My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 458: Failed Swearing-in Ceremony

Not long after Cai Wenjie and others left the auto repair station, a man who was still breathing and was found by Pojun struggled to climb out of the ruins, but unfortunately he could not climb out by himself because he was seriously injured and buried too deep.

It seemed that he knew that he could not be rescued today, so the frequency of his struggle gradually slowed down, and even in the end he did not struggle in vain.

However, although he could not climb out, he still had to avenge the revenge that caused his current situation.

"Wait, I will not give up like this, even if I die, there are still the leaders, the leader will avenge me"

Unfortunately, he didn't know until the end that his leader had been dead for many days, and all the other leaders were taken away by an explosion, leaving only Zhang Tianyu, who had long lost his life goal, alive.

But he still didn't know about this, so when he used his last strength to successfully send what happened in the auto repair station to his previous fixed contacts through his mobile phone, he laughed, a very sinister laugh, and then he died completely.

The message he sent was quickly received by his direct superior, but unfortunately, his direct superior was waiting for Zhang Tianyu's call in a square, and he didn't dare to take out his mobile phone to confirm it. In order to avoid Zhang Tianyu's anger due to the ringing of the message, he immediately turned off the phone.

That's right, Zhang Tianyu is now shouting or giving a speech in a square, and the people listening to his speech are not others, but all the thugs in the city.

There are at least 3,000 thugs gathered in the square now, which is almost half of the population in this border city. But even so many people are now motionlessly listening to the speech of the person above, that is, Zhang Tianyu. The thugs watched the speech intently, and the crazy emotions in their eyes became bigger and bigger as the speech progressed.

All the thugs looked at Zhang Tianyu like fanatical religious people seeing their own God, with only madness and fanaticism in their eyes. Except for some people who still had reason, everyone else was deeply attracted by Zhang Tianyu's speech and began to worship him blindly.

As for what Zhang Tianyu said, no one except the thugs could know clearly, but after the speech, these thugs began to arm themselves without exception, and then under their respective cadres, they began to prepare for the battle. As for who they were fighting against? No need to think about it, they knew it was their old rival, Captain Xu, and their gathering place. ♜♦  ♗♦

After finishing his speech, Zhang Tianyu also returned to his residence and began to fully arm himself. After wearing equipment such as bulletproof vests, he took out his own weapons from the shelf. An M79-style 40mm grenade launcher that he didn't know where he got from, with a belt full of grenades, was simply a living terrorist.

Soon, the thugs gathered again, but this time all the thugs were fully armed, each carrying at least a 56-type or 81-type assault rifle, and a few were equipped with 95-type and 03-type assault rifles.

And the thugs' large and small modified cars were ready to set off. The number of these modified cars alone was almost more than a thousand, and such large vehicles almost surrounded all the roads nearby.

At this time, Zhang Tianyu's exclusive vehicle, a modified money transporter, slowly appeared in front of many thugs. This modified money transporter was equipped with four heavy machine guns and two rocket launchers picked up from nowhere. The four heavy machine guns were installed in the co-pilot, the roof, and the left and right compartments, and the rocket launchers were pressed on the left and right sides of the roof and used as fixed rocket launchers.

At this time, Zhang Tianyu held the M79 grenade launcher in his hand, stepped on the co-pilot's heavy machine gun, and shouted loudly to the thugs watching him.

"This time! We will take down the gathering place in one fell swoop, and then have the final carnival! At that time, you can do whatever you want, no one will care about you and no one will stop you, so let's have fun!"

"Long live the leader!"

"Long live!!!"

The thugs around him immediately went crazy and started shouting loudly, and some even took weapons and fired wildly at the sky to vent their excitement.

But what these people don't know is that it is not a good habit to shoot at the sky rashly, because those bullets shot into the sky, after reaching a certain height, will start to fall back because of the loss of power, and because of the weight, the bullets are in a downward state when they fall, and because the bullets start to move with gravity acceleration, the force will be converted into kinetic energy again. Although the bullets are not as powerful as when they just came out of the barrel, it is still no problem to kill a person.

So when the rioters were shooting at the sky, those who knew this principle quickly found cover and hid, while those who didn't know continued to cheer until the bullets shot into the sky hit the crowd at a slightly slower speed and caused casualties, then they realized it belatedly and began to hide in fear.

Even so, these people did not realize the real reason for the casualties, but thought someone was attacking them.

There were at least 20 people who were accidentally injured this time, three of whom were killed on the spot, fourteen were seriously injured, and the rest were scratched and injured.

Zhang Tianyu looked at the chaotic thugs, and his ambitions plummeted.

"A bunch of idiots!"

Then, Zhang Tianyu ordered people to catch the thugs who were excitedly shooting into the sky, and then shot them in front of other thugs.

"From now on! Whoever dares to disturb the morale of the army like them will be shot directly!"

Zhang Tianyu pointed at the thugs who had been shot and killed them as a warning to others, and then waved his hand and said.

"Let's go!"

To be honest, if these few thugs who lack common sense hadn't come out to cause trouble, perhaps people's morale would be a little higher, but after this incident, it can be said that the morale of the entire expeditionary team is neither high nor low. On the one hand, they are excited about being able to do whatever they want after taking over the gathering place, and on the other hand, they are a little depressed because of what happened just now and dare not be too presumptuous.

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