My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 380 See you again

And not far from the No. 012 armored vehicle, there was a mutant zombie with an extremely large head, hiding in the zombie group, silently staring at the armored vehicle.

Frankly speaking, it was because of this mutant zombie that the 012 armored vehicle had an abnormal condition.

If An Zhongzhong, who was stationed in the Xinguang gathering place, was here, he would definitely be shocked, because this mutant zombie was exactly the same as the mutant zombie that could control people that he had killed before. Except for the slight difference in the two body sizes, they were simply carved out of the same mold.

That's right, the main attack method of this mutant zombie is hallucination. As long as you look at this mutant zombie, you will involuntarily fall into a hypnotic state, and while being hypnotized, you will also fall into the most terrifying scene in your heart, and you can't extricate yourself. Almost no one can wake up from the hypnotic state by their own will.

Among the crew of the No. 012 armored vehicle, the first to be hit was the machine gunner Zhou Xiao. Because he was half exposed and operating the heavy machine gun on the armored vehicle, he was hypnotized by the mutant zombie and fell into a coma the moment he looked into the eyes of this mutant zombie.

Then the most desperate things or pictures in his heart were presented to his mind again, and they were repeated until he could not bear the despair in his heart and committed suicide.

Although it doesn't sound amazing, the problem is that the hypnotic ability of this mutant zombie is much stronger than the mutant zombie that An Zaizhong encountered. ඏ♦  ♦♦

This mutant zombie is different from the mutant zombie that An Zaizhong encountered. The mutant zombie that An Zaizhong encountered could only hypnotize one person, but this mutant zombie can hypnotize multiple humans at the same time.

And the hypnosis of this mutant zombie can be carried out at a long distance, and the maximum distance can reach 100 meters. Of course, this is just an exception. Generally, it is only 20 to 30 meters.

So Zhou Xiao was easily caught at that time.

At that time, the other crew members found that the sound of the heavy machine gun shooting suddenly stopped, and thought that the bullets were used up. An ammunition handler immediately raised the ammunition belt in his hand and asked Zhou Xiao to change the bullets.

However, the ammunition handler waited and waited but still couldn't wait for Zhou Xiao to take the ammunition belt. The ammunition handler, who felt strange, stuck his head out in confusion to check Zhou Xiao's condition.

And as luck would have it, when he stretched his head out, the ammunition handler also met the mutant zombie's eyes.

Before the ammunition handler could react, he was immediately hypnotized by the mutant zombie, and the ammunition handler, like Zhou Xiao, fell into a coma.

Because of this, the ammunition belt in his hand naturally fell on the back seat.

"Be careful! Do you want to kill us? Huh? Haifeng? Squad leader! It's bad! Haifeng and Zhou Xiao are in a coma!"

After the other crew members, including their squad leader, found the two people who had fallen into a coma, they immediately ordered others to take over the heavy machine gun, continue to maintain firepower output, and pull the two unconscious people into the car.

But although the two were pulled down, the person who took over the heavy machine gun fell into an abnormal state again not long after operating the heavy machine gun.

"What's going on! Why did it stop again!"

"Squad leader! Tian Li also fainted"

Now the others finally felt that something was wrong. As long as they leaned out of the armored vehicle, they would fall into a coma. This situation is not accidental.

"Quick! Close the car window tightly. I suspect that someone outside has released some kind of poisonous gas. Then put on a gas mask, drive away from here, and report the situation here to the headquarters!"


There was nothing wrong with the order given by the squad leader, but it was not the poisonous gas that caused the three people to fall into a coma.

So when the mutant zombie appeared in front of the armored vehicle, all the crew members were hit.

Without exception, all fell into a coma. Things happened so quickly that there was no time to report the situation to the headquarters, which also led to a series of events later.

Time goes back to the present.

"Report! We were attacked by mutant zombies, requesting support! Requesting support!"

"Hold on! I will immediately arrange for nearby armored vehicles to support you!"

After hearing the signal for support, the communicator immediately agreed, and then quickly contacted the relatively idle armored vehicles around to support the location of 012.

As for Cai Wenjie himself, he had already walked outside with a Type 10 anti-material sniper rifle, and then placed the Type 10 anti-material sniper rifle on a relatively stable stone.

As for the muzzle, it was naturally aimed in the direction of the armored vehicle No. 012.

Through the high-power scope, Cai Wenjie clearly saw several mutant zombies surrounding the armored vehicle No. 012. Because these mutant zombies could not break the armor of the armored vehicle, they could only perform meaningless scraping around the armored vehicle.

There were also several dead bodies on the ground, one of the crew members who screamed.

After a period of time, these dead crew members will stand up again and become new zombies, becoming a walking corpse that only knows how to eat.

But Cai Wenjie would never let this happen. Although he had just taken over these troops not long ago, as a responsible boss and officer, he had the responsibility to be responsible for his soldiers.

After Cai Wenjie took a brief aim at the target, he immediately pulled the trigger. With a loud noise, a 7mm armor-piercing bullet was immediately fired from the barrel of the gun. After a short flight, the bullet accurately hit the man lying on the ground. Corpse head.

There was no way, with so many people witnessing the tragic death of their comrades, it was impossible for Cai Wenjie to exchange those corpses into clones.

And Cai Wenjie didn't want others to face his comrades who stood up again after dying in battle.

So there is only one thing Cai Wenjie can do, and that is to shoot them through the head with bullets before they are transformed into zombies, so that they can sleep forever, instead of just eating for their own desire after becoming zombies. live.

"Touch! Touch!"

Cai Wenjie fired two more bullets, hitting the other corpses in the head.

"I hope you will never be born in this doomsday, rest in peace"

After simply blessing a few people, Cai Wenjie immediately targeted the mutated zombies, the culprits who killed his men.

"Whoever dares to kill me, you should all be buried with them!"

Cai Wenjie's eyes were fixed on these speed mutant zombies, and then he pulled the trigger again without hesitation.

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