Mr. Dong nodded and pointed to the chair next to him. read

"Sit down and talk slowly. You have worked hard too. Drink some water and take a rest."

Then Mr. Dong took the lead and sat down. The people who were standing behind Mr. Dong also took their own chairs and sat together.

Cai Wenjie shrugged, took a chair with Song Yi and sat in front of Mr. Dong. If someone didn't know this, they would think it was a cult's teaching site.

"Okay, Professor Dong, are all the people here already?"

Cai Wenjie was the first to ask the question.

"Everything is here. How many people did the little comrade bring to save us?"

Mr. Dong tentatively probed Cai Wenjie's tone.

"The two of us are all we have. In fact, the order from above is to protect Professor Dong first, but I didn't expect there to be so many survivors here. I can only rule out the original rescue plan and think of another rescue plan."

Cai Wenjie said to Mr. Dong in a mixed tone.

"In addition to me, there are 20 students, teachers and 3 chefs trapped here. No one was injured. They were all left when the disaster broke out."

Cai Wenjie listened to Mr. Dong's words quietly and began to calculate in his mind.

There are 25 survivors here including Cai Wenjie and Song Yi, so we can only find another bus or bus.

"Just in case, let me ask first, does anyone here know how to drive a bus or bus?"

Because Cai Wenjie and Song Yi must have someone to drive the Knight XV, if they have to drive two cars, it means losing firepower. But if someone can drive a bus, then one of Cai Wenjie or Song Yi can be a human fort and escort. You can also earn points at the same time.

As expected, the girls sitting quietly on the side shook their heads, saying that there were girls who could drive the bus, and they were also college students.

"In that case, Professor Dong, I will go to the surrounding area first to see if there are any vehicles that can carry everyone here. Song Yi will stay here to protect your safety. When I find the vehicle, I will drive it back. You can just board the vehicle then."

Cai Wenjie then turned to Song Yi and issued an order.

"Song Yi, you stay here to protect the safety of Professor Dong and them. If any zombies come near here, kill them immediately! When I drive back, you will be responsible for driving my knight to lead the way to the military shelter."

"Yes! Promise to complete the mission!"

Song Yi stood at attention and replied firmly.

After Cai Wenjie gave the order, when he stood up to check the equipment, An Tangtang, who had been eavesdropping obediently, suddenly jumped out and raised his right arm and shouted with a serious expression on his face.

"Report, I know where the school bus is, and it's the one with the key in it."

After checking the equipment, Cai Wenjie, who was about to leave the third floor of the cafeteria, paused and turned to look at An Tangtang, who was still speaking in class.

"Where is the location?"

"Uncle, let me take you there. You don't know the way, right? It will be faster if I lead the way."

After speaking, An Tangtang moved her little legs and came to Cai Wenjie's side and began to look into Cai Wenjie's eyes like a small animal.

But who is Cai Wenjie? As a survivor who has lived in the apocalypse for ten years, what scene has he never seen that would be moved by An Tangtang's eyes?

"No! One more person means more danger. I can't guarantee your safety."

Cai Wenjie replied in a firm tone, then took out his mobile phone, opened the mobile map APP, and used the real-life map to hand it to An Tangtang for directions.

An Tangtang was stunned by Cai Wenjie's operation. An Tangtang really didn't expect that there was such a straight man in the world. She pouted and took the phone and started to give Cai Wenjie directions.

"Uncle, after you walk this road all the way to the end, go right and you will see a big tree. Then walk 100 meters to the left and you will see the parking lot. There you will find a bus with the door open. The keys and everything are on it, you can just drive it back."

The bus An Tangtang mentioned is actually a school bus specially used by the school to pick up and drop off the school sports clubs. In other words, if the school clubs have any group activities, they can apply for a school bus to take them to competitions or something.

Today it happened that the school's football team had a friendly match and needed to use the school bus to go to the competition venue. After cleaning the bus, the driver sat in the cab and inserted the key while waiting for the players of the school football team to board the bus, when a zombie disaster broke out.

Because the driver had just finished washing the bus, he opened all the windows and doors of the bus to allow the moist air inside the bus to circulate.

Because of this, before the driver could react, several zombies broke into the bus and bit him to death on the spot and dismembered the driver.

After Cai Wenjie memorized the direction An Tangtang pointed, he took the phone back from An Tangtang and put it in his pocket. He ignored An Tangtang who was pouting and sulking, nodded to Song Yi, and left No. 1 In the cafeteria, I started to walk towards where the bus was.

After Song Yi saw Cai Wenjie leaving, he locked the door again, returned to the third floor, ignored the girls approaching him, and began to conscientiously raise his gun through the window to guard the surroundings.

During this period, he ignored the women who spoke to him countless times, which finally made them doubt their life and whether they were unattractive.

Cai Wenjie followed the route pointed by An Tangtang and finally arrived at the parking lot after killing almost twenty zombies blocking the way.

Although most of the zombies were attracted away by the previous gunfire, there were still a few zombies left in the parking lot, but this was no longer a challenge for Cai Wenjie.

Aiming, shooting, and reloading, Cai Wenjie easily dealt with the zombies in the parking lot. In addition, just in case, he checked all the bodies in the parking lot again and again, and shot those without holes in the head directly.

While checking the bodies in the parking lot, Cai Wenjie also found the bus that An Tangtang mentioned.

After walking around the bus and checking under the bus, Cai Wenjie boarded the bus and began to check if there were any zombies in the seats.

Fortunately, there were no zombies in the car. Except that the cab was dark red with the driver's blood, no other abnormalities were found.

After Cai Wenjie simply cleaned up the miserable situation left by the driver in the cab, he sat down on the driver's seat, twisted the key that was already inserted, and started the bus.

With the sound of the engine starting, Cai Wenjie closed the door of the bus first to prevent the original driver from stepping into the tragedy.

Then he drove the bus to Canteen No. 1.

After Cai Wenjie left, Song Yi stayed in front of the window, obeyed the orders left by Cai Wenjie, and killed the zombies that accidentally approached the canteen.

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