My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 304: Unequal Battle

Under no circumstances did Li Kui know anything, but he led 250 fully armed insurgents to stand on both sides of the platform where the armored train was about to enter the station, and they were holding various weapons and rocket launchers, aiming at the direction where the armored train was going to enter the train station. As long as the ignorant train appeared in the middle, they would give it an unforgettable lesson.

"Captain Li! I saw that train"

Taiwan Novel Network →𝑡𝑤𝑘𝑎𝑛.𝑐𝑜𝑚

A fully armed insurgent pointed at a bright light in the distance and shouted to Li Kui.

"Very good! Everyone, get ready. If the train doesn't slow down when it enters the station, you don't have to be polite. Hit it hard! Let them know what it means to have a mountain outside the mountain!"


Just as Li Kui and his men were preparing to shoot at the fast-approaching armored train, as the train got closer and closer, many people in the brigade felt something was wrong, because the train they imagined was now a little too big.

The heavy armored train, the word "heavy" is prominent, so before the heavy armored train completely entered the station, just relying on its own weight, it also made people in the train station feel a vibration a few hundred meters away, and this vibration became more obvious as the train approached.

And when the heavy armored train was close enough for these people to really see the appearance of the train, it was too late.

"I'm C! Everyone, open fire! Blow it up with the rocket launcher!"


Although everyone was speechless due to the size of the heavy armored train, they still obeyed Li Kui's order and started shooting at the fast approaching armored train with their weapons.


But the problem is that the small-caliber rifles in their hands can't pose any threat to the heavy armored train. It's better to say that even the paint on the armored train can't be dried. Even when the armored train approaches a certain distance, the bullets fired by the rifle, after a series of rebounds, directly injure their own people.

At this time, a rebel holding a rocket launcher aimed at the armored train and pressed the launch button of the rocket launcher. A rocket with smoke at the tail was shot out of the rocket launcher and shot rapidly towards the heavy armored train.

Just when the rocket was about to hit the armored train, the light prism tower on the armored train started up. A beam of white light shot from the top of the light prism tower at a speed invisible to the naked eye towards the rocket that was about to hit the armored train, causing a random explosion. The rocket exploded dozens of meters away from the armored train.

The fragments and shock waves produced by the explosion of the rocket had no effect on the armored train dozens of meters away. In fact, even if the rocket hit the armored train completely and exploded, the armored train's powerful protective armor could completely resist it and there would be no damage. At most, it would just need to be repainted.

"This! This! How is this possible! Bazooka! I need more bazookas! Blow this thing up for me!"

Following Li Kui's orders, more and more insurgents took out the captured bazookas, and some even brought heavy machine guns that they didn't know where to get from, and fired fiercely at the armored train.

When more than a dozen rocket launchers fired at the armored train at the same time, it could not change the reality. The rockets fired by these rocket launchers were still accurately blocked by the light prism tower. Even the continuous shooting of heavy machine guns had no effect on the armored train that had been modified.

Just when the rebels had no way to deal with the armored train, the armored train that had entered the station at a very fast speed also began to fight back. As mentioned earlier, every few cars of this armored train will have an armed carriage that is already armed to the point of being a mobile fortress. So when these rebels entered the shooting range of the armed carriage, the soldiers in the armed carriage began to mercilessly shoot at the rebels on both sides.

A large number of rifle bullets, machine gun bullets, and even machine gun shells instantly covered the rebels on both sides of the railroad. Many of the 250 rebels here did not even make a sound and were directly killed by bullets.

Especially those insurgents who were hit by large-caliber bullets were even more miserable. If they were hit by large-caliber bullets in the upper body or head, it would be fine, after all, they lost their lives in an instant and did not feel much pain. However, those who were hit in the lower body or limbs did not die immediately, so when a large-caliber bullet hit their arms or legs, these people could only cover their lost arms or legs and fall to the ground wailing in pain.

"Everyone hide! Hide! Hide!"

Li Kui watched his brothers being ruthlessly shot by bullets, and couldn't help shouting to hide, but there was no place to hide in a place like a train platform, especially they came to the front of the platform in order to rob the train earlier. There was no place to hide here, not even a place to squat, and the field of vision was wide.

Li Kui himself could not find any hiding place, let alone others. The armored train was still passing through the platform, and countless armed carriages were also passing by the platform quickly. As more and more armed carriages passed by the platform, the 250 insurgents who originally had here fell on the platform forever without any escape.

A large number of broken bodies filled various places on the platform, and a large number of pieces of meat and internal organs were evenly distributed on both sides of the platform. If someone saw this scene, they would definitely be scared and would not want to eat meat for the rest of their lives, because it was so miserable here, it was like coming to hell.

At this time, Sikong Shaoqiu, who originally sent Li Kui to stop the train, also felt something was wrong, because the entire train station was shaking. Although the vibration was not very strong, it was still shaking, as if several trains were passing by the train station at the same time.

Sikong Shaoqiu took a walkie-talkie and began to contact Li Kui, wanting to ask what was going on.

But when he contacted Li Kui

"Li Kui, what is going on now? Why is the whole train station shaking? What did you do?"

Before Sikong Shaoqiu finished speaking, Li Kui's difficult voice came from the intercom. His voice was like a person who hadn't drunk water for several days, hoarse, low and a little intermittent.

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