My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 461 Escape

But even so, they could not escape the fate of being wiped out. In less than three minutes, nearly a hundred people and more than thirty modified vehicles were all wiped out by the crazy firepower of infantry fighting vehicles and soldiers, leaving no one alive. Read

Since then, Zhang Tianyu's highly anticipated sneak attack troops have been completely gone. The complete annihilation of the sneak attack troops not only foreshadowed Zhang Tianyu's strategic mistakes, but also completely destroyed his last glimmer of hope.

And now Zhang Tianyu's thugs have been wiped out to no more than 300 people. It can even be said that except for the thugs who failed to squeeze forward, the other thugs have been wiped out.

And Zhang Tianyu himself was helped up from the ruins by other thugs, hurriedly got on a car, and fled this purgatory, leaving behind the thugs whose lives and deaths were unknown on the front line, and the remaining thugs watched the leader fleeing in panic and followed him.

"The wind is strong and the enemy is in chaos!"


"Brother, the wind is strong and the enemy is in chaos, which means run!"

"Fuck! You are so talkative!"

These thugs in the rear didn't know what was happening in front, so they could still swear while running, and some were even joking.

But would Cai Wenjie let them run away like this? Of course not!

"Order, launch rockets two kilometers ahead and cover with fire!"


This distance was an advance point predicted by Cai Wenjie based on the opponent's vehicle speed and the launch time of our rockets, which just happened to intercept most of the escaping convoy.

Soon, the infantry fighting vehicles in the rear received the order and fired the remaining rockets directly at the coordinates provided by Cai Wenjie.

Because almost half of the rockets had just been fired, there were not many rockets fired now, only 24 rockets. When these 24 rockets were launched, the thugs who ran away in advance finally saw what the thugs in front had experienced.

"Hmm? What's that in the sky? Fuck! It's a rocket! Get out of the way!"

Get out of the way? How could it be possible to get out of the way? In just a few seconds, the rocket landed directly on the path that the thugs had to take to escape, and a violent explosion occurred.

Because the timing was just right, the rocket landed right in the center of the thugs, which also meant that the thugs could not escape.


The explosion instantly swept across the area, and the few thugs who ran away in a hurry were not spared in the explosion, and all died on the spot.

Only a small number of thugs who ran in the front survived, but only a small number. Except for these lucky thugs who escaped, everyone else was killed by the barrage formed by the 24 rockets.

Cai Wenjie looked at his masterpiece through the system satellite and nodded with satisfaction. Although there were still some fish that slipped through the net, it was not a big deal. After all, more than 90% of the armed forces on the other side had been eliminated by Cai Wenjie, and the remaining 10% would probably disappear automatically for various reasons without his intervention.

Cai Wenjie was right. In addition to their leader Zhang Tianyu, there were only seven other cars that escaped the bombing range, with a total of 34 people.

But under this circumstance, several of the remaining 34 people began to have evil thoughts.

"Hey, chief, don't you have anything to say to us after so many of our brothers died today? You know, we brothers died at the hands of the army because of you. Don't you have any sense of self-blame? How can you be a chief like this? Isn't the life of your brothers life? How dare you be a chief here when you can't even protect the lives of your own brothers! You bastard!"

A thug who was big and strong but had a pointed face and a bald head, first kept interrogating Zhang Tianyu, and then in the end, he cursed at Zhang Tianyu as if he was very angry and wanted justice for those dead thugs.

The guards around Zhang Tianyu saw someone being so disrespectful to Zhang Tianyu, and immediately took out their weapons and pointed them at the man who made the rude remarks, and then cursed.

"Fuck you! You dare to offend the leader like this? I'll kill you!"

"Heh! Want to kill me? Look around you."

The guard turned around subconsciously and looked around. The other thugs seemed to have lost confidence or were disappointed in Zhang Tianyu. They stopped protecting Zhang Tianyu and quietly moved away from Zhang Tianyu, as if to say that this matter was none of their business.

"See? The brothers have been dissatisfied with him for a long time. Now, except for you, no one will recognize that rubbish as the leader. What do you think, brother? Why don't you abandon this rubbish and join my team? Don't worry, I promise that you will live a life of eating delicious food and drinking spicy drinks and surrounded by beautiful women every day. What do you think?"

"I'll touch you! Go to hell!"

The guard was about to shoot the bald man in front of him, but he suddenly felt a pain in his abdomen. He looked down and saw that a sharp bayonet pierced his lower abdomen. His own blood was dripping on the tip of the knife. He looked back with difficulty and found that it was not someone else who stabbed him, but Zhang Tianyu, whom he was going to protect.

He looked at Zhang Tianyu with complicated eyes, opened and closed his mouth but could not utter a word, and fell to the ground forever, with his eyes open.

The bald man was completely stunned by the scene in front of him. Although he could kill without blinking an eye, he could not do it like Zhang Tianyu, who killed people indiscriminately without distinguishing between enemies and friends.

Zhang Tianyu looked at the guard he had stabbed to death, and a trace of guilt flashed in his eyes, but he quickly hid this emotion, and then looked at the bald man without saying anything, just staring at him.

The bald man was already confused by this sudden situation, and now he was stared at by Zhang Tianyu's bloodthirsty eyes. He couldn't help but shiver, and then spoke in a stuttering tone.

"You! You, what do you want to do!"

It was obvious how frightened the bald man was at this moment.


After Zhang Tianyu asked back what he was doing, he pulled out the bayonet that killed the guard and threw it at the bald man. The sharp bayonet hit the bald man's head accurately under Zhang Tianyu's throw, and directly pierced a hole in the bald man's head. The bayonet was firmly inserted on the bald man and did not move.

This scared the remaining thugs so much that they dared not look at him directly, and Zhang Tianyu wanted this effect. He looked at the thugs who dared not look at him and warned them coldly.

"Next time, if you dare to speak out or act on your own, they will be your future fate! Do you hear me!"

"Yes, it's the leader"

"Throw their bodies down, and clean up the blood here for me"

"Yes, the leader!"

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