My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 424 Commendation

"Cao Cao is really here. Hahaha, Lieutenant Colonel Cai Wenjie, you did a great job today! Not only were you the first to discover the heart of the blood epidemic, but you also quickly made corresponding countermeasures and led the troops with lightning speed. You quickly wiped out the heart of the blood epidemic that had not yet become a disaster, and avoided possible catastrophe in the future. Lieutenant Colonel Cai Wenjie, I have to sigh that you are so outstanding. I really don’t know how to reward you better."

General Yansong is obviously very satisfied with Cai Wenjie, but it is a bit difficult to award Cai Wenjie. To be honest, Cai Wenjie's promotion speed is too fast now. Others must have served in the army for at least ten years and performed well. Among the promoted school-level officers, Cai Wenjie was indeed promoted to lieutenant colonel in just one month. →ReadМ

Some people still think Cai Wenjie's promotion is too fast, but it's hard to say anything because Cai Wenjie has made great contributions every time he is promoted. It can be said that there is no problem with Cai Wenjie's promotion, but it is too fast. That’s all.

Therefore, there is no choice. This commendation cannot promote Cai Wenjie's military rank, but can only award him with the Medal of Merit. Originally, after discussions with senior officers including General Yansong and Brigadier Hongwu, it was planned to award Cai Wenjie his personal second-class merit. And awarded third-class collective merit to the troops led by Cai Wenjie.

But this was a decision made before the Heart of Blood Plague was discovered, and it did not include the reward for Heart of Blood Plague, because it was to reward Cai Wenjie for his decision when he led his troops out to guerrilla for the first time and eliminated a large number of zombies and mutated zombies. credit.

Now it seems that the decision to award second-class merit and second-class collective merit is somewhat inappropriate now, because what Cai Wenjie did this time is fully worthy of the title of first-class merit and second-class combat hero. Even this time Cai Wenjie The troops he leads can also achieve second-class collective merit.

That's why General Yansong felt it was inappropriate. Although he really wanted to commend Cai Wenjie now, because his contribution was so high, he had to convene all senior officers for a discussion after he returned before he could decide on the commendation for Cai Wenjie. .

"Well, Wenjie, although I want to commend you now, with your current achievements, the award we prepared to give you is no longer suitable, so we can only decide on your award through another meeting and discussion. Commendation, please wait a moment.”

Cai Wenjie didn't have much reaction to the commendation from General Yansong, because as a man who joined the army halfway, he had no concept of military achievements and awards. He thought that General Yansong would only give his troops supplies as a reward, so even if Admiral Yansong said that Cai Wenjie would not respond even if he waited.


Cai Wenjie first answered subconsciously, and then immediately remembered what he was here to do.

"Reporting to the General, please allow me to briefly explain the ins and outs..."

Cai Wenjie not only told General Yansong how he encountered and eliminated the Blood Plague Heart in detail, but he finally began to apologize to General Yansong for arbitrarily mobilizing troops without any orders. And they mobilized fully armed soldiers.

Regarding Cai Wenjie's unauthorized deployment of troops, General Yansong did not blame him, but began to excuse him.

"I don't blame you for arbitrarily mobilizing troops. If you hadn't decisively blocked all bunkers, the entire bunker would have been occupied by blood plague creatures, so you don't need to blame yourself for this."

"Thank you for your understanding, Chief!"

"Okay, it's getting late, so let's do this for today. Regarding your award this time, I will give you a satisfactory result as soon as possible tomorrow before you set off. Don't worry, I won't lose you."

Although Cai Wenjie wanted to say that it didn't matter whether he had military exploits or not, but when he thought that the more military exploits he had, the more famous he would be in the army, he fell silent and acquiesced to General Yansong's words.

To be honest, some people may think that military exploits and fame are not important at this time, but in fact, Cai Wenjie wants fame in the army because he has found his goal.

To be honest, although after Cai Wenjie was reborn, he was busy killing zombies, rescuing survivors, and building a new light gathering place. However, these were all done passively or under the advice of others, because Cai Wenjie’s biggest goal from the beginning of his life was to save people. His family, and this goal was easily achieved, and he also made the Xinguang Gathering Place an existence that no one could mess with, and no one could easily hurt his family.

Even now that he has become an army officer, Cai Wenjie has taken advantage of the situation. However, after joining the army voluntarily and coming to this border, Cai Wenjie had his own new goal.

That is to become a high-ranking military officer like Admiral Iwamatsu, and then lead his troops to conquer cities and large tracts of land occupied by zombies, so that humans can once again become the top of the food chain on this planet.

Or directly expand outward so that there is only one country in the world and realize a community with a shared future for mankind.

But no matter what goal it is, it is not something that Cai Wenjie can achieve now. Therefore, in order to achieve his goal, the first thing Cai Wenjie has to do is to become the top generals in the army.

To become a top general, you must first have a lot of reputation, at least the kind of reputation that allows the central government to remember his name and continue to pay attention.

And the fastest way to gain these reputations is undoubtedly to make meritorious deeds, and to make great meritorious deeds.

Just like today, I went out during the day and killed tens of thousands of zombies, and I got a second-class merit. With the incident of the Heart of the Blood Plague, I will definitely get at least a first-class merit. As for the title of second-class combat hero, Cai Wenjie doesn't have much hope.

However, the first-class merit is basically a sure thing. Although the benefits of the first-class merit cannot be enjoyed, the most important thing is the reputation brought by the first-class merit. In the future, as long as you wear this first-class merit medal on your military uniform, you will naturally be respected by people.

In this way, there is a great success rate whether it is doing business or forming an alliance.

After leaving the place where Admiral Yansong was, Cai Wenjie returned to her room. She wanted to take off her clothes and go to bed directly, but she suddenly found that she still had the stench of the sewer on her body.

Cai Wenjie had no choice but to go to the bathhouse again to take a bath, but unfortunately, there was no peach blossom luck this time, and there was no one in the bathhouse now.

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