My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 419: Fighting to the Death

The situation fell into a stalemate again. Now neither side could do anything to the other. The blood plague had no way to break through the firepower defense line composed of three light machine guns and a Gatling machine gun in a short time.

Although the human side was not at a disadvantage now and directly pushed the blood plague creatures back, it relied on consuming a large number of bullets at this time, and there would always be a moment when the bullets were used up. If the rescue had not come up at that time, then they would be in danger.

"Cover me! I need to reload"

The light machine gunner was about to run out of bullets, so he could only remind others loudly.

There was no way. If they reloaded at the same time, they would suffer. If they wanted to reload while maintaining the firepower network to the maximum extent, they had to cooperate with their teammates.


Soon, under the cover of his teammates, the light machine gunner completed the reload, and the subsequent reloads were all carried out with the support of his teammates like this time.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the bullet shells left by the soldiers' bullets became more and more visible to the naked eye. The piled-up bullet shells had covered their feet.

Moreover, the long-term continuous shooting had already burned the barrel of the gun to the point of bursting into flames. If they continued to shoot like this, the barrel would definitely be scrapped.

"Squad leader! Hasn't the support arrived yet? We can't hold on any longer!"

An assaulter shouted loudly while pouring bullets to the rear.

"Hold on a little longer! It's almost there, support will be coming soon, hold on! Don't retreat at all"

It had only been ten minutes since the battle began, but the defense line could not hold on any longer. If the support troops didn't arrive, they would be completely finished.

Just when everyone was ready to sacrifice, a series of explosions suddenly came from the rear of the team. At the same time, the blood plague creatures that were originally densely packed in the sewer were almost wiped out in an instant.

The fragments produced by the explosion mercilessly cut their skin and flesh, and the huge impact force blew them against the wall and made them unable to move. Some unlucky ones were even directly pierced in the head by shrapnel, and died without a sound.

And the one who did this was none other than Cai Wenjie himself. He used a grenade launcher to continuously fire high-explosive bombs, blowing the blood plague zombies blocking the road into blood and flesh, and directly cut a bloody path to the place where the team was to provide support.

"It's the leader! The leader is here to support us!"

"Quick! Go to meet the leader!"

"Support has arrived! Brothers, don't worry about ammunition and gun barrels! Shoot hard!"

The defense line that seemed to be about to collapse was miraculously maintained when Cai Wenjie came to support it.

And it began to burst out with amazing power. The originally sparse firepower defense line was instantly full of firepower, and the blood plague creatures that could not break through the defense line were once again repelled into the blood qi, unable to step out of the blood qi range, even one step.

"Those over there, don't come over! Be prepared for shock waves"

Looking at the soldiers who wanted to come to support him, Cai Wenjie immediately stopped their actions and waited for them to obediently prepare for shock waves.

Cai Wenjie immediately took out a four-round rocket launcher from the system space, that is, a rocket launcher that can launch four rockets, and pulled the trigger of the rocket launcher at the blood plague zombies blocking their way.

At the moment when his finger pulled the trigger, the four-round rocket launcher on Cai Wenjie's shoulder almost simultaneously fired four rockets at the group of blood plague zombies not far away.

Because the space on this side of the sewer is very small, Cai Wenjie did not dare to be careless. After launching the rocket, he immediately hid by the side, covered his ears, opened his mouth, and prepared for the shock wave generated when the rocket exploded.

The other soldiers also learned the same thing and prepared for shock waves.

The next second after Cai Wenjie was ready, four rockets were launched and hit the center of the blood plague zombie group accurately, and a shocking explosion occurred.

The fragments and shock waves generated by the rocket explosion directly blew the blood plague zombies and other blood plague creatures in the middle of the zombie group into countless small fragments. Even the blood plague zombies and creatures on the outermost periphery could not escape the fate of death. Compared with the blood plague zombies in the middle that were directly turned into fragments, they at least retained most of their bodies.

But that was all. Although most of the body was saved, the internal organs and brain were directly stirred into soup by the shock wave. If it was just the internal organs, it might be okay, but the problem was that if the brain was damaged, even the blood plague mutant zombies would have no way to deal with it and could only lie down obediently.

Not to mention that the brain was directly stirred into soup. These peripheral blood plague zombies originally had blood-red skin, and now there was red, yellow and white brain matter slowly flowing along the zombies' facial features. Their appearance was really unacceptable to ordinary people.

However, because of this, the support team successfully joined the team that was desperately shooting in front.

"The light and heavy machine guns continue to fire to suppress the blood plague zombies on the opposite side, and the remaining combatants come to me to receive incendiary bombs and fragmentation grenades!"


Cai Wenjie's order was absolute to them. Even though it was not a mandatory order, the soldiers still obeyed the discipline very obediently. Except for the three people who operated the light and heavy machine guns, the other team members, including the captain of this team, also came to Cai Wenjie and respectfully received several incendiary bombs and fragmentation grenades.

"Everyone, two people in a group, one throwing a grenade, one throwing an incendiary bomb, the time interval is ten seconds, and don't stop until the blood plague heart is completely dead!"


Except for the operators of the light and heavy machine guns, the other soldiers formed teams of two, and then threw incendiary bombs and fragmentation grenades in groups under Cai Wenjie's gaze.

Cai Wenjie planned to continue to deal with the blood plague heart with the method he had just used to kill the blood plague heart, but Cai Wenjie soon found something wrong, because the incendiary bombs and fragmentation grenades thrown by the soldiers were completely silent after entering the blood qi.

Even Cai Wenjie's manual time bomb was useless. As long as it was thrown into the thick blood range, the bomb would fail. This puzzled Cai Wenjie. Although he didn't know why the bomb didn't explode, it didn't bother Cai Wenjie.

He just smiled and bought ten sets of individual exoskeleton armor from the system mall and distributed them to the soldiers around him. This set of exoskeleton was the one that Cai Wenjie left in the Xinguang gathering place for the third company to use.

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