My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 437: Border Town

After briefly explaining the situation to the soldiers, Cai Wenjie immediately made arrangements for who would go and who would stay.

However, this matter was not difficult to choose. Cai Wenjie decided to take away his clone army and leave the natural people to guard the home.

The purpose of this is very simple. It is not a matter of trust or distrust. It is mainly because the clone soldiers can be commanded more smoothly without having to worry about the system.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝐭𝐰𝐤𝐚𝐧.𝐜𝐨𝐦]

If you want to bring natural people with you, you must first find a way to keep the secret of the system, and then you have to protect a lot of them from returning alive. This is too troublesome. Rather than doing this, it is better to bring the clone army from the beginning. .

After making the decision, Cai Wenjie did not directly say who would stay and who would go, but used a little trick.

"This mission can be said to be very important and very dangerous, because we have to go to a city full of zombies to stock up on medical supplies, so we will definitely be surrounded by a large number of zombies by then. Therefore, we use a lottery method for this mission. What determines who goes and who stays? Now everyone comes forward to draw their lot in the form of a class schedule."

As he spoke, Cai Wenjie took out a box from behind, containing countless notes.

"Each note has the two numbers 1 and 0 written on it. If you draw 1, you have to collect medical supplies. If you draw 0, you will stay here. If you understand clearly, come and draw."

Soon the first person came to Cai Wenjie and stretched out his hand, put his hand into the box and took out a piece of paper at random. The number 1 was clearly written on the piece of paper, which also meant that he was going to participate in the mission. .

"If you draw the number 1, stand to my right. If you draw the number 0, stand to the left."

"Yes! Chief!"

Obviously, the soldier who drew the number 1 was Cai Wenjie's clone soldier. After saluting, he immediately stood up on Cai Wenjie's right side.

Then the second, the third, and so on. Soon, in less than ten minutes, more than 200 people had completed the drawing of lots. The soldiers who drew the number 1 stood on Cai Wenjie's right side, and those who drew the number 0 Standing on the left hand side.

"Okay, now the results are out. Those on the right will now go up, put on their equipment, and get ready to go. Those on the left will immediately go to each defensive point to report!"


Cai Wenjie looked at the soldiers who hurriedly went upstairs to prepare, quietly destroyed the lottery box and threw it into the trash can.

Just now, by drawing lots, the clones and ordinary soldiers were successfully classified. All those with the number 1 are clones, and those with the number 0 are all ordinary soldiers.

As for how to tell the difference, it was because of the lottery box. There were several levels in it that allowed Cai Wenjie to manipulate the notes inside at will.

It is estimated that ordinary soldiers should have noticed Cai Wenjie's secret operation, but they did not make any announcement, but turned a blind eye as if they had not seen it. After all, it was Cai Wenjie's arrangement. As a few top soldiers, they did not dare to say anything. .

Anyway, they can just do whatever the leader tells them to do. The duty of a soldier is to obey orders. This is the first thing they learn when they join the army on the first day.

Besides, they believed that Lieutenant Colonel Cai Wenjie would not harm them, so they could just stay, it was no big deal.

Ten minutes later, the clone soldiers who had gone up to prepare their equipment were already standing in front of Cai Wenjie, fully equipped, and the twenty infantry fighting vehicles and ten transport trucks that General Yansong promised him were all parked nearby. far away.

"Okay! Time is running out. Each team will board the infantry fighting vehicle immediately, check the weapons and equipment, and then set off directly!"


Following Cai Wenjie's order, some soldiers quickly and orderly began to board twenty infantry fighting vehicles. Because there were few people on board, each infantry fighting vehicle was not full, and there was even a lot of free space.

As for those transport trucks, they only have the driver and co-pilot. No soldier would be stupid enough to board the transport truck. After all, if you encounter flying units such as zombie birds, the rear compartment without any roof cover will be damaged. Disastrous.

After Cai Wenjie saw all the soldiers boarding the infantry fighting vehicle, he also took a few soldiers to the first infantry fighting vehicle and boarded it.

Then a large convoy consisting of twenty infantry fighting vehicles and ten transport trucks began to slowly leave the bunker and drove east along a dirt road.

Even the nearest city is two hundred kilometers away from the bunker. Coupled with the speed of the convoy and the ground conditions, it takes almost three hours of driving to cover these two hundred kilometers.

If you encounter any large-scale zombie tide or group of corpses on the way, it will probably be even later.

So when Cai Wenjie assured General Yansong, he conservatively said that he would not be back until tomorrow.

In a small border city two hundred kilometers away, which was also the destination of Cai Wenjie's trip, a big event happened at this moment, because the population of this city was not very large, with only a few hundred thousand registered people. But after deducting the population who go out to work and the surrounding towns, the actual population of the entire city is only tens of thousands.

Not long after zombies appeared in this small border town, local troops, together with local police and militia, used a large number of weapons and ammunition to quickly clear out most of the zombies and save most of the population.

So there are a lot of humans living in this border city, and because there are too many people and different ideas, many survivor teams have formed large and small human strongholds. The strongholds established by ordinary survivors are okay. They will not cause trouble or deliberately go against the authorities, but the trouble is those who specifically go against the authorities. There are also many of these people, and they have also established many strongholds, or gangs.

These survivors specifically go against the authorities, and they are even more rude to ordinary survivors. As long as they meet them, they will rob them, not only for supplies, but also for women and children.

You don’t need to say what they do to rob women. As for robbing children, it’s because they also need fresh blood. Adults are not easy to control, but children are different. They don’t know what is good and evil. As long as they are simply trained, they will become their fresh blood and develop for a long time in the future.

As for what happened? It’s also very simple. These people don’t know where they got a lot of weapons and ammunition. Relying on these weapons, they are now openly launching terrorist attacks on official gathering places, that is, gathering places guarded by local forces, police and militia.

As for why they attacked the official gathering place, their reason was that people who were dissatisfied with the officials occupied a large amount of supplies, and they felt that these supplies should be distributed equally to everyone, naturally including themselves.

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