My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 376 Past Events

Cai Wenjie has given similar commands many times, and because of such timely commands, all armored vehicles did not suffer any casualties when walking the zombies. ♝♦ ♦♦

At this time, the large force in the rear also received news that the large force had successfully entered the fortress and completed a cleanup operation inside the fortress, clearing all the zombies that had not left with Cai Wenjie's convoy by force.

This also means that Cai Wenjie no longer needs to force this group of zombies to play the dog-walking game.

"The large force has entered the fortress, and we don't need to be polite. All armored vehicle crews, pay attention! Let go and fight! Be sure to kill this group of zombies in the shortest time! Then join the large force"


As soon as this order came out, all the armored vehicle crews, like chicken blood, directly pressed the firing button of the weapon and didn't let go, bullets and shells, shot at the zombie group as if they were free.

In order to maximize the killing, all the armored vehicles did not go around in circles, but gathered together directly, with tanks as the main output and defense, and the rest of the infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, and light armored vehicles parked around the tanks, and fired at the zombies that were advancing hard under the fire.

The zombie group originally numbered more than 100,000, but under the constant attrition of the armored vehicles, the number of zombies left is now less than 50,000, and most of the zombies are in a state of disability with missing arms and legs, and cannot pose any threat to the armored vehicles at all. This is the main reason why Cai Wenjie ordered to fire at full power.

"Hahaha, little bastards! Your grandfather is here, I will let you taste the power of large-caliber bullets today"

An infantry fighting vehicle weapon operator stared at the zombies who were suffering not far away with bloodshot eyes. His hands tightly held the trigger of the heavy machine gun and did not let go, and he did not forget to mock the zombies that were beaten to pieces by him.

Although this weapon operator looks like he is crazy, if you know his life experience, you will not think there is anything strange about his current behavior, and you may even help him change bullets so that he can shoot with peace of mind.

In short, all his family members died in the mouths of zombies or indirectly died in the hands of zombies.

If you just read the text, it will not make people feel much sympathy. After all, in the end of the world, people die every day. These dead people may be other people's parents, children, and relatives. It happens more and more, and you get used to it.

But the family members of this weapon operator died more miserably. For example, his wife, who was originally gentle, pitiful and kind, was forcibly defiled by several self-destructive men just because she was beautiful. Because during the defilement process, these men had no idea of ​​sympathizing with women, but just violently vented their animal desires, and the means were extremely cruel. His wife died in the process of being defiled.

When the weapon operator was granted a few hours of leave by the army and was preparing to move his family to a safe gathering place, he found his wife who had died and was naked on the road.

When he found his wife in the distance, he denied the reality at the first time, thinking that it was just someone who looked like his wife, not his wife. But when he saw the crescent-shaped necklace on his wife's neck, he could no longer deny the reality. The necklace was a token of love they gave each other when they just fell in love.

There are two necklaces in total. When the two crescents are put together, it is the shape of a heart. Although it is not a valuable item, in the eyes of him and his wife, this necklace is a symbol of their love, so both of them cherish it very much and wear it on their bodies at any time.

"No! No! No! I must have seen it wrong, this is definitely not, definitely not!!!"

Although he tried his best to deny it, his body still walked stiffly towards his wife lying on the ground, and then knelt down weakly in front of the corpse, and then stretched out his trembling hands and put the half of the necklace in his hand together with the love on his wife's corpse.

The two crescent-shaped necklaces turned into a heart shape, and in this heart, there were words engraved by him and his wife.

"Hold your hand, grow old with you"

When these words appeared in his eyes, they completely defeated his idea of ​​escaping from reality.

Despair, pain, fear, all the negative emotions suddenly surged into his heart, and his beating heart felt like it was torn apart. Because he was too sad, he knelt beside his wife's body as if he had lost his soul, motionless, the light in his eyes completely disappeared, and tears kept falling like they had lost control, falling on the face of his wife's corpse.

He covered his wife's body with his clothes, then gently held his wife's head in his arms, and then whispered softly.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here, I will protect you, I..."

His voice became lower and lower, and in the end, he could only see his lips opening and closing but no sound came out.

When his comrades found him, a whole day had passed. He had spent the entire day in this position. His wife was clearly beginning to show signs of decay, but he still refused to let go and did not allow other comrades to touch her. If anyone forcibly touched his wife, he would instinctively attack them with fighting skills, and every move was fatal.

In the end, they had no choice but to use an anesthetic gun to anesthetize him and then pull him off his wife.

To be on the safe side, his comrades also called female soldiers and put his wife in the cold storage room to prevent the body from rotting quickly.

When she woke up, it was three days later, and the first thing he did after opening his eyes was to find his wife.

"Yuehong! Yuehong, where are you? Don't leave me!"

Looking at the comrade who was like a madman, the other comrades did not complain, but just looked at him with sympathetic eyes. Finally, a tall comrade could not help it, and grabbed his collar tightly, and then shouted loudly.

"Wake up, this is a field hospital, not a place for you to go crazy!"

Perhaps it was because of the roar of this comrade that he, who was originally a little crazy, finally regained some reason.

"Squad leader? Squad leader, have you seen my wife? I haven't found her for a long time. Can you help me mobilize my comrades and ask them to help find my Yuehong?"

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