My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 364 National Security Center AI

Although it is regrettable, others can only kill these few people.

"I'm sorry, brother, I'll do it quickly and I won't let you feel any pain."

Taiwan Novel Network→𝐭𝐰𝐤𝐚𝐧.𝐜𝐨𝐦

A strong man in the escort clenched the machete in his hand and was about to chop at the people bitten by the zombies.

But before he could raise the knife, a man who was about to transform into a corpse raised his hand to stop the strong man's movements, and then spoke in a very fast tone.

"Wait a minute, I know I don't have much time left, but I have a request and I hope you will agree to it. Please help me take care of my wife and children, please!"

After the bitten member of the escort said this, before the strong man could take action, he took a dagger and stabbed it directly into his eye socket. Through the position of the eye socket, it was inserted directly into his brain. He died without saying a word. It must be said that people who commit suicide in this way are without exception ruthless people.

The other injured people did not waste time and found those with whom they had close relationships and began to confess their last words.

"Good brother, if you know my family, they will ask you to help me. Brother, I will take the first step."

"My parents..."

"My daughter..."

Although the last words of these people are all different, they are nothing more than taking care of their families, and after saying their last words, they did not hesitate at all, imitating the first person and stabbing various sharp objects into their own eyes.

They also know that only by destroying their brains can they avoid becoming zombies, and only in this way can they leave the world in human form.

When several people committed suicide, they did not let the ordinary survivors behind see them because they were afraid of causing a disturbance.

Everyone in the escort team looked at the suicide comrades in front of them, and their eyes revealed sadness, but no one showed this emotion on their faces. The team is not out of danger yet, and they have no time to waste anymore. .

"Gather the bodies of these brothers together and then burn them. Instead of letting the bodies of the dead brothers be eaten by something, it is better to cremate them on the spot. This will also allow them to go away with dignity."

The two leading detectives quickly made arrangements. Even if the other members of the escort team had different opinions, they had no choice but to follow the instructions of the detectives and collect the bodies of these people. Under a tree, which was then doused with gasoline, a fire burned the men's remains to ashes.

They can only go so far. Time is running out. They have no time to waste here and must move quickly.

As for how to notify the families of these people, it also gave the two detectives a headache.

"No matter, let's take people back to our gathering place first. If we tell them now, it will definitely be very troublesome, and it may even slow down everyone's progress. It's really not worth the gain."

"I agree. After we return to the gathering place, we will gather the families of these people, inform them of the facts, and then compensate them as much as possible. We must also emphasize that these people sacrificed their lives for all of us, so they are all heroes. "

The two continued to lead the team to the official gathering place.

At this time, Cai Wenjie also observed the situation here through the system satellite. To be precise, he observed the sky-high flames and smoke generated by the remains being cremated.

"What's going on? Where did the fire come from?"

Cai Wenjie felt that something was strange, so he used the bug-like magnification function of the system satellite to magnify it many times, and then he could clearly see what was burning.

"Is this? A corpse? Someone is cremating the corpse?"

Cai Wenjie immediately realized through the cremated corpses that someone must have cremated these corpses artificially.

"Looking at the degree of cremation of the body, this group of people should not have gone far yet."

After a quick search by the system's satellites, Cai Wenjie discovered a moving group of survivors with the cremated corpse as the center point and two kilometers to the east.

"Survivor group? It looks like they are relocating. Everyone is carrying a lot of supplies."

After Cai Wenjie observed carefully, he immediately started searching for nearby official gathering places on his mobile phone.

"The closest official gathering place for these people is found. Official gathering place No. 0114. The person in charge is the director of the Public Security Bureau of XX City, Zhen Rongtian."

Because the official has uploaded all the names, numbers, and detailed addresses of gathering places across the country to the Internet, so that any survivor can find the nearest gathering place to take refuge as quickly as possible. Cai Wenjie’s Xinguang gathering place is no exception. The number is 0311, the person in charge is his own name.

After roughly guessing the purpose of this group of survivors, Cai Wenjie felt relieved. As long as they were not the ones causing trouble for them, he was quite happy to see so many people alive, as long as they didn't trouble him.

But soon, Cai Wenjie discovered something was wrong, that is, between this group of people and their destination, there was a huge group of corpses straddling the path they must pass, and it seemed that the direction of movement of the corpse group was It is these groups of survivors. According to their speed, it is expected that the vanguard of the corpse group will come around a corner with the survivors in less than half an hour and meet Love.

At that time, there is no need to think about the fate of this group of people. They will definitely be annihilated, because the number of zombies in this group is at least more than 2,000, and the number of mutant zombies is also in the double digits. If Cai Wenjie leads his company to fight against these zombies, it is estimated that it will not be very good, not to mention these survivors with simple equipment.

Just when he was considering whether to send someone to notify them or support them, his mobile phone suddenly received such a message.

"Hello survivors!

This is a message sent by the automatic AI of the National Security Center. According to satellite detection, more than 1,000 zombies were found in XX block of XX city in XX province. Level 3 alert, danger! All survivors please stay away from this area.

National Security Center AI Xiaoling"

This National Security Center AI is a special danger regulation function set up by the country to allow the survivors of the country to survive better. This AI will monitor all cities and rural areas in the country in real time based on satellites in outer space. As long as the zombies gather to a certain scale, they will be marked by AI, and then automatically send text messages to all devices near the zombie group that can receive text messages.

Let all the living survivors prepare in advance, run if they can, and hide in a safe place if they can't.

The so-called three-level alarm is actually the size of the zombie group. The number of zombies is less than 1,000, which is level 4, more than 1,000 but less than 10,000, which is level 3, more than 10,000 but less than 100,000, which is level 2, more than 100,000 but less than 100,000, which is level 1, more than 100,000 but less than 1 million, including 1 million, which is level 1. Finally, there is only one name for more than 1 million, which is special level.

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