My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 342 The long-awaited battle mission

As the enemy's coordinates were transmitted to the rear, in less than a minute, the howitzer group behind was ready to shoot and quickly fired three volleys at the coordinate point. Read М

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In an instant, dozens of howitzers made sharp sounds and began to hit the ambushers on the mountain quickly.

"Boom boom boom!"

The ambushers, who were already at a disadvantage, were now even worse. Because the howitzers fired shells according to the coordinates, most of the ambushers in this circle were directly blown up in the first round of bombing.

Even the three snipers were confused and suffered a lot of artillery attacks.

These ambushes actually come from an international terrorist organization. The purpose of this organization is very simple, that is, to rule all the countries and human beings in the world. Although this reason is very ridiculous, there are indeed a large number of people who join this organization and then ambush in various countries in the world to make small moves.

If it were a peaceful era, these people would have no chance at all, but now it is the end of the world, especially the military and other forces of various countries have been greatly weakened because of this doomsday, which allows the personnel of these terrorist organizations to find a chance to achieve their ideals. The reason for their ambush on the armored train this time is very simple, that is, they are interested in the supplies and various weapons and ammunition on the train.

But they also know how terrifying this train is, so the head-on behavior is to seek death, but if a trap is set, it will be different.

Because this armored train is too long, once the front half of the carriage is disconnected from the rear half of the carriage, this armored train can't stop at the first time, but can only continue to move forward until it reaches a train station where it can turn around, and then it can come back, but by then they should have got it, and there is no need to worry about being attacked.

After thinking this, the terrorists immediately placed a large number of time bombs on the rails of the armored train. In order not to be discovered in advance, these time bombs were buried under rocks or land. Unless the person who buried the bombs personally, other people would not know where the bombs were buried.

By the way, these terrorist organizations knew what supplies the armored train had because of the detailed intelligence provided by their leaders, and it is said that the leaders obtained this intelligence after paying a huge price.

And this intelligence is said to be provided by a mysterious person named Ghost, and this mysterious person named Ghost is actually a person from some foreign spy agencies. Because they lost their country, they make a living by selling intelligence.

Rumor has it that Ghost is not the only one selling intelligence, but Ghost belongs to an extremely mysterious organization. This mysterious organization only sells intelligence and does not participate in any struggle. They claim that they know all the secrets in the world. As long as they can afford the price, any secret is no longer a secret.

Of course, the price must be very expensive. For example, the information about the armored train's trip and the list of materials it carried were obtained by the leader of the terrorists, who traded with the ghost with a large amount of gold and various materials. The materials consumed on this alone were almost the food consumption of more than a thousand people for a month.

Cai Wenjie didn't know who the ambush soldiers on the opposite mountain were, but this did not prevent him from getting the system's task.

A-level battle task!

Task target;

Eliminate all ambush soldiers encountered!

Task reward;

10,000 points

Magnetic storm coil design * 1

Additional reward;

Giant cannon * 1

Cai Wenjie was stunned when he saw the system task that suddenly popped up, mainly because it was too concise. You know, when the task popped up before, there would not only be a lot of task introductions and task targets, but even the kind of complaining tone, but now for some reason, the system's tasks have become unusually concise, which is very strange.

Although he felt strange, Cai Wenjie didn't think much about it, as long as his attention was attracted by the magnetic storm coil and the giant cannon, these two rewards.

If Cai Wenjie is right, these two rewards should come from a classic game, Red Alert.

It is one of the most important defensive weapons in the Red Soviet Union, also known as the Tesla coil. Basically, it is an arc generator, and its function is to enhance the charge and release it to a target.

The effective effect of the magnetic storm coil on personnel is the same as the net effect of lightning on personnel, that is, severe burns, scorching and nerve shock. On the battlefield, a soldier who is hit will be paralyzed for a long time even if he is not killed.

However, unlike the game where you can only attack a single unit, the magnetic storm coil in reality can collectively kill all personnel in a small range. Not only that, it can also effectively attack armored units. For example, the metal armor of a tank is conductive. However, this does not mean that the arc will pass through the tank harmlessly.

Although the driver inside is protected from direct damage by electricity, the tank armor made of metal will still melt, just like an electric welder acting on metal, the non-metallic insulating compound in the armor will be heated to a considerable degree, which will cause part of the armor to melt. Continuous strong current may melt the chassis of the tank; the rotation of the turret and the movement of the tank will become difficult or even impossible, so the tank will become a piece of scrap metal in the battle. In addition, the melted armor loses its function of resisting enemy shells, and the tank will also become a grave for the crew.

In short, this thing will kill anyone who is electrocuted. It can not only counter infantry, but also tanks. Moreover, due to practical reasons, the magnetic storm coil can even attack the air, or in other words, the air is its biggest feature.

As long as the magnetic storm coil is placed on high ground, as long as there are any birds or flying animals around, the birds can be directly electrocuted, and not just one, but almost all birds in a large area will be damaged by the arc.

As for the other one, there is no need to explain it. After all, a giant cannon is a giant cannon. It has a large caliber, great damage, and a wide explosion range. It is easy to take out a dense tank platoon with one shot. Although the aiming speed is slow, as long as it is successfully aimed, it can only wait for death.

Moreover, as a defensive unit, the giant cannon is different from the game in that the giant cannon itself is a steel fortress. A giant cannon covers an area of ​​500 square meters, is eight meters high, has a barrel caliber of 800 mm, and a shell weighs several tons. You can imagine how powerful it is.

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