My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 300 Sample

Let alone anything else, if someone suddenly releases this monster to official gathering places across the country, except for those gathering places with rich financial resources, other gathering places will definitely suffer huge losses.

Listening to Li Jianjun's analysis, Cai Wenjie began to frown and recall whether there were any official gathering places that would be attacked by this monster before his rebirth.

But no matter how much Cai Wenjie thought about it, he did not find any official gathering places that were attacked by this monster. Even he saw the appearance of this monster with his own eyes for the first time.

"Brother Li, no matter what, the most important thing now is to collect the remains of the monster and send it directly to the central government. At the same time, report everything that happened here to the central government without missing a word. As for the rest of the things, leave it to them. After all, with our current strength, we can't help at all, right?"

"Alas, you are right, we really can't help much"

After sighing, Li Jianjun immediately notified the helicopter pilot closest to the alien beast to take part of the monster's body for sealing, and then quickly send it to the central government for testing.

To be honest, now all the research institutes and scientific researchers across the country have been uniformly arranged to go to the central government for strict protection, so basically all the research institutes across the country have been abandoned, so even if they get the monster samples, they can only choose to send them to the central government for research.

Although this is a bit troublesome, it does ensure the safety of the researchers, and because a large number of scientific researchers gather together, a large number of high-tech products are also invented in an endless stream. After a certain verification and testing, these invented high-tech products will be distributed to official gathering places across the country for use in the gathering places that need these high-tech products the most.

While Li Jianjun was arranging to collect the remains of the alien fighting beast and contact the central government, Cai Wenjie was not idle, but issued such an order to Cai Shanchuan's infantry fighting vehicle, which was closest to it.

"Immediately go to the area where the monster is located, collect samples, and then seal them up and send them to the research institute in our gathering place!"

Yes, in fact, Cai Wenjie also established a research institute in his gathering place. The scientific researchers in the research institute are actually rare clones with R\u0026D skills that Cai Wenjie randomly exchanged when exchanging soldiers.

Because it was a waste of their skills to let them stay in the army, Cai Wenjie arranged a research institute to allow these clones with R\u0026D skills to freely conduct R\u0026D or invent various props or weapons.

When Cai Shanchuan received this order, he had just had a preliminary exchange with the survivors in front of him, but Cai Wenjie's order was above everything else, so he could only abandon the survivors in front of him and complete the task.

"Sorry, I received a temporary mission, so I can't escort you to your destination, but I also observed before coming that the zombies around here have been almost cleared. As long as you are careful, you shouldn't encounter any zombies. That's it. Good luck to you! Let's go!"


After a few simple instructions, Cai Shanchuan immediately asked the driver of the infantry fighting vehicle to rush to the area where the monster was. After all the soldiers returned to the rear compartment of the infantry fighting vehicle, the driver of the infantry fighting vehicle immediately started the infantry fighting vehicle and rushed to the area where the monster was, leaving a group of survivors who were still a little confused.

On the other side, the transport helicopter in the helicopter unit that received Li Jianjun's order also began to lower its altitude, and then lowered the rope to let a small team of soldiers inside the helicopter use the rope to descend below.

"Quick! Cut off a piece and refrigerate it before this body completely loses its vitality!"


A group of neatly dressed soldiers used electric saws to violently cut the dying alien fighting beast. With the sound of steel bars being cut, the soldiers holding the electric saws successfully cut off a piece of alien fighting beast meat weighing about ten kilograms, and then sealed it with a cold box filled with ice.

At the same time, the alien fighting beast also completely lost its life at the same time.

Because time was too tight, there was really no other way to use this simple cold box to preserve the sample. Although the preservation effect was not very ideal, it was better than nothing.

"Captain! It's done!"

"Well done! We must hurry back and store the samples in a professional protective box! Let's go!"

Just as the soldiers were about to board the helicopter again, an infantry fighting vehicle rushed out from the dark, and then drifted and stopped in front of many soldiers, which made the soldiers who had just obtained the samples raise their weapons nervously.

"Wait a minute! Brother in front, what do you mean?"

The captain of this team of soldiers looked at the infantry fighting vehicle in front of them, first calmed the emotions of the soldiers behind him, and then asked loudly with an ugly face.

As for the captain's question, Cai Shanchuan did not come out to explain immediately, but after getting off the infantry fighting vehicle, he rushed to the dead alien fighting beast immediately. The soldiers in the infantry fighting vehicle also jumped off the infantry fighting vehicle like Cai Shanchuan, and then quickly formed a defensive formation.

As for what to defend, I don't know. When Cai Shanchuan had confirmed that the alien fighting beast was completely dead, he naturally focused on the cold box in the captain's hand.

"Brother, the one in your hand should be the sample taken from this monster. I don't want more. Just give me half."

"You want the sample of this monster? Aren't there all over the ground? Any piece will do. Why are you targeting ours?"

Although the captain said this, he secretly handed the cold box to the soldiers behind him and asked the soldiers in the team to protect the samples from being snatched away.

"How can they be the same? After all, the one in your hand was cut when the monster still had signs of life, and now the monster lying on the ground has completely died. How can a dead sample be compared to a sample cut when it was still alive? So don't hide it anymore. Just give me half. This is good for everyone. You know, our leader and your leader are brothers with a very good relationship. It is reasonable to share half."

Although Cai Shanchuan tried to persuade the captain in front of him to hand over the sample in his hand, the captain was also a stubborn person.

"I'm sorry, our mission is to protect this sample and get it back to the airport safely. As for splitting it in half? That's even more impossible. Please don't get in the way or I will use strong measures against you!"

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