My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 476: Small Turbulence

In order to prevent the collapse of the treasure house after the Nine Dragon Pillars were taken away, Cai Wenjie decided to do a transplant.

The so-called transplant is very simple, that is, to use pillars of other materials to replace the function of the Nine Dragon Pillars.

It just so happens that the system can exchange metals such as iron and steel, so Cai Wenjie interrupted and used this to solve the problem of the Nine Dragon Pillars.

For safety reasons, Cai Wenjie did not interrupt to replace, but chose to collect the Nine Dragon Pillars in front of the gate.

After a simple measurement, Cai Wenjie spent a lot of points to exchange a large amount of steel, and then directly made it into the shape of the Nine Dragon Pillars and placed nine steel pillars next to the location of the nine dragon pillars.

After everything was ready, Cai Wenjie began to prepare to extract the Nine Dragon Pillars.

Although nine steel pillars were placed next to the Nine Dragon Pillars, Cai Wenjie also knew that each pillar of this treasure house must have been placed after precise measurement, that is to say, even if the position deviated by a few centimeters, a collapse accident is likely to occur. This is why Cai Wenjie is so cautious.

The first, the second... the eighth, the first eight dragon pillars were pulled out by Cai Wenjie smoothly, but Cai Wenjie had a premonition that something unexpected would happen to the ninth dragon pillar.

"For safety reasons, everyone should evacuate this area first"


Cai Wenjie first asked the other soldiers to leave here to avoid any accidental casualties, and then silently said to the nine dragon pillars on the ground to collect them.

After the nine dragon pillars on the ground were also collected by Cai Wenjie, as expected, the entire treasure house began to shake slightly, and the frequency of shaking became larger and larger as time went by.

It was basically the same as Cai Wenjie thought. The location of these nine dragon pillars was the key point supporting the entire treasure house. Once there was any damage, the treasure house would be destroyed in an instant.

Seeing this, Cai Wenjie immediately called his soldiers to run back without thinking.

Although the nine steel pillars could not prevent the collapse of the treasure house, they also bought some time for Cai Wenjie and others. Although it took a long time to come, it was more than twice as fast when returning. It took only fifteen minutes to run out of the cave and return to the ground.

Cai Wenjie, who had just left the cave, clearly felt a tremor in the next year. Then he saw with his own eyes that the original cave disappeared under his eyes, replaced by some stones or soil. It was completely impossible to see that there was any cave here.

"It was a close call. I almost couldn't get out just now. If it weren't for the steel pillars holding it up for a while, we would probably be buried underground with the treasure house forever."

After sighing a little about his luck, Cai Wenjie was ready to leave here, but the tremor just now attracted scattered zombies nearby, and now they were rushing towards Cai Wenjie at full speed.

Almost the moment Cai Wenjie raised his foot, the first zombie appeared in Cai Wenjie's field of vision, followed by the second, the third...

Seeing this situation, Cai Wenjie reacted immediately and then directed the team to find a suitable position.

"The four of you go to the top of the small warehouse on the left to deploy the fire defense line! The four of you go to the roof of the public toilet on the right to deploy the fire defense line, and the rest of you follow me to the middle as bait. Once the zombies enter your shooting range, open fire immediately to form crossfire and kill as many zombies as possible!"


To be on the safe side, Cai Wenjie directly exchanged four light machine guns and distributed them to the soldiers on the left and right sides, followed by ammunition and large-scale explosive weapons such as rocket launchers, and of course, matching ammunition.

After the distribution, the eight people immediately dispersed and went to their respective destinations, while the remaining two followed Cai Wenjie and Pojun as the front bait, responsible for leading the zombies into the range of crossfire.

In order to ensure that the zombies can be attracted, Cai Wenjie gave up the silencer weapon and chose to use a shotgun instead, because this gun is loud enough and can definitely attract a large number of zombies.

Soon the soldiers deployed the vitality position and completed all the preparations, waiting for Cai Wenjie to attract the zombies.

At this time, the nearest zombie was less than a hundred meters away from Cai Wenjie, so Cai Wenjie decided to start moving.

He first asked Pojun and the other two soldiers to retreat to a safe distance in advance, and then without saying a word, he took out a big killer, no, two big killers! AA-12 assault shotgun! It was a 20-round drum version! The most important thing was that Cai Wenjie took out two AA-12s at once. What was he going to do? Of course, he would hold a dual-wielding AA-12 in each hand.

If the opponent was a human, seeing this posture, let alone rushing up, he would not have the courage to get closer, and even the smart ones would immediately turn around and run back desperately.

Unfortunately, the zombies who rushed up were not very rational, and they naturally would not be afraid of the big killer in Cai Wenjie's hand, after all, they didn't know it.

"Come on! Little bunnies! Taste the bullets!"

After making some mockery, Cai Wenjie immediately pulled the trigger of the AA-12 at the zombie that was less than ten meters away from him.

Instantly, countless metal bullets shot out from the muzzle of the AA-12, shooting at the zombie like a rain of pear blossom needles. Because the distance was too close, and Cai Wenjie's gun control was very good, almost all the bullets fired were caught by the unlucky zombie.

The consequence of doing so is that the zombie's body suddenly turned into a hornet's nest, and the whole body was shattered by the powerful projectiles. Even the zombie's limbs were knocked off by these metal projectiles. The zombie, who had already suffered heavy damage, lost his limbs and fell to the ground in a dog-bitten position, unable to move.

This is not over yet. After all, the zombies attacked in groups, so soon there were zombies to make up for it and continue to charge at Cai Wenjie.

But it was all in vain. Although Cai Wenjie was shooting and retreating, basically none of the zombies he attacked had healthy limbs. Some of the unlucky ones didn't even have the chance to become corpse sticks, and were directly shot in the head. My goodness, the degree of the head explosion was no different from the result of being hit by an anti-material sniper rifle at a long distance.

Cai Wenjie held two AA-12s and fired frantically while leading the zombies into the fire circle in an orderly manner. It must be said that Cai Wenjie's plan was very successful. This shotgun was also very violent and loud, directly leading all the zombies nearby here.

Unfortunately, no matter how many zombies there were, they could not break through Cai Wenjie's defense line. The suppression power of the two AA-12s was no joke. It can be said that no zombie could get within 30 meters of Cai Wenjie, because the zombies who got close became disabled and fell to the ground, struggling weakly, and there was no way to stop them.

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