The strong man's action successfully stopped the surrounding insurgents, and everyone looked at the first person who rushed towards the strong man in a bit of a loss. Read

"What are you looking at! Anyway, either side will die, kill him first!"

After saying that, the man directly picked up the weapon beside him and pulled the trigger at the strong man!

The strong man never thought that there would be such a person. The strong man who was shot by bullets did not last for a few seconds and fell down heavily. However, at the moment of falling to the ground, the strong man seemed to have a last burst of energy. He used up the last strength of his body and threw the grenade in his hand into the crowd.

With an explosion, the strong man and other insurgents lost their lives. They were not killed by the soldiers, but were wiped out by Neijiang at the last moment.

Taiwan Novel Network →𝖙𝖜𝖐𝖆𝖓.𝖈𝖔𝖒

Originally, a defensive grenade alone could not directly kill more than 50 people, but the choice of the insurgents to surround the strong man in order to rush forward allowed them to successfully unlock a rare achievement, that is, one grenade killed 54 people.

The soldiers in the armed train looked at the explosion not far away with a puzzled expression and were speechless. At the same time, a communication came from the headquarters.

"Didn't I say that high-powered explosives cannot be used? As a punishment, you and your soldiers are responsible for cleaning the toilets of the entire train for a week!"

"No, listen to my explanation!"

But before the squad leader came to his senses, the communication from the headquarters had been hung up. The squad leader who came to his senses said angrily with a look of annoyance.

"That group of idiots committed suicide, but why did they use grenades? I have to clean toilets for a week."

"What happened to the squad leader? What about cleaning toilets?"

When the squad leader explained the reason with a dull expression, the soldiers in the entire armored car were furious. You know, the entire armored train has hundreds of carriages. Cleaning toilets for a week is simply killing them. They would rather fight zombies than clean toilets for a week.

But just when the soldiers were desperate for this news, a big thing happened in the CC train station. The captured soldiers began to riot. It turned out that the sound of the battle on the platform of the train station was clearly heard by the captured soldiers. As soldiers, they knew their weapons and equipment very well.

So when they heard that the last explosion was caused by a grenade, they concluded that the rebels who had gone out had been almost eliminated, and the more than 200 rebels left here should be the last batch of rebels.

So they naturally started to riot. To be honest, it was shameful that thousands of regular soldiers were captured by the rebels. Although they had to lay down their weapons because the other side took tens of thousands of lives as hostages, the fact that they had been captured was a slap in their faces.

Now, three-quarters of the armed elements on the opposite side have been lost, and the control over the hostages and prisoners has also dropped by about two times. They thought that these few people equipped with weapons could control tens of thousands of hostages and prisoners without much problem, but they did not know what the difference between regular soldiers and ordinary people was.

Even if the regular army did not have any proper weapons, as long as the soldiers had no scruples, even if they did not have proper weapons in their hands, they could kill people.

The stones picked up on the ground, a rope, a thin piece of iron, or even a pair of hands, were all killing tools in the eyes of the soldiers. The difference was just how much strength was needed.

The soldiers were locked up in a hall inside the train station. Although they had taken off their weapons and equipment, they were not tied up. The insurgents guarding these soldiers totaled only about fifty people. Although these fifty people had weapons in their hands, such as the Type 95 assault rifle or the Type 92 pistol, they did not have many magazines. Most of them only had weapons and the magazines inserted on the weapons, and did not take a few extra magazines.

The few insurgents who had extra magazines did not carry them with them because the magazines were heavy, but put them in a room where the insurgents rested not far away. For the soldiers, these situations were simply deliberately making things easier.

A rifle magazine can hold at most 30 rounds of bullets. Although not all of these 50 people are holding rifles, for the sake of convenience, let's assume that they all hold rifles. If each of these 50 insurgents holds a rifle with 30 rounds of bullets, that means there are a total of 1,500 rounds of bullets. In theory, 1,500 rounds of bullets are enough for no soldier present to get one. In theory, once the soldiers riot, the insurgents here can easily suppress the riot, and may even kill all these soldiers.

But this is always a theory. The reality is that the soldiers are not targets, and the insurgents' shooting skills are not very good, so most of the bullets will be missed, and the few insurgents who can hit the soldiers will be killed by the soldiers who are close to them because of the rapid consumption of bullets.

The result is that the insurgents here not only failed to suppress the riot of the soldiers, but were directly killed by the soldiers at close range.

Of course, it would be better if no one died, so the soldiers did not choose to start a riot directly, but made a detailed plan under the command of officers at all levels.

First, the bait group is responsible for attracting attention. Their main purpose is to attract the attention of the guards and temporarily prevent them from observing the surroundings.

While the bait group is making a commotion to attract the attention of the guards, the soldiers with outstanding close combat skills form an assassination group, which is responsible for assassinating the guards who are not attracted by the bait group and quietly killing the guards who fall behind.

At this time, the remaining soldiers act as a human wall, separating the guards who are attracted from the guards who are not attracted behind with their bodies, so that the guards cannot notice the guards who are assassinated. If necessary, they can make a little noise as a cover to cooperate with the assassination group.

At this point, the assassination team also got the weapons, so the rest of the matter was very simple. If the situation permitted, the soldiers could deal with the remaining guards without using firearms. Of course, if someone found something wrong along the way, they could not change anything. After all, the soldiers' marksmanship was much better than theirs. The moment they raised their guns, the soldiers with sharp marksmanship had already shot bullets into the bodies of these rebels.

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