My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 446 Wolf Pack

But what all the soldiers didn't expect was that this circle of howling wolves actually came out of the woods and gradually approached the convoy from all directions.

The leader of the pack, the wolf king, was a snow-white male wolf without a single strand of hair on his body, and next to the snow wolf was a gray female wolf, who should be the mate of the wolf king.

Led by these two wolves, the wolves gradually approached the convoy, or an infantry fighting vehicle in the convoy, and the person sitting on this infantry fighting vehicle was none other than Cai Wenjie himself.

"Hmm? Interesting, these wolves are coming towards me"

Cai Wenjie said very confidently, but he had no interest in these wolves and directly ordered the convoy to set off.

"Don't worry about these wolves, we don't have time to waste here, let's continue to set off"


Just as the driver was about to drive the infantry fighting vehicle forward, the snow-white wolf king outside rushed to the front of the infantry fighting vehicle in one step, and then lay down in front of the infantry fighting vehicle as if prostrating himself.

The rest of the wolf packs, like their wolf king, prostrated themselves on both sides of the convoy.

It was as if these wolves, led by the wolf king, had collectively surrendered to Cai Wenjie's convoy.

Seeing this scene, Cai Wenjie was a little surprised and said subconsciously.

"Wait a minute!"

The convoy, which was originally ready to set off again, stopped again under Cai Wenjie's order.

When the wolves outside saw that the convoy really stopped, the leader, the wolf king, moved forward at a very slow speed towards the infantry fighting vehicle where Cai Wenjie was, and it put its tail at the lowest end, which also meant that it was really willing to surrender.

After seeing the performance of the leader wolf, Cai Wenjie thought for a while, then opened the back door of the infantry fighting vehicle and walked out with several guards.

The guards around Cai Wenjie pointed their weapons at the surrounding wolves. If they dared to move or mess around, they would be killed by them immediately.

Cai Wenjie walked out of the infantry fighting vehicle and observed the snow-white wolf king closely before he discovered that the leader of the wolf pack was actually a mutated species.

In the final analysis, the so-called virus was originally a failed product of the strengthening agent. Although it was a failed product, there was a very small possibility that the creature could be successfully strengthened, even if the probability was infinitely close to zero, but it was not zero after all.

Maybe this wolf did something great in his previous life, which allowed him to successfully strengthen from a probability infinitely close to zero. No! With its current performance, it can be said that it has evolved.

And unlike other mutant animals, the body of this snow-white wolf king did not rot. Even after the successful strengthening, it also gained extremely high wisdom. Of course, this is only relative to animals. If it is replaced by humans, it is equivalent to the average level of an ordinary person.

Don't underestimate this average level. When you reach this situation, you can completely communicate with this wolf king as a human.

At this time, Cai Wenjie didn't know about this, but he immediately became alert when he knew that the wolf king who expressed his submission in front of him was a mutant animal.

Cai Wenjie did not make any other moves, but kept staring at the wolf king's eyes, while the wolf king avoided Cai Wenjie's eyes and lowered his posture, almost burying his head in the soil.

After a while, Cai Wenjie finally retracted his momentum and said to the wolf king in front of him.

"You, can you understand what I say?"

Although Cai Wenjie himself did not know why he said such stupid things, something unexpected happened.

The wolf king, who was lying on the ground with his five bodies prostrated, stood up slightly, and then nodded very humanely.

This greatly increased Cai Wenjie's interest.

"You can actually understand human words, then let me ask you, what are you going to do with these wolves? Robbery?"

Hearing Cai Wenjie's words, the wolf king was obviously stunned, and then shook his head without hesitation, and then began to gesture on the ground with his sharp claws.

It first pointed at the surrounding wolves and itself with its claws, then turned over towards Cai Wenjie, showing its belly to Cai Wenjie.

Now Cai Wenjie finally confirmed that this guy really came to seek refuge with him.

"You mean, you want to take your tribe to seek refuge with me?"

As soon as Cai Wenjie said this, the wolf king immediately grinned and nodded his head to show his affirmation.

Cai Wenjie did not ask why, because it would be useless to ask. It was nothing more than a shortage of prey now, and the infected animals would actively attack any living creatures, so the wolf king found it increasingly difficult to survive. For the future of the tribe, it decided to take the entire tribe to seek refuge with a powerful human.

If it was just one wolf, there would be nothing to worry about. After all, it was immune to the virus. Even if it was a creature infected with the virus, it would still eat it. But his tribe was not like that. It had tried to hunt infected animals many times before, but except for it, there was no wolf that could resist the virus. All the wolves that ate infected animals turned into zombie wolves. It had no choice but to deal with the mutated wolves by itself.

Otherwise they will attack other wolves, and then their tribe will suffer a devastating disaster.

As for why it decided to join humans, the reason is very simple. It had seen humans fighting with monsters somewhere before. There were only dozens of humans, but they killed hundreds or thousands of monsters in the end, even though none of them were injured.

It thought that if it were itself, it would have the strength to fight against enemies dozens of times more numerous, but it would definitely lose in the end. However, humans are different. The flaming sticks in their hands can easily resist the siege of a large number of monsters and even destroy those monsters in turn. This is incredible.

Also, just now, it led its tribe and hid in the surrounding woods, and saw with its own eyes that the arrogant giant black bear was killed by a human mount in one go.

To be honest, it had fought with this giant black bear a few hours ago. Although it relied on its huge agility advantage to play with the black bear, its attack did not cause much damage to the black bear.

On the contrary, if I were to be caught by the black bear by accident, I would definitely be used as a punching bag and beaten up by the black bear.

But such a powerful black bear just disappeared, and it was because of this that it thought humans were very strong.

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