My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 519: In a Hurry

Although Cai Wenjie didn't quite believe the fact that Zhou Weiguo committed suicide, he had to calm down now. read

"So what happened to the last group of hostages?"

"Actually, I don't know what happened next, but one thing is certain. Only you and Li Jianjun's gathering place in YJ's official gathering place has not been breached. But if we continue to let it go like this, sooner or later it will be swallowed up by them."

After speaking, General Yansong paused for a moment, and then, as if he had made a major decision, he formally issued a new order to Cai Wenjie.

"Lieutenant Colonel Cai Wenjie!"


"I now officially give you the latest order as a general!

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝓉𝓌𝓀𝒶𝓃.𝒸ℴ𝓂]

First! From this moment on, your unit is no longer part of our border troops! I will send people to guard the airport.

second! The armored vehicles and tanks currently owned by your department now officially belong to your armed forces.

third! Now! immediately! immediately! Return to your hometown and eliminate the rioters!

Is the order clear? "

Admiral Yansong issued a series of orders to Cai Wenjie in a serious tone. Without exception, these orders were all specially issued for Cai Wenjie.

Especially for the second order, General Yansong gave Cai Wenjie more than a dozen infantry fighting vehicles, five tanks, and two rocket launch vehicles that had fired all the rockets in one sentence. Although these armored vehicles were very important to General Yansong, It’s not necessary, but it’s definitely a perfect help for Cai Wenjie who can’t redeem the vehicle.

"Very clear!"

Cai Wenjie responded loudly to General Yansong's order with gratitude in his heart. →

"Lieutenant Colonel Cai Wenjie, you have worked hard these past two days!"

"It's not hard work! This is what I should do!"

"No, without you, we would have been completely wiped out by now, so those are the rewards you deserve. Although it is a pity that I can't continue to fight with you, remember one sentence, we are all your strong protectors. Shield, if you encounter any difficulties, call me anytime.”

"Thank you, General! If you need anything in the future, please contact me and I will come to support you as soon as possible."

"Okay! I'm here to wish you a safe journey."


When Cai Wenjie hung up the phone, he could only lament that things are unpredictable. He never thought that rescuing the airport would be his last mission at the border.

After thinking for a while, Cai Wenjie decided to call everyone together to announce that he had just received the order.

In a short time, both soldiers and ordinary survivors were summoned together by Cai Wenjie.

All kinds of people were divided into dozens of rows by the soldiers, just like the elementary and middle school students who line up neatly on the playground every Monday when the national flag is raised.

"Everyone, maybe some of you know me, or maybe you don't know me, but it doesn't matter. Originally, I wanted to stay here for a few days and wait for the airport's defense system to be built before leaving. Unfortunately, I don't have time. This place is exhausted, so someone will come here soon to take over my job, and you will have to wait for the people who come later to take care of it..."

Cai Wenjie said a lot, basically everything that needed to be said, such as future arrangements, the current situation, material management, etc. Moreover, Cai Wenjie also specially selected a few sergeants from among them. Persons with outstanding abilities are appointed as new officers and agree to be awarded the rank and position of second lieutenant.

Of course, with Cai Wenjie's current rank of lieutenant colonel, he has no power to grant military ranks to others, but the situation is different now. In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, promoting a few officers is a must.

Even if the person who replaces him comes later, he will do this. He just did this in advance.

After Cai Wenjie finished speaking, he dispersed the group, leaving only the four helicopter pilots and the group of survivors that Cai Wenjie promised to send them back. Naturally, Xiang Xue was also with him.

Cai Wenjie first looked at the survivors who had been following him for almost two days.

"Congratulations, you will be able to return to CC soon. As for the future, you can only rely on yourself. I hope you can find your families and reunite. Goodbye!"

After speaking, Cai Wenjie did not give these people a chance to answer, so he asked his personal guards to take them to the transport helicopter to board the transport helicopter.

After doing this, Cai Wenjie turned to look at Xiang Xue. His eyes looked directly into Xiang Xue's eyes. The two looked at each other, and they both saw themselves reflected in each other's eyes.

"Xiang Xue...don't you miss your family?"


"Then do you want to go back?"

"don't want"


"Because you are here"



In just a few words of conversation, Cai Wenjie already knew Xiang Xue's thoughts. A smile appeared on his lips, he hugged Xiang Xue gently, held her in his arms, and said this in her ear.

“I can’t guarantee, I can’t promise you anything, but I will do it.

As long as you always believe in me, then I will always believe in you.

As long as you love me, I will love you forever until the world is destroyed. "

Po Jun, who had been squatting aside, looked at the two people embracing each other and felt that it was time to take action.

"Woof! There's me too!"

At the same time, Song Yi, the company commander stationed here at the YJ train station thousands of kilometers away, was receiving ammunition transported from the Xinguang gathering place.

Because the Xinguang Gathering Area has completed its own production and sale of ammunition, they no longer need to worry about ammunition, as long as they hold on to the train station.

During the few days that Cai Wenjie left, Song Yi and the others, with the soldiers in his hands, surrounded the entire train station with barbed wire and high-voltage iron fences, mainly to prevent zombies from sneaking in. Sneaking in from the blind spot.

And there will be drones patrolling the sky 24 hours a day, to detect whether there are any zombies or other thugs on the ground.

Song Yi heard the news a few hours ago that Zhou Weiguo, who had a good relationship with his leader, was forced to commit suicide. Originally, Zhou Weiguo was the only person in charge of the three official gathering places in the YJ area who remained. Now because of his suicide As a result, the entire YJ area is now leaderless.

In addition to the stadium gathering place, the two gathering places, the airport and Shin Kong, also had no key people who could make decisions, so they could only stay within their own areas.

Unless those rioters dare to step into the area they are responsible for, they will not take the initiative to attack.

"I said, Lao Song, Zhou Weiguo is also a good friend of our leader, should we just ignore him?"

I don't know when, Deng Jun came to Song Yichen. He took out a cigarette and handed it to Song Yi. Then he took one and put it in his mouth. However, he did not light the cigarette because behind him was the person who had just lucked out. He didn't want to be killed by the ammunition coming over.

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