directly smash ordinary zombies did not cause much damage to this monster. A machine gun shell could only make blood holes in this alien fighting beast.

The rockets, which could directly blow zombies or mutant zombies into pieces, could only blow a hole in the body of the alien fighting beast.

As mentioned before, there were a large number of armed helicopters in the sky, so the monster suffered a lot of damage in just a few seconds, and its body was riddled with holes from machine guns and rockets.

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