My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 448 Mechanical Armor for Dogs

Because all vehicles must be filled with gas, Xiang Xue and the others were allowed to move freely.

At some point, Cai Wenjie appeared outside the truck where Xiang Xue was and said something to the people inside and the Wolf King.

"Come out and do some exercise, you too"

Cai Wenjie first told the people inside to do some activities, and then looked at the Wolf King.

The White Wolf King also nodded knowingly, glared at Xiang Xue for the last time, and then jumped out of the truck with his wife.

Cai Wenjie first took the Wolf King aside, and then started talking.

"Although I promised to take you in, it doesn't mean that I will raise freeloaders, um, wolves! So I have to make a few demands on you.

First, from now on, you are not allowed to bite or grab any human being, unless you have my permission.

Second, you will be officially incorporated into my army from now on, with normal military ranks and positions, and the requirements for promotion or advancement will be no different from others. I will treat them the same, and the same will be true for you.

The third and final requirement is absolute obedience to orders!

If you can agree to these three requirements, I will officially accept you and will never discriminate against you because of your animal status. At the same time, your safety will be guaranteed. Do you want to agree?"

After Cai Wenjie finished speaking, he looked at the White Wolf King who was thinking. After a moment, the White Wolf King nodded to Cai Wenjie with a serious expression, indicating that he had agreed to the three requests, and then saluted Cai Wenjie with his paws as a military salute.

This is an action that the White Wolf King often performs when watching other soldiers facing Cai Wenjie. As a wolf king that has always had the same IQ as humans, it quickly realized the meaning of this salute, and then learned it and showed it to Cai Wenjie. one time.

"Okay! I now grant you the military position of second lieutenant platoon leader. You will lead your wolf pack to form two reconnaissance squads and two combat squads, specifically responsible for battlefield reconnaissance and sneak attack missions. I will take your wolf pack with you later. Soldiers come to me to collect equipment! Do you understand?"


The White Wolf King immediately yelled to show that he heard it, then turned around and ran to other trucks, preparing to call his subordinates out.

As for Cai Wenjie, after watching the White Wolf King gather his wolf troops, he turned around and walked towards where Xiang Xue and the others were.

To be honest, Xiang Xue's performance was really weird and unbelievable, so he was ready to see for himself what she was capable of.

When he walked to where the group was, Xiang Xue was standing in front of the door of the convenience store, his eyes dull as he looked at the snacks and food on the shelves inside, and there was even glistening saliva from the corner of his mouth about to drip to the ground.

Because no one has been managing it for a long time, or for other reasons, the automatic door sensor of the convenience store has malfunctioned, so it cannot be opened normally. And because there is no soldier to take the lead in collecting supplies, they have no choice or He said he didn't have the nerve to collect supplies by himself.

"What are you doing? If you want something to eat, go in and get it. There's no need to stand outside with a sullen expression. Your name is Xiang Xue, right? I heard you can kill a black bear with your bare hands?"

Cai Wenjie asked Xiang Xue curiously. The Xiang Xue in front of him now looked like a greedy girl, and could not be associated with the fierce man who killed the black bear.

After hearing Cai Wenjie's question, Xiang Xue reluctantly withdrew her gaze from the window and turned to look at Cai Wenjie. Her waist-length ponytail followed her turn and smoothly brushed the tip of Cai Wenjie's nose. .

Because of the suddenness of the incident, Cai Wenjie almost couldn't hold back a sneeze, but luckily he managed to hold it back.

"You happen to have time now, do you want to practice?"

Although Cai Wenjie invited her to practice martial arts, to her surprise, Xiang Xue decisively refused after sizing up Cai Wenjie for a few times.

"No, I can't beat you, and I'm hungry now, so I can't use all my strength." He said, secretly looking at the food in the convenience store, and swallowed secretly.

Looking at Xiang Xue who kept looking at the convenience store, Cai Wenjie shrugged, then pulled out his gun and shot at the convenience store's sensor. The automatic door that was originally closed suddenly opened automatically.

"Go and get it. It's my treat."

"Thank you! You are a good person"

Before Xiang Xue finished speaking, he left Cai Wenjie standing there alone, and quickly ran to the convenience store. It looked as if if he came a step too late, all the food in the convenience store would disappear.

Cai Wenjie looked at Xiang Xue who was running towards the convenience store and couldn't help but nodded. Although this girl didn't look too smart, her explosive power was very powerful. Although she didn't have a professional timer, Cai Wenjie could still calculate. When Xiang Xue comes out, she can run to the convenience store as fast as the world's top sprinters. Depending on the situation, the burst speed of 100 meters can reach about 9 seconds, or even shorter.

And looking at her, she didn't seem to have any burden, her face was filled with a happy smile, and she was quite innocent.

Cai Wenjie decided to wait until she had eaten and drank enough before talking to her about the future, as for the present.


At this time, the White Wolf King brought his wolf pack, his exclusive subordinates, to behind Cai Wenjie, and then directed the wolves to form four square formations neatly, waiting for Cai Wenjie's review.

"Are you ready so soon? Well done, come with me and I will distribute equipment to you."

Looking at dozens of gray wolves sitting in four square formations under the leadership of the wolf king, Cai Wenjie had to sigh again at the appeal and leadership of the white wolf king.

And Cai Wenjie didn't say anything nonsense. He went directly to a deserted place and took out the forty sets of mechanical armor for dogs that he had exchanged from the system space more than ten minutes ago in front of the wolf pack.

This set of mechanical armor is not simple. The whole set of armor is made of the highest hardness alloy steel. Unlike the multifunctional exoskeleton armor used by humans, this set of mechanical armor for dogs focuses more on the defense and attack power of the whole body.

The most special one is the mechanical claw that can be freely extended. Needless to say, its hardness and sharpness are so sharp that it can be said to be like cutting iron with mud. Ordinary zombies can be completely dismembered after being caught once. Even mutant zombies like tanks, which are famous for their defense, can't block the attack of the mechanical claw.

And like other individual exoskeleton armor worn by humans, this set of armor is also a full-body covering equipment. Even the oxygen supply is filtered like a gas mask before it is supplied to the user.

More importantly, there is a small animal translator inside, so as long as you put on this set of armor, you can have tactical exchanges with humans.

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