My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 27: Mr. Dong

Cai Wenjie looked at the soldier's body and slowly squatted down. Ye performance reading М

"Thank you for your hard work for people's evacuation, but the end has just begun. I guess you don't want to leave in such a gloomy way, right?"

Cai Wenjie said to the soldier's corpse in a calm tone.

"I give you a new life, and you offer your loyalty. It's a fair deal."

"The system chooses to possess me, and the target is him in front of me."

"Received! Begin to descend"

With the sound of the system, the soldier's corpse in front of Cai Wenjie gradually began to change. First, the gap in the ankle that had been bitten by the zombie began to grow blood and flesh again, and the head that had been shot also began to recover. As is.

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In less than 3 seconds, there were no wounds on the body, the closed eyes suddenly opened, and the heart started beating again.

The corpse in front of him, no, it should be said that the clone took a breath and then started to cough.

"Ahem! Who are you?"

Although the soldier coughed, he instinctively raised his gun.

Cai Wenjie watched this scene and almost didn't take out his gun. Just when he was about to ask the system what was going on, the soldier in front of him had already lowered his gun. After he stopped coughing, he watched Cai Wenjie quickly stand up and shout in a standard military manner. Zi began to salute Cai Wenjie.

"Report! Company and platoon commanders! Song Yi! Report to the leader!"

At this time, the systematic explanation also follows.

"The possessed clone soldier has the appearance and memories of his life. The only thing extra is his absolute loyalty to the leader. The situation just now was the soldier's instinctive reaction. Please don't worry."

Although Song Yi instinctively pointed the gun at himself, it was also an instinctive reaction, and Cai Wenjie also forgave him.

"How do you feel? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Cai Wenjie's concerned greetings to Song Yi. After all, he is his first subordinate. There is nothing wrong with having a romantic relationship.

"Report to the leader, there is no big problem anymore, you can fight for the leader at any time!"

Song Yi looked at Cai Wenjie and replied firmly

"Well, Song Yi, let me ask you a question, do you know what happened before?"

Cai Wenjie asked curiously about Song Yi's previous situation.

"Reporting to the commander, I was ordered to take my former comrades to carry out the post-break mission to cover the evacuation of the troops and the people. Finally, after all the troops were evacuated, in order to allow my comrades to board the last truck first, I chose to board the truck last but unfortunately was The zombie bit my ankle. In order to let my comrades leave here quickly, I chose to commit suicide. In the end, I was rescued by the commander."

"So that's it. No wonder there are no firearms left except eggshells at the scene, except for the gun in your hand."

Cai Wenjie looked at Song Yi who continued to stand in front of him with a military posture and nodded with satisfaction. He was a man. 【6】【9】【s】【h】【u】【x】【.】【c】【o】【m】

"Okay, take a break. There's no need to continue standing in a military posture. Just relax."

Following Cai Wenjie's order, Song Yi no longer stood in a military posture, but began to guard the surroundings with a gun.

As expected of a soldier who never relaxed for a moment, Cai Wenjie became even more satisfied with Song Yi.

"Song Yi, give me your gun and I'll give you a new one. Remember, no guns are allowed to be used without a silencer at any time unless there are special circumstances."


After Song Yi heard Cai Wenjie's words, he immediately stood up straight and said yes, and then handed the gun to Cai Wenjie without hesitation.

Cai Wenjie took the gun and threw it directly into the system space. Then he selected a gun and a full set of tactical equipment Type 1 from the system space and gave them to Song Yi, asking him to put on new equipment.

The gun is the CS/LR30, a new assault rifle newly developed by country Z.

The new assault rifle CS/LR30 adopts the very popular modular concept, that is, by simply replacing the barrels of different calibers, it is compatible with and fires 56 mm or 62 mm and 8 mm caliber ammunition, making it easier for shooters to use the assault rifle and the rifle according to different situations. Flexible switching between roles such as precision rifle shooter.

When Cai Wenjie saw this gun, he decided to use this gun as the standard weapon of the army in the future.

"Here, this gun has been equipped with a silencer and a scope, as well as 10 matching full magazines. You can also take off the equipment and replace it with this one."

After speaking, Cai Wenjie turned around and pointed at the fifteenth knight behind him.

"If you see the car behind you, go in and change."


Song Yi took the equipment in his hand, answered excitedly, and quickly ran to change his clothes. After all, this equipment looked very high-end and the gun looked good. As a soldier in the third-line army, he could not bear to see these high-end equipment. Stay excited.

Cai Wenjie had a headache after watching Song Yi run into the car to change clothes and look at the points in the system. The big 0 in the points stimulated Cai Wenjie's nerves. The clone cost ten thousand, the full set of tactical equipment cost two thousand, and the last gun and bullets spent all the points.

"Alas! These points are so worthless. It seems that we have to continue hunting zombies to gain points."

Cai Wenjie sighed while looking towards the university.

At this time, sixteen students, five teachers, and three chefs were trapped in the No. 1 cafeteria of YJ University. They were all gathered in the cafeteria on the third floor.

The No. 1 Canteen has three floors. The first and second floors are student canteens and the third floor is the canteen for teachers and staff. When the zombies broke out, there were students and teachers eating breakfast here. After the zombies broke out, most of the students and teachers left the canteen, but some stayed.

They thought someone would come to rescue them, but unfortunately, because the zombies' offensive was too fierce, the army could not go deep into the university and could only rescue the students and teachers who fled to Dongdaemun and several buildings near Dongdaemun.

Unfortunately, the No. 1 Canteen was just outside the rescue limit, so there was no way to rescue it.

But fortunately, the teachers inside were relatively calm and immediately organized the students to block the front and back doors and windows of the canteen with tables and chairs, and then took the students to the third floor for refuge.

Because it is a canteen, there is no need to worry about water and food, and it is also a good place to take refuge.

All the sixteen students are female students, and the five teachers are all female teachers except for one elderly male professor, and the remaining chefs are all middle-aged women.

Because they were all women, some of them were too timid to run around, so they stayed, hoping that someone would come to rescue them. Not to mention the old professor, whose legs and feet were not working well at an old age, and he couldn't even run.

The old professor's surname was Dong, and his name was Dong Wan. He was the treasure of the YJ University School of Medicine, and he specialized in viruses.

He had won the Nobel Prize in Medicine and was originally conducting virus research in the capital, but because of his old age, he retired and returned to his hometown to serve as a local nominal professor and live a retirement life.

Today, when Mr. Dong was walking in the school, he found someone throwing another person down and twisting on the ground.

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