My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 384 Mutant Bird

Cai Wenjie looked at the non-stop bombing and couldn't help but sigh.

"It seems that the shelling will not stop for a while."

After saying that, Cai Wenjie himself turned around and got out of the car, and came out to breathe some fresh air and relax.

At this time, the adjutant Qin Feng also conveyed the order to rest in place to all the armored vehicle crews. Many soldiers also chose to come out to take a breath, relax, or smoke a cigarette.

Although Cai Wenjie himself does not smoke, he does not stop others from smoking because he knows that smoking can effectively relieve tension. Especially at this time, soldiers really need a way to relieve stress.

In order not to put some psychological pressure on other soldiers, Cai Wenjie deliberately avoided the soldiers and breathed fresh air in another direction. After all, no one could really relax in the presence of a superior. For this reason, Cai Wenjie still Got it.

Cai Wenjie, who was breathing fresh air, couldn't help but use the system satellite to observe the shelling over there.

Through the reconnaissance of the system's satellites, Cai Wenjie knew what the large forces were bombing and why they were bombing.

"It's a pity. There are so many mutated animals. If you kill them, you can always get a thousand point reward. According to the number of animals inside, if I can kill them all, I can at least buy half a mecha."

Cai Wenjie couldn't help but shake his head and sigh as he looked at the mutated animals that were being killed or blown to pieces by the long-range howitzer bombardment.

While Cai Wenjie was watching the real-time shelling scene through the system satellite, a human stronghold thirty kilometers away from Cai Wenjie's armored convoy was being attacked by a swarm of mutant birds.

In addition to the common sparrows, swallows, pigeons, and crows, the birds in the mutated bird flock also include many nationally protected animals, such as goshawks.

But these birds, which are usually very timid, now gather together to attack a relatively large human stronghold. From time to time, they pounce on the bodies of living people, take out pieces of bloody human flesh, and then swallow them greedily.

The living people in the stronghold will not sit still and wait for death. The people who have survived until now have a deep understanding that the only outcome of turning around and running away is death. If they can resist but do not resist, then burying them with their own hands is the only way to survive.

Therefore, even if one after another people lose their lives after being attacked by mutant birds in the sky, there will still be others who will stand up and try their best to resist, such as using homemade flamethrowers to burn the mutant birds that dare to approach. Either use fishing nets or the like to trap the mutant birds and prevent them from moving freely, or directly lay an electric grid to electrocute any mutant birds that dare to get close.

These are the methods in the official bird prevention manual. It must be said that these methods are very effective. Although many people were attacked and killed by mutant birds, they also protected most people from surviving the attacks of mutant birds.

"Quick! Get the fuel for the flamethrower! Over there, take the old man and the child and get into the house quickly! Don't come out! And! Protect the switch of the power grid and don't cut off the power! Everyone, please move it."

A man wearing a hard hat and heavy work clothes is directing the people in the stronghold, doing battle command and evacuating the elderly and children. As for why there are no women? That's because there aren't many prime-age men here, so women have to come out to help.

"Hongxia! Take a few people with you to guard our grain warehouse. Remember! Don't let any birds get in, otherwise the food inside won't be edible!"

"I see!"

As we all know, birds generally have rectal bowels and will poop out immediately after eating. Therefore, if these birds poop on the grain, they will be in big trouble. This is why special personnel are assigned to guard the grain warehouse.

Even if the mutant bird flocks are repelled or eliminated today, they will not be able to survive without food.

"Brother Shunzi! The power grid is about to run out of power! What should we do?"

Because the power here was cut off a few days ago, they can only use diesel generators or solar generators to store and use electricity in daily life. Occasionally, they also use wind power and human power to generate electricity. .

So when the power grid is turned on for a period of time, the power they previously stored is almost exhausted. If the power grid loses power at this time, the entire stronghold's defense will lose a lot, which also means that there will be a lot of activity. People will be attacked and killed by mutant birds.

"What? There's no power! Hurry up and use a diesel generator to generate electricity!"

"No, Brother Shunzi! We ran out of the diesel we needed for the diesel generator yesterday! We are still using the electricity saved from solar energy, but it is almost running out."

"C! There is no other way! Arrange a few people immediately to start manpower generation! Make sure to maintain the power supply for two hours! No! One hour of power supply!"

"Okay! I'll go find someone right now!"

Unfortunately, before this person could leave, the points of the power grid had been exhausted. It turned out that just a few seconds ago, a large group of mutant birds rushed to the power grid without hesitation, regardless of being electrocuted, and then were deliberately killed by the power grid. Electric shock is to consume the power of the grid faster.

These mutant birds succeeded. They successfully broke through the defense line of the power grid and began to violently attack the people inside the power grid.

Some small birds even relied on their own physical advantages to directly pass through the grid of the electric grid and began to attack living people.

But because they were too small, the vigilant people used electric mosquito swatters, tennis rackets and other things to knock them to the ground, and then stepped on them, directly crushing these mutant birds into pieces.

Some people even replaced the strings of tennis rackets with sharper steel wires, so that they could directly cut the birds into countless small pieces, and naturally kill them.

However, soon, more and more birds began to break through the power grid. They tore the conductive wires one by one until they could tear out a hole to drill into, and then began to peck at the living people below with their sharp beaks.

Similarly, even if more and more birds drilled through the power grid, they could not make the people inside retreat even a step! Because behind them were their parents and children, and if they retreated, their homes would be gone, so people began to roar and use all means to attack the mutant birds that broke through.

"Go to hell!!!"

"Try my sulfuric acid!"

"Don't even think about getting close to my family! You beasts!"

Flamethrowers, brooms, homemade bird nets, and some people even threw sulfuric acid. Anyway, people used everything they could to prevent the mutant birds from breaking through their defenses and harming their parents and children.

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