My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 332: Expedition

"Okay, Brother Li, let's leave this hard work to us young people. Besides, someone has to count the number of materials now. I think that job is more suitable for you."

Although Cai Wenjie said this with good intentions, it sounded like he was mocking Li Jianjun for being old. Fortunately, Li Jianjun was not a stubborn person, so he could still listen to his words.

"Alas, I'm old, really old. Back then, let alone these few rices, even carrying a few was not a problem."

Li Jianjun said that he was old, and slowly stood up, then shook his head and left the place. He was going to count the various quantities of materials.

Cai Wenjie looked at Li Jianjun's dejected look, and didn't say much. He turned around and continued to do his own moving work.

With the efforts of Cai Wenjie and other soldiers, they finally moved and transported all the supplies within an hour. Now the trucks and helicopters transporting supplies are on their way back to the gathering place. As agreed before, Zhou Weiguo also has a share of these supplies. They have sent a transport helicopter to supply Zhou Weiguo's stadium gathering place.

After moving all the supplies, Cai Wenjie and Li Jianjun called all the soldiers except those stationed at the railway station for a long time to prepare to board the heavy armored train.

The soldiers who stayed to guard the railway station for a long time were of course Cai Wenjie's soldiers. When Cai Wenjie came to the railway station this time, he brought a total of more than 200 people, that is, two companies of troops. There were no casualties when defending the railway station, so the soldiers brought by Cai Wenjie are still alive and well.

Among the two companies, which consisted of 200 soldiers, Cai Wenjie left behind half of them, which was more than 100 people. This was the only mixed company with clones and normal humans, namely the First Company, which had been fighting with Cai Wenjie from the beginning to the present. The commander of the First Company, Song Yi, was a clone who had followed him since he had nothing.

Cai Wenjie first summoned all the officers of the First Company to his presence, and then began to give orders.

"Song Yi, Deng Jun, Zhang Fei, Shunliu, the four of you are my right-hand men. The main reason why I didn't take you with me on this border expedition is that someone must guard this train station. This train station can be said to be my lifeline. Even if the operation fails, I can still withdraw through this railway. But if this train station falls, I can almost wait for death. Therefore, the train station must be stationed by my most trusted subordinates, and the ones I trust the most are you. Do you understand what I said?"


Song Yi and the other three platoon leaders answered loudly together, especially Deng Jun, whose voice was the loudest. Even though he was the only real human, his loyalty to Cai Wenjie was more firm than that of the clones.

"Time is running out, so let's do this. Just in case, you and the third company in the gathering place must keep in close contact. If there is any unexpected situation in the gathering place, you must rush to the gathering place for support. Similarly, if there is any accident at the train station, the third company in the gathering place will also support you. Do you understand?"

"I understand!"

"Very good. I hope I can see you intact after I come back. Goodbye!"

After saying this, Cai Wenjie stood in front of the four people and made a standard salute. The four people also responded to Cai Wenjie and returned a salute to Cai Wenjie with the most standard salute.

After doing all this, Cai Wenjie boarded the carriage that had been prepared for them long ago under the gaze of the four people.

At this time, the heavy-duty train was also ready to set off again. With a roar before the train departed, this steel monster began to move forward slowly.

The train slowly left the YJ train station and continued to rush north.

There are three carriages allocated to Cai Wenjie and Li Jianjun, two of which are used for rest, and the other is used to store ammunition supplies. In addition, the part connecting the two carriages will have an explosion-proof isolation door, which can at least defend against explosives such as ordinary grenades.

Of course, this explosion-proof isolation door is usually open. Only the people in the cab can close this isolation door through remote control, or someone presses the emergency isolation button to trigger this explosion-proof door.

As for why it is so troublesome to design an explosion-proof isolation door? It is mainly to prevent accidents in the train carriages and prevent the accidental carriages from affecting other carriages.

For example, if a fire occurs, the carriage where the fire occurs will be isolated separately to prevent the fire from spreading to other carriages. When the fire extinguishers come, the isolation door will be opened to let the fire extinguishers go in to put out the fire, or it will be completely fine to abandon this carriage directly.

Cai Wenjie sat on a small stool by the window, looking at the scene outside the window, slightly dazed. He and Li Jianjun were assigned a carriage each, which means that they are now in a situation where they are in charge of their own affairs.

Cai Wenjie is in charge of the second company brought by Cai Wenjie, while Li Jianjun is in charge of the soldiers he brought.

Because the carriages have been specially modified, it is no problem to accommodate 100 people in one carriage.

"What are you thinking about, brother Cai? It's only been a short while since we set off, and you're already missing home?"

Li Jianjun staggered from the edge of the carriage to where Cai Wenjie was sitting, then pulled open another small stool by the window and sat down.

Cai Wenjie looked at Li Jianjun who had adapted to the train and said with some sighs.

"I do miss home a little, but I am mainly worried about the future."

"Are you talking about the nuclear mutant zombies on the border?"

"Yes, I heard that the whole body of the nuclear mutant zombie, including his blood plague and hair, are radiation sources. As long as you dare to get within a few meters of the nuclear mutant zombie, you will be directly affected by nuclear radiation and will not be able to live in peace for the rest of your life."

Although the nuclear mutant zombies are weaker than other mutant zombies, the influence of the nuclear mutant zombies is too great. As long as the land they walk on, no plants will grow in the next few years. To be more precise, no plants can grow at all because the land is contaminated by nuclear radiation.

"I have already learned about this from General Yansong. The central government has already distributed tens of thousands of protective suits to prevent the effects of nuclear radiation. Moreover, those protective suits are already in a cargo compartment of this train. They will be distributed to us once we reach our destination."

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