My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 33 Bombing

At this time, a rumbling sound began to appear in the sky. Read М

It was not thunder. Cai Wenjie saw a fighter plane through the car window! No! It was a bomber!

Taiwan Novel Network →𝕥𝕨𝕜𝕒𝕟.𝕔𝕠𝕞

"Song Yi! Turn around immediately! Run!"

Cai Wenjie shouted wildly into the intercom, then turned the front of the bus and stepped on the accelerator.

The bus began to rush in the original direction like a wild boar in heat.

The Knight XV driven by Song Yi completed the turn faster than the bus and was escorting in front of the bus.

In less than a minute, the bus and Knight XV had rushed forward 2 kilometers, and the zombies behind them now raised their heads and looked at the bomber group in the sky.

Stretching out pale arms, grabbing the air randomly, a meaningless groan came out of the throat.

In the cockpit of the bomber above

"Has arrived at the target area! Confirmed zombie tide, request to drop bombs!"

"Instructions received! Permission to drop bombs!"

"Understood ×4"

The only active bomber in service in Country Z is the H-6, usually four bombers in a squadron, twelve in a regiment, and thirty-six in a bomber division.

The escort fighters of the bombers are not fixed. When in combat, they can be escorted by any one or more fighters of the J-7, J-8, J-10, J-11/Su-27 as needed.

This time, the local air force dispatched all its assets, four H-6N and two escorting J-20 fighters.

The H-6N bomber is an improved version of my country's H-6K bomber and is currently the most advanced bomber in the Chinese Air Force.

In addition to more advanced equipment, a refueling pipe is installed on the nose of the H-6N, which means that the H-6N currently has the ability to refuel in the air.

For bombers, combat radius is a very important indicator.

The bomb load of the H-6N reached 10 tons, plus 6 long sword cruise missiles.

The weight of an aerial bomb is 250KG, which means that each bomber carries 40 bombs, and 4 bombers carry a total of 160 bombs.

Following the bombing order, the bomber group began to drop 250KG bombs.

"Boom! Boom, boom!"

In an instant, the place affected by the bomb turned into a blood pit.

The zombies were blown to pieces by the bomb.

The remains of the corpses flew everywhere, and the broken limbs of the zombies were everywhere. The land was dyed blood red by the blood of the zombies, and the air was filled with blood mist.

At this time, the pilot of the J-20 fighter escorting the bomber found two black spots on the road below that were fleeing the bombing area.

In order to confirm, the pilot of the J-20 fighter chose to descend and observe. ♦♦  ♦♦

"This is Escort No. 1. We found two vehicles moving on the road below. Please observe them closely."

"Request received! Permission to leave the formation for observation!"


After confirming the order, the J-20 fighter jet, which was originally escorting the bomber, left the flight formation, began to descend, and rushed towards Cai Wenjie's bus.

Cai Wenjie, who was fleeing, heard a rumble in the sky approaching his bus quickly.

But because he was driving the bus, he couldn't be distracted, so he could only shout to the people behind him.

"Look what is approaching us, hurry!"

The girls who were frightened by the explosion of the bomb had not recovered yet,

An Tangtang, who had been sitting near Cai Wenjie, started to make trouble again.

"Uncle, uncle! I'll do it!"

An Tangtang looked at Cai Wenjie with shining eyes. Because he was sitting with his back to her, Cai Wenjie didn't know who it was.

Without thinking much, he threw his military binoculars behind him.

After An Tangtang caught the telescope in a fluster, she excitedly ran to the ventilation window where Cai Wenjie had drilled before. After climbing up the seat with difficulty, she spread her legs and stepped on the left and right seats with her feet. Her upper body lay on the roof of the bus through the ventilation window. When she was about to pick up the telescope to observe.

With the roar of the J-20 heavy engine, it quickly passed over An Tangtang.

An Tangtang was directly stunned by the huge sound produced by the J-20 heavy engine, and her legs weakened and she fell down directly.

Fortunately, Gao Hongmei was worried about An Tangtang, so she came behind her when An Tangtang climbed up the seat and caught her when An Tangtang was about to fall to the ground.

At this time, Cai Wenjie also saw the fighter plane passing over the sky through the front car window and breathed a sigh of relief.

Because as long as he was seen, he would not be bombed by the bomber, and he was considered safe.

And the fact was indeed the same as Cai Wenjie thought.

The pilot of the J-20 fighter jet that passed over the bus and Knight XV returned to the battle sequence and began to report the situation to other fighter jets.

"Escort No. 1 returns to the team and starts reporting the situation! There are two vehicles driving westward below, one is an armored vehicle of unknown model, and the other is a bus. There are survivors in the bus. Please stay away from the vehicles for bombing, over!"

"Received! Re-customize the bombing range"

"Begin cruise bombing towards the D1 area"

At this time, the vehicles driven by Cai Wenjie and Song Yi finally escaped safely from the bomber's bombing range.

As the sound of the bombing gradually faded away, Cai Wenjie finally breathed a sigh of relief, or rather, everyone except Song Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

Song Yi was not afraid of death because he had died once.

Some of the girls on the bus cried with joy, while others hugged each other with cheers. At this time, An Tangtang, who was stunned by the sound of the fighter engine, woke up in a daze and found that she was half lying in Gao Hongmei's towering chest, hugged by Gao Hongmei, and was a little suffocated.

"Ah! Let me go, I can't breathe the air"

Because she felt suffocated, An Tangtang began to move around, which made Gao Hongmei a little shy, but she didn't continue to hug An Tangtang and let go of An Tangtang.

The released An Tangtang sat on the seat next to her and breathed heavily, looking at Gao Hongmei with horror while exhaling.

Gao Hongmei was stared at by An Tangtang's horror eyes, and smiled a little embarrassedly.

"Just now when you fell, I happened to catch you and prevented you from falling. What do you mean by looking at me like this instead of thanking me? I'm angry"

Gao Hongmei said with some righteousness, and An Tangtang knew she was in the wrong and began to comfort Gao Hongmei

"Oh, Sister Gao, Sister Gao! I was wrong, please forgive me, I will never do it again, I lied to you like a puppy!"

An Tangtang began to show an innocent expression, her little eyes stared at Gao Hongmei's eyes with tears, her little hand grabbed Gao Hongmei's hand and shook it gently. According to An Tangtang's previous experience, as long as she used the trick of being cute, she could basically solve most problems.

Sure enough, Gao Hongmei was stared at by An Tangtang's tearful eyes for less than 10 seconds, and she was defeated, and touched An Tangtang's little head with a smile.

"Okay, I forgive you, don't cry, dear"


An Tangtang confirmed in a cute tone

"Really, it's more real than real gold, and I'm not really angry, I was just teasing you just now"

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