My Doomsday Arms System

Chapter 521 Current situation of the stadium gathering place

However, when the news of Cai Wenjie's imminent return spread, the originally quiet gathering place suddenly became a little popular. As more people learned the news, the popularity continued to rise, until everyone in the gathering place knew that Cai Wenjie was about to return, and the popularity reached its peak. (-_-) (-_-)

The originally empty streets once again saw a large number of people, and the vendors who had originally closed their stalls also set up their stalls again. Although the weather was still cold, it could not resist the high popularity of the people, and the entire street once again regained its prosperity before Cai Wenjie left.

Cai's father and mother, who had not been out for a long time, also came out for a walk. Of course, there were people following them closely. There were at least a dozen people protecting them, both openly and secretly.

"Hey, my dear, how long has Wenjie been out? Why do I feel like a century has passed?"

"Yes, it feels like a year has passed. He has been out for less than half a month, but it feels like I haven't seen him for several years."

The two walked together on the small street of the market, looking at the stalls on the street, and said with emotion.

Just as the two were strolling, they suddenly found Nangong Yao who was buying vegetables in front of the stall not far away.

"Xiaoyao! Look here"

After hearing someone calling her name, Nangong Yao subconsciously looked at Cai's father and mother, then her eyes lit up and she quickly put down the basket of vegetables, trotted to the two of them, and naturally took Cai's mother's arm.

"Mom, are you and Dad here for a walk? By the way, have you heard that he will be back soon? When he comes back, let's have a reunion dinner together, okay?"

"Yes, yes, yes! When Wenjie comes back, Mom will make a big table of delicious food for you and discuss your affairs by the way."

Mother Cai looked at the well-behaved and sensible Nangong Yao beside her and showed a gentle smile. She liked this little girl more and more. She was not only sensible and obedient, but also beautiful and had a good personality. In addition, she was filial to her parents and respected her elders. It can be said that she was the best candidate for daughter-in-law, so he wanted to take advantage of his son's return this time to settle the marriage of the two children early.

When Nangong Yao heard the last sentence of Mother Cai, two blushes appeared on her face, and then she buried her face in Mother Cai's arms like a spoiled child and called shyly.


But it was obvious that she did not reject Cai's mother's proposal, and Cai's father and mother also noticed Nangong Yao's shyness, and they did not speak, but just silently thought about what their future grandson or granddaughter would look like. ♦♦  ♦♦

The stadium gathering place on the other side

Since Zhou Weiguo committed suicide, the group of thugs outside and the Jackal's liberals began to violently rule the stadium gathering place. As long as they opposed their position or dared to oppose their behavior or words, they would pull out the people who opposed them, beat them half to death with iron rods, and then throw them outside the gathering place to fend for themselves.

In the past few days, for this reason, nearly 30 people have been beaten half to death and thrown out of the gathering place. Without exception, all of these people could not survive because of their serious injuries, and died outside the gathering place. However, the group of people inside did not take them seriously at all, and there was not even a person to collect the bodies. If the temperature had not risen yet, the bodies of these people would have rotted beyond recognition.

Moreover, these people would go to the female dormitory from time to time to forcefully arrest people out. No matter how they cried and shouted, it was useless. For these thugs, they were not afraid of these women crying and shouting, but they were afraid that they would be like puppets and would not respond no matter how they were manipulated. Therefore, after hearing their crying and shouting, these people were not only not irritated but even more excited.

"Cry! Shout! The more you struggle, the more excited I am. Don't worry, I will treat you well when we get there! Hehehehe"

In fact, the place the thug was talking about was actually Zhou Weiguo's exclusive office. In order to humiliate Zhou Weiguo who had committed suicide, Jackal not only dumped his body in the wild, but even changed his office before his death into a place for him and his men to vent their desires. As long as the women were dragged here, their end was very miserable. So far, many women could not accept this torture and committed suicide.

However, in order to avoid having nothing to play with in the end, they would only arrest a fixed number of people at a time. When someone committed suicide or there was no way for them to play for other reasons, they would go to places like the female dormitory to arrest people.

An Tangtang and Gao Hongmei were lucky not to be selected this time. It's not that they are not pretty or attractive, but they have already disguised themselves in advance, turning themselves into beggars with unkempt hair and dirt, and deliberately smeared themselves with stinky tofu sauce that they didn't know where they came from. This not only looks ugly, but also has impeccable smell. The people who came to arrest people a few times looked at the two of them and spit at them with disgust, turning around and picking out other people.

This time is the same. The gangsters who came to arrest people didn't even look at them, and they grabbed other people and left.

"Sister Hong, it's so smelly"

"Alas, bear it, although it's a bit smelly, it's better than being insulted by them, dear Tangtang, I really don't know how long we have to hold on"

Both of them knew that although they could run away for a while, they would sooner or later discover their true appearances. What would they do to resist then? Gao Hongmei was not most worried about herself, but about the petite An Tangtang. If it were her, she should be able to hold on by gritting her teeth, but An Tangtang couldn't, so she had to protect An Tangtang from being bullied by them, even if it cost her innocence.

Although she and An Tangtang were not sisters, they were better than sisters, or better than mother and daughter. This was because she and An Tangtang had known each other since childhood, because their parents were colleagues in the same company, and their homes were on the same floor and facing each other, so they had been playmates since childhood, and naturally had a deep relationship.

Just like the current situation, both parents are no longer around, and now she can only take care of An Tangtang.

"Tangtang, promise me one thing, you must live no matter what!"

"Sister Hong... I understand! Not only me, but you must live with me too! Don't leave me alone!"

"Well, I won't leave you alone"

After saying this, Gao Hongmei tightly grasped her right hand, as if she had made up her mind, and her eyes became firm.

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