My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 493: Consumption of Wolves

It has to be said that after the Tibetan Mastiff turned into a blood plague Tibetan Mastiff again, its strength has been greatly improved, and its body's protective ability has also increased sharply. Originally, Po Jun's bite could have directly broken the Tibetan Mastiff's neck. But this time he failed to bite its neck.

But that's not to say that it has no effect at all. With Pojun's current bite force and the hardness of the alloy steel teeth, he directly bit the baffle-like thing around the neck of the Blood Plague Tibetan Mastiff into two pieces. , In addition, after Pojun bit the Blood Plague Tibetan Mastiff, he did not let go at all, but continued to increase his strength and wanted to bite off the entire neck directly.

So what was originally just a baffle that was bitten into two pieces was once again crushed into more pieces by the huge pressure.

However, at this time, the Blood Plague Tibetan Mastiff also regained his strength and began to struggle hard, trying to get rid of Po Jun.

But how could Pojun give him this opportunity? His strong limbs clung to the ground to avoid being broken free by the Tibetan Mastiff. Then Pojun's exoskeleton began to increase the output energy, once again increasing Pojun's bite. ability.

Almost instantly, Po Jun, whose bite ability was improved by the exoskeleton, easily destroyed the protective plate of the Blood Plague Tibetan Mastiff and directly bit through the Blood Plague Tibetan Mastiff's neck, taking its bones with it. Bite into two pieces.

At this time, the blood epidemic Tibetan Mastiff, which originally had the strength to struggle, completely lost its strength. There was no way, the bones in the neck were bitten off, and the nerve transport system was destroyed. The blood epidemic Tibetan Mastiff suddenly lost control of its body. His ability was completely paralyzed.

At this time, the Blood Plague Tibetan Mastiff has really become a soft persimmon that can be kneaded at will in Po Jun's hands.

Po Jun just wanted to get rid of the problem as soon as possible, so for the Blood Epidemic Tibetan Mastiff that had no ability to resist, Po Jun directly threw the Blood Epidemic Tibetan Mastiff away with force. The thrown Blood Epidemic Tibetan Mastiff directly hit an abandoned building. On the machine, the huge force directly caused all the bones in the Blood Plague Tibetan Mastiff's body to shatter into pulverized fractures.

But Pojun didn't care whether his bones were broken or not. After approaching the paralyzed Tibetan Mastiff with blood plague with graceful steps, Po Jun didn't even look at the Tibetan Mastiff with blood plague on the ground. He raised his right hand and pointed at the blood plague Tibetan Mastiff. The plague Tibetan Mastiff's head was stamped hard. The huge force combined with the hardness of the exoskeleton trampled the blood plague Tibetan Mastiff's head into pieces in just one step. It was like a rotten watermelon and all kinds of yellow and white things. As the blood flowed out.

Po Jun shook his claws in disgust. It was obvious that he was very angry that these yellow and white things stuck to his claws.

Po Jun pressed his paws on the ground and rubbed them a few times, knocking out the yellow and white stuff stuck to his paws, then raised his huge wolf head and howled.

The wolves who heard the howl howled also followed the wolf's howl, and then began to evacuate the steel plant in an orderly manner, starting to return the same way they came. How to get out of here.

But before Po Jun and the wolves left the steel mill, the sound of troops gathering was heard from the gate of the steel mill. It turned out that it was the clever gray wolf sent by Po Jun who successfully reported to Cai Wenjie. Cai Wenjie, who was already wary of the steelmaking plant, immediately came to the steelmaking plant with his bodyguards and prepared for the abnormality. Prepare for a big battle.

However, the expected battle did not come. Instead, Po Jun and his pack of wolves evacuated the steel mill intact. Judging from his expression and eyes, it seemed that the unknown creatures inside did not pose any threat to him.

"my lord"

After Po Jun saw Cai Wenjie, he immediately ran towards Cai Wenjie and lowered his wolf head respectfully, saying hello to Cai Wenjie. He also wanted to use his huge wolf head to have a close contact with Cai Wenjie, but Cai Wenjie refused. Because Cai Wenjie saw that there was still blood, flesh and brain left on Po Jun's steel claws and teeth.

"Pojun, how is the situation inside?"

While Cai Wenjie pushed away the huge wolf head, he asked about the situation inside. Po Jun, who was pushed away by Cai Wenjie, was a little disappointed, but he still talked about the situation obediently.

"My Lord, I found the blood plague creature you mentioned before inside. Although there is only one, it is indeed the same as you said before. Bone-like things have grown on various key parts of the body to protect myself. joint……"

Cai Wenjie listened carefully to Po Jun's report. After Po Jun finished speaking, he thought about it and confirmed with Po Jun again.

"Only one blood plague creature appears, right?"

"Yes, my lord"

"Okay, I understand. Song Yichen, take the engineers I brought inside and burn the body of the Tibetan Mastiff that suffered from blood plague with fire to avoid any blood plague."


After ordering Song Yichen to burn the corpses, Cai Wenjie looked at Po Jun and smiled.

"You did a great job today. As a reward, I will roast a whole lamb or a whole cow today. You can eat it as you like! As long as your stomach is not burst, eat as hard as you can!"

"Thank you my Lord!"

Pojun and the other wolves became excited as soon as they heard that they could eat as much as they wanted, and some of them started to roar wildly to express their excitement.

To be honest, since Pojun ate delicious cooked food, he wanted to have a big meal, but the problem was that his appetite was too big. If he really let him eat as much as he wanted, the food cost alone would make Cai Wenjie feel... A hint of physical pain.

So Cai Wenjie stipulated that in normal times, that is, when there is no battle or other tasks, Pojun's daily food is 15 kilograms of various meats and necessary vegetables or vitamin tablets, and ordinary wolves are 5 kilograms. If it is wartime or when performing important tasks, Pojun's daily food is increased to 30 kilograms, and various fruits and vegetables are supplied as much as possible. For ordinary gray wolves, the food is increased to 10 kilograms.

Generally speaking, wolves can stop eating for a long time after a full meal, but this is only because there is not enough food to ensure that they are full every day, so it is a helpless move. Since Cai Wenjie has recruited this group of wolves, the food supply must be guaranteed, at least let them eat and drink well, so that they can form effective combat power.

Because Song Yichen has not come out yet, Cai Wenjie did not take Pojun back, but waited for Song Yichen to come back after completing the task. Although Pojun and other gray wolves were so hungry that their saliva was almost flowing out, they still waited for Song Yichen's return with Cai Wenjie honestly. Even Pojun waited patiently, not to mention other gray wolves.

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