My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 456: The Victory of the Surrenderists

Cai Wenjie directly sent out all the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, surrounded the auto repair station, and then began a carpet search. Read М

As expected, in less than a few seconds, the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft found the observer hiding on a balcony on the third floor.

Taiwan Novel Network β†’ The situation of yellow πš πš”ο½‡πš—.πšŒπš–

The main reason is that the telescope this person is holding is too reflective, and it is difficult not to notice him.

From this, it can be seen that these people are also novices. They didn't even notice the reflection of the telescope, which simply gave others another chance to snipe.

Cai Wenjie looked at the observer who was holding the telescope very seriously through the lens of the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, and couldn't help shaking his head. This person didn't know that the telescope would reflect light, and even his vigilance was so low that he didn't find it when the reconnaissance aircraft was almost in front of him.

If there was such an observer in Cai Wenjie's army, he would definitely let him run 400 obstacles 100 times without saying a word, and then let him run 400 again 100 times in full armor and with weights, so that he could clearly realize his mistake.

After confirming that there were living people in this place, Cai Wenjie immediately ordered two infantry fighting vehicles in the convoy to go and test it. If they were ordinary survivors, it would be a small help to move them to a safe place. If not, then there is nothing to say, just be prepared to die. '6' '9' 's' 'h' 'u' 'x' '. ' 'c' 'o' 'm'

The 105mm rifled gun is not a vegetarian. Unless the opponent has anti-armor weapons, don't think about resisting. The best choice is to lie down and wait to be captured.

Soon, the two infantry fighting vehicles that received Cai Wenjie's order broke away from the formation of the convoy and began to run towards the auto repair station.

The people in the auto repair station were still arguing. After all, it was difficult to surrender without reaching a consensus. Now there were a few people who strongly opposed the idea of ​​others wanting to surrender.

"No! Do you know how many people we have harmed so far? If we surrender now, let alone being recruited, we will most likely be killed on the spot. I can't take this risk to surrender, so I firmly disagree!"

"I don't agree to surrender either! Besides, the troops outside haven't discovered us yet, so we just wait here for them to leave on their own, and then report the situation to the leader."

"That's right! I'm not free and easy yet. I don't want to be restricted by others. Who knows where they will take us, whether they will abuse us, and whether they can guarantee sufficient food and water. Although we are a little bored here, the leaders will send food and water regularly, isn't that good?"

Just when the two groups were discussing different opinions, the observer who had been observing the convoy on the third floor found that two infantry fighting vehicles had left the convoy and were rushing over here.

The observer who saw this immediately threw down the telescope in his hand and ran downstairs with all his strength, shouting as he ran.

"Stop arguing, the troops outside have sent two armored vehicles and are approaching us! They must have heard the noise and came here, you idiots!"

Even now, the observer still thought that the noise here was too loud and attracted the armored vehicles of the army, so he cursed them in the end.

After hearing that the armored vehicles were approaching here, the two groups showed different expressions. First, those who advocated surrender showed expressions of relief and joy, while those who opposed surrender showed expressions of despair and helplessness.

But no matter how happy or desperate they were, the fact that the armored vehicles of the army were approaching quickly could not be changed. Whether they were happy or desperate, they had to face reality.

"Okay, there is no need to discuss now. The military has already discovered us. Since this is the case, the only way left for us is to surrender. Everyone, get ready to welcome the arrival of the army!"

"Good! Great!"

"I said that surrender is the only way out. These idiots are still thinking about fighting the army. They are really a bunch of stubborn donkeys."

The group advocating surrender immediately began to cheer, while the other group of people were frowning, and some people even showed crazy looks on their faces, but no one noticed that this person was wrong, which also laid a foreshadowing for the disaster in a few minutes.

Since they chose to surrender, they didn't want to be discovered in such a mess, so they rushed to wash their faces and hair with the mineral water they used to drink, and found relatively clean clothes to change into, so that they could greet the military with the best mental outlook.

In order to show their sincerity, they took the initiative to open the roller shutter door on the first floor before the infantry fighting vehicles approached completely, and then lined up in turn to welcome the arrival of the two infantry fighting vehicles.

The drivers of the infantry fighting vehicles and the soldiers inside who were sent by Cai Wenjie to test the place felt puzzled when they saw the survivors suddenly open the rolling door and line up in a row. Instead of lowering their guard, they became even more alert, fearing that this was a trick or a trap played by these people, with the purpose of suddenly attacking them when they lowered their guard and trying to destroy them.

So the soldiers who were originally relaxed quietly turned off the safety of their guns and adjusted the shooting mode from single shot to full automatic. When they usually fight zombies, they are used to using single shot to fight zombies, because this not only saves ammunition but also greatly improves the accuracy of each shot.

They are not stupid. Why do they need two or more bullets to solve a problem that can be solved with one bullet? Do they really think that bullets are free?

If Cai Wenjie were here, he would subconsciously say that bullets are really free. Since he can produce ammunition in his own Xinguang gathering place, the problem of bullets can no longer restrict him. Although he has never lacked bullets since his rebirth, the birth of the military factory has allowed him to change the price of bullets from 1.1 bullet to 1.10 bullets. The advantage of this is that Cai Wenjie no longer worries about the problem of bullets when using barrage weapons.

Even the Metal Storm with a firing rate of 60,000 rounds per second, Cai Wenjie cannot afford it. How can he afford a firing rate of 60,000 rounds per second? But for things like the 1130 close-in defense gun, Cai Wenjie can still supply a few for normal use, but he would probably feel sad every time he used them up. After all, with a firing rate of 11,000 rounds per minute for the 1130 close-in defense gun, it probably won't have a chance to be used unless it is used to deal with large-scale zombie tides or alien beasts. This saves a lot of ammunition invisibly.

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