My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 399 Underground City

The masked men were now deaf and blind, and their limbs were broken. They could not struggle at all, nor could they resist the soldiers. They could only let themselves be manipulated.

However, although these men could not move, they kept talking nonsense.

"Everyone, this is just a misunderstanding. We are just doing things for others, and we did not hurt the old general, so please let us live."

This was the nonsense said by No. 1, the only woman in the masked team.

She tried to use words to mitigate their crimes, but unfortunately, kidnapping a senior military officer, especially a general, was already a capital crime, and stealing confidential documents of the country was an even greater crime, which was enough to shoot them dozens of times.

So the soldiers ignored her at all, and two of them began to drag several people towards the interrogation room, determined to dig out some intelligence from them.

At this time, without anyone noticing, Cai Wenjie returned to General Yansong's office. General Yansong had just said that these people were copying the sketch of the secret weapon. When he came to the computer in the office, Cai Wenjie pulled out the USB flash drive. Looking at the USB flash drive in his hand, Cai Wenjie was silent for a moment, then directly crushed the USB flash drive into pieces, and then casually threw it into the trash can next to him.

Doesn't Cai Wenjie know what the secret weapon in the USB flash drive is? Cai Wenjie's attitude was very clear about this.

He knew that the things inside were the secret weapons that General Yansong said, and they might be very powerful, but so what? In the end, this was not something that ordinary people could have. It could only be handed over to the state to manage and build. Cai Wenjie couldn't give up all the official identities he had so far because of this.

So he just kept silent for a moment, then completely destroyed the USB flash drive without hesitation, and then turned and left.

At this time, an abandoned mine cave about 100 kilometers away from the fortress was transformed into a huge underground city. The area inside was almost enough to accommodate a town with a population of more than a thousand people. Moreover, this underground city was not attacked by zombies or mutant animals, and the people living in it were indeed real humans.

The underground city was brightly lit, just like a small city with a night banquet. A large number of neon lights illuminated the entire street, and countless humans shuttled freely in the streets. It seemed as if this place was not affected by the zombie apocalypse at all, and it was still the same as before the apocalypse.

However, if you really understand this underground city, everything just now is completely bullshit.

None of the people who can live here are good people. There are only young men and women in the underground city. As for the elderly and children, it is impossible for them to appear here, because there is a dictatorial city lord in the underground city. The city lord's orders are everything in the underground city. This dictatorial city lord has formulated a lot of rules in the underground city, one of which is that the elderly over 60 and children under 16 cannot live in the underground city. Once found, they will be shot or dragged out and sent to the Colosseum.

In this underground city, apart from the City Lord’s Mansion, the largest is the Colosseum. This Colosseum is modeled after the Colosseum in ancient Rome and is very luxuriously decorated. However, the duels in the Colosseum are not with animals but zombies. This Colosseum is a place for people of status to have fun. They will throw people who violate the city lord’s rules into the Colosseum, and then give them ordinary cold weapons to fight against the zombies that have been arranged in the Colosseum.

Even some mutant zombies are locked in cages in the Colosseum for people to visit, and there are countless luxurious private rooms in the Colosseum, which are equipped with high-end wine, fruits, and maids with excellent figures and looks. The purpose of these maids does not need to be explained too much, and those who understand will understand.

At this time, in the Colosseum, a real-life duel between humans and zombies is being staged. The audience seats are full of people who come to watch the duel, and all the boxes of various sizes are full of people.

People looked at the absolute below, shouting vigorously, indulging their emotions, and rising and falling with the duel below, shouting, cursing, and occasionally some voices that are not suitable for children, all telling others how crazy the people here are.

The most luxurious and best seats here are the exclusive private rooms of the city lord. This exclusive private room of the city lord is built at the highest point of the Colosseum so that the people in the private room can see the entire terrain and duels of the Colosseum most clearly. The private room is even more luxurious and incredible. A large number of expensive wines are randomly placed on the shelves. The huge floor-to-ceiling windows can clearly see all the places below, and it is also equipped with a super-large screen, which can be manually enlarged when it is not clear. There are also four trained and best maids on standby in the private room.

This treatment can almost be said to be similar to that of the previous Roman emperors.

In comparison, the man who was in the arena, dueling with several zombies on the opposite side with a broken sword, was in a very critical situation. Because he violated the city lord's rules, this man was dragged here to duel with the zombies. If he could not be bitten to death or killed by the zombies within ten minutes, he would be acquitted. And as long as he killed all the zombies on the opposite side within ten minutes, he would not only be acquitted but also get one hundred gold coins as a reward.

I forgot to mention that the currency system of this dungeon is mainly settled by gold coins. There are three currencies in the dungeon, which are the highest-value gold coins, the second-level silver coins, and the lowest-value copper coins.

The exchange rate of gold, silver, and copper is one to one hundred, which means that one hundred copper coins can be exchanged for one silver coin, and one hundred silver coins can be exchanged for one gold coin. In addition, each gold, silver, and copper coin has its own anti-counterfeiting mark, which means that except for the coins stipulated by the City Lord's Mansion, any privately made coins are illegal. Once caught making or using counterfeit coins, they will also be thrown into the Colosseum to duel with zombies.

And one copper coin can buy a standard bread, which is the common bread in the store. Now it is the end of the world and in the dungeon, one copper coin can buy a bread. You can calculate the value yourself.

And one gold coin can buy 10,000 breads, and one hundred gold coins are one million breads, which is almost the same as winning a lottery of several million in peacetime.

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