My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 352: Forced to surrender

Sitting on a transport helicopter, Cai Wenjie, who was already a hundred kilometers away, received a message from Cai Liang, which read the words "Mission Completed, Enemy Sniper Successfully Eliminated".

After receiving the information, Cai Wenjie did not tell Song Yichen and others immediately, but silently confirmed the correctness of the information. He immediately turned on the system satellite and began to observe the houses that had been blown into ruins by unmanned bombers. When he saw that the small house where the sniper was originally located was blown into rubble, Cai Wenjie was half relieved, but before seeing the sniper's body, he would never hastily think that the sniper was dead.

You must know that an hour ago, he realized the cunning and alertness of this sniper. He could leave his camouflage net as a bait to lure his soldiers forward, and then he continued to snipe them in another place, and Cai Wenjie didn't think she would be so easy to deal with as the person who successfully beat his deputy company commander Ye Dachuan to death on the spot.

But no matter how much Cai Wenjie checked the ruined house, he still couldn't find the body of the female sniper, not even the broken limbs. He only found a few zombie corpses that had long since died.

Just when Cai Wenjie was about to give up the search and admit the accuracy of the news, he suddenly discovered that there was an extra footprint near the village that was connected to the nearest woods and disappeared deep into the woods because the wind here was very strong. , this footprint will disappear completely in at most ten minutes. If the amplification function of the system satellite is not particularly powerful, Cai Wenjie would not be able to find this footprint.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Networkโ†’๐˜๐˜„๐—ธ๐—ฎ๐—ป.๐—ฐ๐—ผ๐—บ]

"It seems that these footsteps were left a few minutes ago, that is, after the bombing ended, and there are no other traces except the footsteps, which means that the sniper is not dead, or even injured! No, even if it is There was no sign of injury on the outside, and the inside of her body must have been damaged by the shock wave generated by the explosion. In other words, although she did not suffer external injuries, she must have suffered internal injuries, which also showed that she must have been hiding somewhere at the time. Make it impossible for missiles to directly kill her."

Cai Wenjie began to analyze the situation at the scene.

"In an ordinary small mountain village in Northeast China, there is only one place that can prevent direct missile bombing, and that is"

Cai Wenjie controlled the system satellite and began to observe carefully among the ruins of the house. Then he found a small black hole in the ruins. Needless to say, it was this black hole. The sniper dropped the missile. He hid in the black hole the moment he arrived, avoiding most of the damage from the explosion.

Cai Wenjie knew what this black hole was without even thinking about it. It was the most common natural refrigerator in the rural areas of Northeast China, which is an underground vegetable cellar.

After guessing what happened, Cai Wenjie clenched his fist and slammed it on the wall of the transport plane, leaving a shallow fist mark on the helicopter's fuselage, which showed how angry Cai Wenjie was.

But at this time, no matter how angry he is, it will not help. After all, the target has escaped, and coupled with the influence of woods and other obstacles that block the satellite view, it can be said that Cai Wenjie has completely lost track of the sniper. Fortunately, when he was in the small village before, Cai Wenjie took a screenshot of the female sniper's appearance, otherwise there would be no hope at all.

Just when Cai Wenjie was about to spread the screenshots to all soldiers and people with communication devices throughout the gathering area, the pilot of the transport helicopter conveyed such a message through the headset.

"We are less than three kilometers away from our destination. For safety reasons, we will land here. You must rush to the train station three kilometers away on foot. I wish you a safe journey!"

After finishing speaking, the entire transport helicopter stopped moving forward, began to float on a road, and then began to lower its height, preparing to stop on the road.

After listening to the driver's announcement, Cai Wenjie had no choice but to return his attention to the task of rescuing the general.

However, the situation on the highway is not optimistic. A large number of abandoned cars are blocked on the road. The small gaps between the cars cannot allow the transport helicopter to land. There is no other way but to temporarily change the landing to a rope descent.

"It's really strange. All vehicles were banned from the road before the disaster. Where did so many vehicles here come from?"

The driver said strangely while looking at the crowded road.

Looking at the situation on the road below, the driver used the headset to notify the soldiers inside again.

"Sorry, the situation on the road does not allow us to land. We have no choice but to force you to rappel."

"It doesn't matter. Thank you for your hard work. Let's rappel here."

Cai Wenjie first said it didn't matter, and then looked at the soldiers around him. He first unbuckled his seat belt, then came to the cabin door, opened the cabin door of the transport helicopter, took out a special rope for rappelling, and buckled it on into a small hole above the cabin door.

"Everyone rappel one by one in order! Pay attention to safety!"


Soon under Cai Wenjie's gaze, all the soldiers in the cabin lined up and rappelled down to the road below through the steel cables one by one. For some unknown reason, there were no zombies staying nearby. This also allowed the soldiers of the mobile unit to rappel safely and successfully rappelled to the road below.

The abandoned vehicles blocked the road, and the two companies of soldiers rappelled, and the road became even more crowded.

Many soldiers were forced to rappel on the top of the vehicle, and anyone who knew a little about vehicles would know what rappelling on the top of the vehicle meant, which was to trigger the alarm.

If there were no zombies nearby, the alarm alone would have set off a large zombie tide.

After the four transport helicopters completed the rappelling, they did not leave, but prepared to land at a nearby place, ready to support the mobile forces at any time, especially the two armed helicopters, which were the most critical for this mission.

Cai Wenjie was the last person to rappel, and the other soldiers had gathered on a road with a slightly larger space, lined up, and waited for Cai Wenjie's inspection.

After Cai Wenjie completed the rappelling with standard rappelling movements, he immediately came to the front of the team and began to check.

"Everyone, report the number of people in platoon units!"

"Report to the commander! The first platoon should have 30 people, but the actual number is 30!"

"Report to the commander! Second platoon"

After all the platoon units reported their numbers, Cai Wenjie did not waste any words and immediately issued an order for a forced march. The troops pointed their swords at the small railway station three kilometers away and rushed there quickly.

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