My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 339 Repairing the Rails

Except for the three rows responsible for guarding the surrounding area, all the remaining soldiers were led by Cai Wenjie to rescue people. Read М

And it was not only Cai Wenjie who led the rescue, at least one armored brigade in the rear carriage was also rescuing people.

Because the carriages of these people were relatively far back, and vehicles such as tanks and armored vehicles were also in the back, these troops did not suffer much loss.

Their carriages did not overturn like the carriages where Cai Wenjie and Li Jianjun were, but were simply forced to stop in place.

Many people did not even know what happened. Only the carriages slightly forward knew what happened in the middle.

Soon, the armored brigade troops who reacted, led by senior officers, took various tools and rushed to the accident site, and then followed Cai Wenjie to rescue the overturned carriage.

"We are here to help!"

A large group of soldiers in camouflage uniforms, holding various tools in their hands, quickly came to the overturned car scene, and then began to rescue their comrades inside. Not only soldiers holding tools, but also many soldiers holding weapons in their hands, reinforced the third platoon that was blocking, which reduced the pressure on the third platoon a lot.

There were also several military armored vehicles coming together. These armored vehicles were all transported to the border without exception, but because of the current emergency, they were directly requisitioned.

The soldiers used steel cables to connect the military armored vehicles and the overturned carriages, preparing to use the power of the armored vehicles to put the overturned carriages back.

However, due to the weight of the train carriages and weather reasons, the soldiers could not turn the carriages back no matter how hard they tried.

Although the carriages could not be turned back for the time being, the comrades trapped inside were still rescued.

"How is it, Brother Li? Are you okay?"

Cai Wenjie looked at the embarrassed Li Jianjun and said jokingly.

Li Jianjun still feels a little dizzy because he accidentally hit his head when the carriage rolled over.

"I'm fine, but do you know why the train carriage suddenly rolled over?"

Li Jianjun waved his hand to indicate that he was fine, and then asked.

"To be honest, I don't know what caused the train carriage to roll over, but the only thing we know now is that we need to wait for rescue on the spot. I just contacted the people in the command room, and they said they can only come back to rescue us in two hours, so we only need to stay here for two hours."

"Two hours?"

Li Jianjun touched his head and said with some difficulty.

Looking at Li Jianjun who was struggling to speak, Cai Wenjie asked with some concern.

"Are you sure you're okay, brother Li? Do you want me to call a medical staff for you?"

"Really, no, I just need to rest for a while"

Just as Cai Wenjie and Li Jianjun were communicating with each other, the engineering company in the armored brigade on the other side was now inspecting the completely scrapped rails.

Although the middle carriages are no longer usable, the rear carriages are still intact, so as long as the railway can be repaired, the rear carriages can still be on the road as usual.

"How is it, is there still hope?"

"It's not a big problem, give me some time, I can repair the rails."

The engineers of the two engineering companies were whispering while checking the rails, and their whispers were heard by Cai Wenjie not far away.

Without any hesitation, Cai Wenjie immediately stepped forward and greeted the two.

"Hello, I'm from YJ. Is what you said true? As long as you give you time, you can repair the rails."

The two engineers were first startled by the sudden conversation, and then turned around and saw a young man with the rank of major on his shoulder talking to them. The two were stunned for a moment, and then reflexively saluted Cai Wenjie.

"Hello, Chief!"

After the salute, the two hurriedly explained the situation to Cai Wenjie.

"Report to the chief! As long as we are given enough time, we can repair this railroad!"

"How much time is enough?"

"Report! 3 hours!"

"Three hours, are you sure?"


"Okay! Without further delay, please start repairing this railroad immediately. Rescue will arrive in two hours! The sooner you repair this railroad, the sooner we can leave here"

"But, without the permission of the brigade commander, we cannot start the work without authorization"

The two said with some embarrassment. Although they were confident that they could repair this railway, the brigade commander meant to wait for rescue on the spot and then make other decisions.

After understanding the situation, Cai Wenjie immediately said.

"Where is your brigade commander? I will go and talk to him in person"

"This way, please follow me"

Perhaps the two also thought that it was a good thing to repair the railroad in advance, so they did not refuse Cai Wenjie's request, but rushed to invite Cai Wenjie to negotiate with their chief.

Under the leadership of the two, Cai Wenjie soon came to a relatively intact carriage at the back.

"This is the brigade commander's carriage. Good luck to you."

"Thank you."

Cai Wenjie thanked the two people first, straightened his clothes, and prepared to get on the carriage directly.

Unfortunately, after the door of the carriage opened, the first person to appear was the armored brigade commander's guard platoon, and Cai Wenjie was directly turned away.

"I'm sorry, I can't let you in without the chief's permission, please understand"

The guard on duty directly stretched out his hand to block Cai Wenjie who wanted to come up, and then said this.

"I have something important to talk to your chief about. If it's too late, we might all die here, so let's go"

Obviously, when Cai Wenjie said "we will all die", the guards hesitated for a moment, then gathered together and talked in a low voice. One of the guards stepped forward and said to Cai Wenjie.

"I will ask the chief for instructions, please wait a moment"

After saying that, the guard turned and ran into the carriage, while the other guards continued to stand guard.

There was no way, Cai Wenjie could only wait for the guard to come back. In order to kill time, Cai Wenjie looked up at the other carriages behind. It would have been better if he didn't look at it, but he really envied Cai Wenjie after looking at it.

It turns out that the carriages at the back are all those specially used to pull heavy armored units, such as tanks, towed howitzers, anti-aircraft armored vehicles, and so on, and these are equipment that Cai Wenjie cannot buy in the system.

If the equipment here is not urgently needed by the border, Cai Wenjie would definitely put all of them into his system space without saying a word and take them for himself

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