My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 433 Misunderstanding

Ning Tian, ​​who pushed the door open, and Cai Wenjie, who had just jumped down, were both stunned. There was nothing they could do. The incident happened too suddenly, and neither of them could react for a moment. Reading

The two looked at each other strangely for a few seconds, and finally Cai Wenjie woke up and took the initiative to control Dr. Ning Tian.

"Don't move! Answer my questions honestly now, otherwise..."

Although the following words were not said, it was obvious that this was a threatening statement.

Dr. Ning Tian, ​​who was controlled by Cai Wenjie, had no intention of compromising at all. Relying on her familiarity with the human body, she broke her arm and escaped from Cai Wenjie's control. Then she used a roundhouse kick to force Cai Wenjie back.

It was a pity that the battle-hardened Cai Wenjie didn't buy her tricks at all. Although he was shocked that she dared to break her arm in pain to get out of his control, that was all.

Seeing Ning Tian kicking at him, Cai Wenjie didn't even try to dodge, but took two steps to Ning Tian's side, and then used his body advantage to press Dr. Ning Tian to the ground, making her unable to move.

In order to let her know that he was not a bad person, Cai Wenjie put her broken arm back after controlling her movements.

To be precise, he put her dislocated arm back.

"Listen, I'm not a bad person, but now there is a woman who is extremely evil and has entered your room through the vent above. The most important thing for you now is to see if you are missing anything, such as clothes or weapons, because that woman's disguise and makeup skills are very strong, and I have sufficient reason to suspect that she will borrow your identity."

Ning Tian's face was pale because of the pain of her arm, but she still responded to Cai Wenjie's words.

"Are you saying that someone is using my identity to cheat people out there?"

"Maybe it's worse than cheating people out there. I'm afraid she will assassinate Admiral Yansong and other senior generals."

Cai Wenjie's expression was very serious when he said this, so Ning Tian almost believed it.

"I know, I will cooperate with you, but before that, let me go. You just connected your bones the wrong way. It hurts, don't you know!"

Hearing Ning Tian's somewhat aggrieved voice, Cai Wenjie finally reacted and looked at his connected arm.

Then he found that it seemed that he really connected her arm the wrong way.

"Ah, sorry, sorry, I'll connect it back for you now."

After saying that, Cai Wenjie did not hesitate at all, and directly removed the connected arm with clever force, and then reconnected the arm with lightning speed. This time, Cai Wenjie finally did not connect it wrong, but Ning Tian was almost dying of pain.

Although she wanted to scream, she still subconsciously clenched her teeth, not letting herself make any sound, and silently endured the pain.

"I think it should be fine, try to move it"

"No, you did put it back correctly, thank you!"

Although Ning Tian was thanking him, Cai Wenjie could clearly feel that she was gritting her teeth when she said thank you, as if she wanted to punch him.

Cai Wenjie didn't think it was strange. If someone suddenly broke into his room, controlled him with force, and caused his arm to be removed, he would definitely beat the intruder half to death with his temper, and then decide whether to hand over the rest of the half-death to him after asking the reason.

But Cai Wenjie soon came back to his senses. Now there are more important things to do, and he has no time to ask about his well-being here.

"I will apologize to you solemnly for this matter later. The most important thing now is that you must go with me to find that woman to prevent things from getting bigger and control her."

Ning Tian rubbed his arm and nodded to Cai Wenjie with a pale face.

Then Ning Tian fiddled around in his room and took out a medical kit from somewhere. In the medical kit, Ning Tian took out a fixing clip and a bandage and quickly put them on himself.

He also took out a set of casual clothes from the closet and put on a mask that could cover half of his face.

"Since the dangerous woman you mentioned borrowed my identity, I can understand that she took my face, right?"

"So you want to cover your face to make it easier to find her?"

"That's right! Since she used my appearance, it would be easy to find her, after all, she is now Dr. Ning Tian"

Perhaps because she suffered an unexpected disaster, Ning Tian is very angry now. She can't beat the man in front of her, but the woman who pretended to be her will not let it go so easily.

After Ning Tian finished the disguise, she followed Cai Wenjie to the restaurant. They planned to look for the most crowded places first.

After all, the woman played a doctor. Since she was a doctor, she would definitely stay where the injured were.

Following this line of thought, Cai Wenjie and Ning Tian came to the temporary medical center built in the restaurant. This is where all the injured are temporarily stranded. If the injury is not serious, they will be treated here. If the injury is serious, they will be transferred to a special ward for further treatment.

As soon as the two entered the temporary medical center, they smelled a strong smell of disinfectant, but no matter how strong the disinfectant was, it could not cover up the bloody smell here. In some places, the smell of blood even overwhelmed the disinfectant.

A large number of wounded people had no place to lie down, so they could only lean against the wall and try not to fall down. Some wounded people even had both legs amputated and had no place to lie down and could only rely on the wall. He endured the severe pain and persisted.

Many people here did not have enough anesthesia, so they directly underwent surgery without injecting anesthesia. They had to rely on their own will to endure the severe pain caused during the surgery.

Many people made it through, and many people didn't, and those who didn't have their eyes closed forever.

"Those two people over there! What are you doing! If you have nothing to do, come over and help!"

A female nurse wearing a nurse uniform suddenly stopped Cai Wenjie and Ning Tian, ​​and then said something dissatisfied.

But the little nurse regretted it as soon as she finished speaking, because she knew that the handsome man was Lieutenant Colonel Cai Wenjie, the main person to be commended today.

"I'm sorry, Lieutenant Colonel Cai Wenjie, that I didn't recognize you right away. You must be chasing the culprit of the explosion now. I'm sorry to disturb you!"

Cai Wenjie didn't even have a chance to explain before he was rendered speechless by a series of blows from the little nurse.

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