My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 382 The Mutant Animal Army on the Border

Just like that, the main reason for the abnormality this time disappeared without anyone knowing. Reading

After all the zombies within a radius of 500 meters were eliminated, the rescue of armored vehicle No. 012 finally began. Unlike the previous 011 and 013, the rescuers were not lightly equipped, but took all the weapons and equipment they could carry and started the rescue very cautiously.

"Be careful! Don't miss any suspicious place"

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Because of previous experience, the rescuers had special guards to protect them when they carried out the rescue. The main task of these guards was to protect the rescuers and indiscriminately attack any suspicious places.

After a unilateral and intense rescue, the rescuers successfully rescued the people trapped in armored vehicle No. 012, and no abnormal state was found during the rescue process.

After all, the culprit is dead, so naturally no one will show any abnormal state.

At the same time, after several hours of continuous clearing, most of the zombies led to the plain area were also eliminated, leaving only those zombies who lost their lower body or lost their ability to move, still alive.

However, according to past traditions, Cai Wenjie will not let these zombies who have lost their ability to move go, but will send a special finishing force to give these living zombies a finishing blow to ensure that there will be no more surviving zombies.

When the last zombie died, Cai Wenjie was finally able to lead his troops to join the main force.

"First, send those soldiers who are still in a coma to the temporary field hospital built by the main force, and then each unit will report the ammunition consumed today, and then resupply the ammunition with the logistics department."

"Yes! I will arrange it immediately."

"Also! Summarize the detailed details of today's operations, let the squad leaders of each squad take a good look, and then discuss if there are areas that need improvement, and actively propose them to avoid making the same mistakes next time."


Cai Wenjie looked at the soldiers who were cleaning the battlefield with a telescope while instructing his adjutant. The adjutant's name was Qin Feng, and he was personally arranged by General Yansong to be by Cai Wenjie's side. The main purpose was to assist Cai Wenjie in command. Because Cai Wenjie had said before that his own command ability was not mature enough, General Yansong specially selected someone of the same age and experience as Cai Wenjie from his confidants as Cai Wenjie's adjutant to assist him.

Cai Wenjie had no opinion on this. It didn't matter whether he came to assist him or to monitor him.

Because as long as his company of clone soldiers is still there, Cai Wenjie is not afraid of anything. As long as he has points, he will have no shortage of weapons, ammunition, equipment, supplies, etc.

So far, Cai Wenjie has almost accumulated about 7 million points after wars of all sizes. He is almost enough to exchange for a real mecha, not an exoskeleton mecha, but a real mecha that appears in the movie. For details, you can refer to Transformers.

Although the mecha does not have any alien technology like Transformers, relying on the size and weight of the mecha, it can be said that it can completely crush all the mutant zombies or ordinary zombies now. As for the alien fighting beast, because there is no real combat experience to refer to, it is conservatively estimated that it is half and half.

Of course, if you want to exchange for a real mecha, you need to earn at least 3 million points. Perhaps someone will ask, the number of zombies cleared this time is not small, why are there still so many missing? This is mainly because, although the armored forces led by Cai Wenjie cleared tens of thousands of ordinary zombies and dozens of mutant zombies, most of the soldiers and all the armored vehicles in the armored forces were transferred from other forces, so Cai Wenjie could only get points for the zombies and mutant zombies killed by the clone soldiers. There was nothing he could do about it.

Who made his system so unsatisfactory that he could not exchange for real armored vehicles and tanks, so he could only let these silver, no, points go to waste.

When the final cleanup work was completely completed, Cai Wenjie was ready to take the armored forces he was responsible for back to the previous fortress, which was where the large forces were stationed now.

However, what Cai Wenjie didn't know was that the large forces at this time also encountered some troubles.

Although the large forces led by General Yansong were safely stationed in the fortress, they were then attacked by mutant animals that appeared out of nowhere.

Most of these mutant animals are composed of sheep, yaks, wolves, and various birds.

Originally, these mutant animals were livestock raised by nearby animal reserves and herders, but under the infection of the virus, the originally docile animals became extremely manic and bloodthirsty. These mutant animals originally hunted their own prey, but as the living creatures on this side of the border became increasingly scarce, and the ones that survived were not difficult creatures that could be easily caught, these animals unknowingly began to hunt in groups.

Because animals have their own strengths, the effect of group hunting is also very gratifying, which has also led to more and more mutant animals starting to gather together and start to cooperate.

This also makes the living creatures in the border increasingly scarce. Sometimes these mutant animals even choose to hunt ordinary zombies or even mutant zombies because they are too hungry.

Although the flesh and blood of zombies are far inferior to the flesh and blood of living people, they can still be swallowed to relieve hunger, which also makes zombies and mutant zombies extremely vigilant against these groups of mutant animals.

Basically, when encountering groups of mutant animals in the wild, ordinary zombies are not mentioned first. Mutated zombies with certain instincts will choose to retreat and actively avoid these mutant animals.

After a while, these mutant animals have established a foothold in the border. As long as they appear, other zombies and mutant zombies will automatically withdraw, even if these zombies and mutant zombies are attacking living people.

But this time, the mutant animals did not encounter any good people. They encountered an armored force with a large number of armored vehicles, an iron army composed of steel.

When the mutant animals, as usual, were preparing to use various cooperation to eat these sumptuous meals, they did not realize how hard the sumptuous meals in their eyes were.

"A large number of mutant animals have been discovered in the distance. All personnel enter the first level combat state! Be ready to attack at any time!"

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