My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 514: Leading out the zombie tide

After the venue is selected, all that remains is how to guide the zombies to the designated location.

Luring zombies is nothing new for Cai Wenjie's troops. It can be said that they have long been familiar with this kind of work.

"Order! Release all drones and lead the corpses at the airport to the valley just discovered!"


"Order the rear rocket launcher truck to aim at the inside of the valley in advance, and wait until all the zombies are attracted to launch all the rockets immediately. Be sure to kill more than 80% of the zombies in the first wave."


Cai Wenjie never thought that he could eliminate all the zombies at once, so the large-scale rocket attack was only the first part. During the rocket attack, the troops would rush to the only entrance and exit of the valley as quickly as possible, where to deploy the fire network. , trying to annihilate the zombies in the valley at once.

A large number of drones equipped with loudspeakers flew out of the convoy and hovered in the air. Then every four drones formed a small formation and began to fly towards the airport in batches.

Because the survivors at the airport were informed in advance that there would be a bombing operation, they were no longer afraid that the noise from the drone would cause panic. ♦♦  ♦♦

When the drone flew over a few kilometers and arrived over the airport, all the zombies discovered this thing in advance. After all, in order to maximize the attraction, the drone's flying height was not very high. The ground is about ten meters. This height is the lowest safe height. After all, there are no zombies that can jump ten meters high at once.

The drones are scattered in every corner of the airport, ensuring that most of the zombies' attention can be focused on them later.

"Report to the leader! All drone formations have arrived at the designated location!"

"Good! Start taking action!"


The drone, which was originally just floating quietly in mid-air, immediately started playing the music set in advance under the control of the operator.

"Get up! People who don't want to be slaves..."

In the majestic singing, all the zombies were immediately attracted to their attention, and unconsciously began to look at the drones in the sky. If someone could observe this group of corpses carefully, they would find some wearing military uniforms. The moment the zombie, that is, the soldier-turned-zombie heard the song, his body unconsciously stood upright, and his right hand was raised uncontrollably and placed on his temple.

Although their eyes were empty, their movements were irregular, and they could not even stand at attention, they did not forget their identities even after becoming zombies.

Not only the zombies, but also the survivors who had been trapped in the airport for a long time were attracted by the singing. They came to the window and looked at the drone floating in the air, and their expressions relaxed.

After attracting the attention of most of the zombies, the drone also began to move slowly towards the route that had been planned long ago. The group of zombies below also followed the singing and abandoned the building where the survivors were, and began to follow The drone moved.

The densely packed zombies move in unison. If someone with trypophobia is here, they will definitely be scared to death. This scene can be compared to the train station during the Spring Festival.

The speed of the drone is not fast, which is the speed of ordinary people walking. The purpose of this is to attract most of the zombies and not fall behind.

Taking advantage of this time, the two rocket launcher vehicles were ready for pre-sighting. With eighty rocket rounds, as long as the launch button was pressed, the entire valley could be fired back and forth, guaranteed to kill most of the zombies.

After the drone led most of the zombies out of the airport, it also began to increase its speed a little, reaching the normal running speed of ordinary people, because if it kept guiding the zombies at the same speed just now, the drone's power would not be able to sustain it. .

Fortunately, even though the drone increased its movement speed, none of the zombies were left behind. This is normal. After all, the maximum running speed of ordinary zombies can reach 100 meters in 13 or 14 seconds. It is still a rush to chase a drone. More than enough.

Of course, although most of the zombies followed the drone, a small number of zombies were left behind. These zombies who stayed behind were either physically defective and unable to follow, or their cochlea was damaged due to high levels of decay. A rotten, deaf person who can't even do basic listening and speaking.

Some of them are various mutant zombies. These mutant zombies are different from the ordinary zombies that were forced to stay. Because these mutant zombies have rudimentary judgment capabilities, they are not sensitive to the signals emitted by drones. The singing didn't have much appeal. They were still surrounding the airport, trying to see if they could find a chance to sneak in and have a feast like the mutated zombies that had sneaked in a few times before.

It's a pity that although these mutated zombies have a wonderful idea, the reality still gives them a "surprise" regardless of whether they are male or female or whether they are human or ghost.

I saw that the second-floor window, which was originally locked with wooden boards and iron chains, was pushed open from the inside, revealing the space inside, and several living humans came with it.

After seeing this situation, the mutated zombies were extremely excited, and then they all started running towards the opened window, trying to break in by running and jumping.

But before the mutant zombies approached this window, other windows were pushed open from the inside one after another, and then black gun barrels stretched out from the windows, aiming at the mutant zombies running wildly, and even the muzzle of a rocket launcher appeared in some windows.

Without waiting for the mutant zombies to make other moves, the gun barrels stretched out from the windows began to spit out brilliant flames, and the hot bullets enthusiastically met the mutant zombies running wildly.

In an instant, a large number of mutant zombies were shot into sieves by bullets. The mutant zombies running wildly could not control their speed and fell directly into a dog Kenshi, falling to the ground and losing their lives.

Because the zombie tide had been firmly attracted by the drone, when the gunshots rang out, they only looked back briefly, and then continued to follow the drone to run towards the direction of the valley.

After they eliminated the mutated zombies remaining in the surrounding area, they closed the window they had just opened. They had just received a broadcast that the rescue team was going to use rocket launchers to bomb the zombies. Although it now seemed that the other side wanted to lead the zombies to other places for bombing, necessary vigilance was still needed, so they had to be prepared to be bombed.

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