My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 410: Come to the door

As the food and drinks on the table became less and less, several people became more relaxed. Basically, whatever new or interesting things they encountered recently, they would talk about it in front of everyone.

Li Tian and others no longer call Cai Wenjie Lieutenant Colonel Cai or Lieutenant Colonel, but call him Brother Cai, which makes him appear closer.

"By the way, I almost forgot about this. Brother Cai, I heard that we have a pair of sisters here, and they are from the war department. I heard that they also have a child with them. I don't know if it's true."

"I've also heard about that rumor. You don't know that my soldiers' eyes almost burst into flames when they heard about the beautiful woman."

"It's no wonder, our side basically has nothing to do with women, and now there is finally one. No, it's a couple. It's weird if they don't go crazy. I just don't know which unit they will be assigned to."

"I think even if they are members of the war department, I estimate that they will be assigned to positions on the inner wall at most. After all, the surrounding environment is really bloody. Girls should not be able to understand this."

In fact, this sentence does not mean to look down on them, but the surrounding environment is indeed a bit bloody. Even soldiers like them who are used to fighting zombies will feel a little uncomfortable when they see the scene over there, let alone women. They are.

It is actually not wrong for them to think so. The premise is that they would say such things without knowing their personalities. Once they know how ruthless these women are, they will not think so.

Cai Wenjie on the side felt something was wrong when he heard this. Female soldier? And she’s a female soldier with a child? Cai Wenjie instantly remembered what happened in the bathhouse just now.

Everyone saw that Cai Wenjie suddenly became a little strange, and all asked with concern.

"What's wrong with Brother Cai? His face doesn't look right? Is he drunk?"

How could Cai Wenjie be drunk if he hadn't drank from the beginning to the end? However, he couldn't tell them the reason for his strange expression, so Cai Wenjie could only shake his head and said.

"It's nothing. I just suddenly remembered something. It's okay. You can continue chatting."

"It turns out it's homesickness. It's okay. I can understand it. To be honest, we miss home too. I don't know how my wife and children are doing now. Alas."

"Me too, I don't know if my parents are doing well now. When the disaster started, my hometown was the first place where zombies appeared. Although the army evacuated the local residents in time, including my parents, but the south There are too many zombies, and there are more mutations than in the north. Basically, the gathering places in the south are in danger of being attacked by zombies every day and falling. I really want to bring my parents to the north, at least I don’t have to worry about the gathering places falling and falling. in danger"

As soon as these words came out, the mood of several people immediately became depressed. They were not orphans. One person had enough to eat and the whole family was not hungry. Instead, there were elderly people and children in the family. Now that the apocalypse has happened, as husbands/sons/fathers, no It’s natural to feel guilty being able to be with your family and accompany them.

Although I really want to return to them and protect my family, my profession does not allow it because they are soldiers. As soldiers, they must focus on the overall situation and must give up missing their families to eliminate zombies in such a place. This is the only way. Only then can more people survive.

Preventing more people from losing their homes and families is the only way this country can continue to survive.

Seeing that the atmosphere had fallen into a gloomy state for a time, Cai Wenjie had no choice but to speak to break the gloomy state.

"Okay, don't be depressed. I believe your parents don't want to see your current decadent attitude. Cheer up quickly. You also have to believe that one day humans on this land will stand up again, and there is no need to do anything. We have to live in fear by running around, but we can uprightly raise our heads and live in the sunshine. We have to strive for it ourselves! "

Cai Wenjie said this somewhat against his will. It was not that he was too pessimistic, but that in his last life, zombies were not completely eliminated even after ten years. It can even be said that only one person will survive in ten years. 100 million people, which means that the population has dropped by at least seventy times in ten years, and the zombies have not only not become extinct in ten years, but have mutated even more fiercely.

But now this has not happened, and Cai Wenjie will not let this tragedy happen again.

Perhaps Cai Wenjie's words had some effect. Everyone was no longer so depressed, but they obviously talked a lot less.

"Wenjie is right. If we, as soldiers of this country, lose confidence, then this apocalypse will never end. Others can be depressed and despairing, but we cannot! Because we are the only ones who can The one who ends this apocalypse!"

In order to cheer others up, Li Jianjun loudly agreed with Cai Wenjie's words.

Under the persuasion of the two, the other people seemed to be convinced, slowly cheered up, and began to talk nonsense through alcohol.

The atmosphere returned to the lively atmosphere at the beginning, and as if they wanted to vent all their uneasiness and grievances for so many days, they began to drink as hard as they could. Cai Wenjie was afraid of these guys. He couldn't control his drinking and made a fool of himself in front of other army officers, so he didn't take out more wine, and silently put aside the hangover medicine, ready to drink it at any time for several others.

However, fortunately, as several young and promising mid-level officers, they still had some rationality and did not get completely drunk, and avoided any embarrassing situations.

Just when several people were drinking, there was a knock on the door.

"Dong Dong Dong! Hello, is anyone there?"

The originally lively room suddenly fell into silence, not because of the sudden knock on the door, but because the voice was actually a female voice!

"That's right! This voice must be a woman's voice!"

"I remember that except for the one we just mentioned, there are no other women here!"

"Is this the point! The point is why the only woman knocked on this room!"

In an instant, everyone suddenly realized something and looked at Cai Wenjie, who had an unnatural expression.

After seeing Cai Wenjie's unnatural expression, they all seemed to know some heavy news and began to get excited.

"Brother Cai! You will be my idol from now on. It's only been a short time, and you have easily taken down the woman we have never seen before, and you even came to find you on purpose. I envy you!"

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