My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 395 Accident!

This situation directly shocked all the soldiers around. So many rockets did not cause any damage to the alien beast.

Almost all the soldiers, after seeing this situation, aimed their weapons at the alien beast and pulled the trigger at the same time.

In an instant, in addition to the light prism tower and other close defense guns that automatically defended against the incoming zombies, the firepower of the human soldiers was all concentrated on the alien beast, and this time the alien beast failed to release the shock wave-like ability, but chose to resist with its body.

Obviously, this was not a wise choice, because most of the weapons used by human soldiers were heavy weapons or other anti-material weapons, so when the alien beast chose to use its body to resist the attack, the outcome was doomed.

A large number of large-caliber bullets were poured out by the soldiers, all hitting the swollen body of the alien beast. The alien beast was beaten back again and again due to the huge pressure.

Although ordinary caliber bullets cannot cause any effective damage to the alien fighting beast, large caliber bullets can still cause some damage to the alien fighting beast. For example, when a large caliber bullet hits the alien fighting beast, it is like someone is holding a needle and gently pricking you. Although there is no major problem in general, the place where it is really pierced will still bleed a little, but that's all.

Although the alien fighting beast now looks embarrassed and bleeding due to the concentrated fire of everyone, these are all skin injuries, and there is not much damage to it.

Although the alien fighting beast can ignore these injuries and forcibly attack the defense system outside the fortress, the problem is that he cannot ignore the huge impact brought by the bullet. Generally speaking, bullets can't bring impact at all. After hitting the target, the bullet can pass through the body, so the person or object hit will not bear much impact.

However, the alien beast is different, because its body is very strong. When the bullet hits it, it will not penetrate, but will be smashed into pieces. This means that the alien beast has to bear all the impact of the bullets directly. If it is scattered, it can rely on its bulging body to resist, but when the bullets keep hitting it like dense raindrops, the alien beast can't bear all the impact at all. It can only be beaten back again and again until it is out of the range of most guns, and then it can stop for a while.

However, the soldiers will not give this huge alien beast a chance to breathe. When the alien beast retreats out of the range, it is time for the artillery in the rear to perform.

The artillery in the rear directly pulled the truck gun to the front line, and then aimed directly at the alien beast and began to pour shells, and they did not use ordinary high-explosive shells, but armor-piercing shells with stronger penetration.

The alien beast, which had already been beaten very badly by humans, was even more frightened now. It completely lost the shock it had when it first appeared, and directly shrank its neck and became a turtle.

However, the alien beast, who was a turtle, didn't know that Cai Wenjie was waiting for this moment.

"Quick! Aim at the alien beast and fire rockets!"


The second dense rain of rockets flew quickly towards the alien beast. This time, until the dense rockets hit the alien beast, it did not raise its head or make any defensive moves, but directly used its body, which had been blown to pieces, to resist.

After the rounds of bombing, the alien beast was almost blown to the point of only having one breath left, and it looked like it could die at any time.

The two arms with wings were blown away, and the legs were blown to the point that only bones were left. The worst was his upper body. After being bombarded by grenades, rockets, and artillery shells, only a few sternums and ribs were left in his upper body. The rest had been blown away long ago.

It must be said that these mutant monsters are indeed very tenacious. Except for the heart protected by the ribs, the rest of the body is empty.

But even so, the alien beast did not die, but tried to get up, but it couldn't stand up after all. To be honest, with so many guns and artillery fire, it would be shocked to death even if it was not killed.

"That guy is dying, concentrate fire on his brain and heart, and give him the final blow!"


Under Cai Wenjie's order, the soldiers reloaded their weapons and fired at the weaknesses of the alien beast for the last time.

"Boom! Hang on!!!!!!!"

The last volley of fire knocked the struggling alien beast to the ground, unable to get up again.


Looking at the alien beast that had no signs of life, Cai Wenjie couldn't help but shout "good!"

The alien beast died at the hands of Cai Wenjie's soldiers, so the points from killing the alien beast were naturally obtained by Cai Wenjie. The points obtained from killing the alien beast this time were 100,000, which was equivalent to killing a thousand ordinary zombies or a hundred mutant zombies. Although it seemed a lot, the ammunition and rockets consumed this time did not make much money at all, but instead lost a lot.

However, Cai Wenjie didn't care too much about these at this time. The most important thing now was to resist the zombies' attacks. Just now, because they had to focus on the alien beast at the same time, no one cared about the other zombies.

Now, these zombies have reached the bottom of the wall despite the attacks of the light prism tower and close-range defense cannons, and have begun to set up ladders, trying to climb up.

"Don't let your guard down! The zombies below have not been completely eliminated yet. Everyone turns their guns to aim at the zombies below and start shooting freely!"


While Cai Wenjie and other soldiers were clearing out the zombies below, General Yansong in the rear was controlled by several masked men, and General Yansong's guards were also released by these masked men. Pour it down and wipe it on your neck.

"Who are you? Do you know what you are doing now?"

Although Admiral Yansong was controlled, he still spoke to these masked men with dignity.

"I know! I know too much! General Yansong, I'm not telling you, your guards are too weak. We just set a little fire and attracted some zombies, and all your guards disappeared, leaving only These crooked melons and cracked dates are not enough for us to share.”

A thin but tall masked man answered Admiral Iwamatsu's question with a loud laugh, and also deliberately kicked the body of the guard whose neck had been wiped.

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