My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 474 Golden Armor

With a flash of sword light, Cai Wenjie chopped the originally thick pork leg into two pieces, including the meat and bones.

Although it is just a pig leg with bones, it is not an ordinary domestic pig, but a mutated wild boar pig leg, as long as it is used as a snack for Po Jun.

Because it is the pig leg of a mutated wild boar, the bones of this pig leg are extremely hard. Its hardness can prevent it from being cut off by ordinary swords. It can even be used as an iron rod as long as it is handled properly. If you use it, even if it's a zombie's head, you can probably smash one in one go.

But even with such a pig bone, under the slashing of this sword, it could be completed in two cuts without any hindrance. Even after the slashing, there was no trace left in the blade and it still shone coldly.

"What a sword!"

If Cai Wenjie hadn't given the strengthened saber to an officer before, he would have really wanted to use this sword to chop the strengthened saber to see which one was harder.

Although he was a little regretful, Cai Wenjie was 100% satisfied with the sword. He immediately received it in his system space, and then looked at the armor and spear next to him.

It is also a weapon, but this spear exudes a different aura. This aura is very familiar to Cai Wenjie, it is evil spirit.

It can be seen from this that this spear must have experienced countless fights, large and small, and drank the blood of many people, otherwise it would not have such a powerful evil spirit.

As soon as Cai Wenjie stretched out his hand to hold the gun body, a picture appeared in his mind. In this picture, a man wearing golden armor, holding a steel gun in his hand, and carrying a sharp sword on his back was standing in an ancient In the battlefield, they kept killing the ancient soldiers who came from all directions like a tide. However, no matter how many soldiers there were, they could not kill this man. Instead, they were constantly slaughtered by this man.

This man brandished a spear and kept massacring the surrounding soldiers. He killed all the soldiers within ten meters of him. Moreover, the soldiers behind him did not dare to move forward because they were afraid of this man's strength. No one dared to say anything for a while, and even their movements became cautious, for fear that this man would come to them.

If you look closely at the surroundings, you will find that the entire battlefield has turned into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, especially at the man's feet. Everyone who has attacked him so far has died under his gun, and The man also stepped on their corpses as stepping stones and looked down at the soldiers surrounding him.

Cai Wenjie was like a bystander, witnessing this man's bravery, but because Cai Wenjie was looking at this man from behind, he didn't know what this man looked like.

I was really curious about what the man looked like, or what his true identity was, just when Cai Wenjie tried hard to change his position and look at it.

The man who made other soldiers afraid to approach suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of Cai Wenjie. Cai Wenjie himself was involuntarily startled when he saw this man's face.

It's not that this man is handsome or ugly, it's mainly because the man's appearance is exactly the same as Cai Wenjie's. To put it simply, he looks exactly the same, as if the two are twin brothers. It's hard to tell the truth from the false.

Just when Cai Wenjie was about to say something, the scene suddenly changed and Cai Wenjie returned to reality. He still held the body of the spear in his hand and stood there without moving at all.

"Was that an illusion just now?"

Mainly because the scene just now was too real, so Cai Wenjie has not completely recovered his original sanity until now.

Cai Wenjie, who was still a little confused, looked at the spear in his hand and was startled again.

"Is this? The spear that the other person I was holding in the hallucination just now!"

After realizing this, Cai Wenjie looked at the sword and armor next to him again. Isn't this the weapon and armor held by the man who looked exactly like him in the hallucination?

"No, I want to take it slow."

Thinking of the person who looked exactly like him, Cai Wenjie couldn't help but hold the spear again, hoping to enter that environment again and then take a closer look at that person.

Unfortunately, no matter how he touched the spear this time, the hallucination no longer occurred, which made Cai Wenjie very regretful and relieved.

"Anyway, it seems that the person just now has been dead for a long time. These weapons and armor are his relics. Since you look like me, you are destined to be with me. I will inherit your weapons and equipment."

After saying that, Cai Wenjie took off his exoskeleton without saying a word, and then put on this set of armor. It has to be said that this armor can fit Cai Wenjie just right, and it seems to be tailor-made.

Just as Cai Wenjie was preparing for the event, fierce gunfire suddenly came from outside the bronze gate, accompanied by bursts of explosions.

"What's going on!"

"Reporting to the leader, a large number of zombies suddenly appeared outside the gate and are approaching us. Please give instructions!"

"Zombies? Bring weapons and equipment to support the sentries outside!"


The two groups of soldiers who followed Cai Wenjie in immediately went to support the soldiers outside. When Cai Wenjie was about to go to support, he remembered that he was wearing gold armor instead of an exoskeleton, and what he was holding was not a gun but a gun. Two cold weapons, one long and one short.

"Forget it, the time is tight. I'll change the time again. I just want to try out these equipments to see if they work."

Cai Wenjie directly put down the mask inside the helmet, covering his entire face at once, leaving only a pair of eyes through the two holes of the mask to observe the surroundings.

Then Cai Wenjie directly picked up the spear, carried the long sword, and ran towards the bronze gate.

Because this set of golden armor is very heavy, ordinary people can't even walk properly, let alone wear this set of armor. After all, this set of armor alone weighs 50 kilograms, which is equivalent to the weight of an adult woman. In other words, wearing this set of armor is equivalent to carrying an adult woman while fighting the enemy.

However, for Cai Wenjie, whose physical strength and endurance have reached the limit of the human body, although this set of golden armor is very heavy, it does not affect his movements, and he even feels that this weight is just right.

Although the body's agility has decreased a little, but relying on this weight alone, it can kill a zombie with a single smash. Moreover, after Cai Wenjie's secret tests, this golden armor can completely withstand the zombies' bites. Unless you attack him after removing the mask, there is no way you can break through the defense, let alone get infected.

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